Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2601 | Purchase of Photocopy Paper A4 size | 26-04-2022 | 17-05-2022 |
(67.88 KB)
2602 | Purchase of Advance Bipolar and Ultrasonic Energy Generator - 15 Nos. for Surgery Block | 26-04-2022 | 12-05-2022 |
(93.36 KB)
2603 | Purchase of OT Table General Surgery with standard accessories | 26-04-2022 | 12-05-2022 |
(95.16 KB)
2604 | Patient Stretcher Trolley | 13-04-2022 | 04-05-2022 |
(96.69 KB)
2605 | portable ot light | 26-04-2022 | 17-05-2022 |
(80.85 KB)
2606 | Portable OT Light for National Centre of Ageing, AIIMS | 26-04-2022 | 17-05-2022 |
(80.85 KB)
2607 | Purchase of Rotary Microtome for the Department of Pathology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, (XX-03/SO(DO)/PATH/22-23/FSC-III)(Cpp portal ID 2022_AIMSD_684988_1 | 25-04-2022 | 02-06-2022 |
Dual block particle Cyclotron.pdf
(245.44 KB)
2608 | Purchase of Rotary Microtome for the Department of Pathology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, (XX-03/SO(DO)/PATH/22-23/FSC-III)(Cpp portal ID 2022_AIMSD_684988_1 | 25-04-2022 | 02-06-2022 |
Dual block particle Cyclotron.pdf
(245.44 KB)
2609 | Purchase of Dual Particle Cyclotron on Buy Back basis for the Department of Nuclear Medicine, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, (XX-02/SO(DO)/N.M./22-23/FSC-I)(Cpp portal ID 2022_AIMSD_683249_1 | 25-04-2022 | 16-06-2022 |
Dual block particle Cyclotron.pdf
(245.44 KB)
2610 | Procurement of 10x TBE buffer,Low EEO Agarose Powder,Ethidium Bomide 1gm,etc | 23-04-2022 | 14-05-2022 |
(65.68 KB)