Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2861 | Corrigendum-Purchase of Platelet Aggregometer for Department of Laboratory Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi. | 05-11-2015 | 27-11-2015 |
(10.58 KB)
2862 | Tenders are invited on behalf of Director, AIIMS, New Delhi for Online Examination (Computer Based Test) Conduct and Processing for various Examinations of the AIIMS, New Delhi(No.43-2/AIIMS/Exam.Sec./Online/2015-16) | 23-10-2015 | 19-11-2015 |
advtg for online_24_10_15.pdf
(66.52 KB)
2863 | Purchase of Laboratory Plastic ware, Glassware, General and Chemicals on rate contract basis for the Department of Laboratory Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi | 22-10-2015 | 06-11-2015 |
(2.15 MB)
2864 | Purchase of water purification system for Department of Laboratory Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi | 17-10-2015 | 06-11-2015 |
(1.78 MB)
2865 | Purchase of three part Haematology Cell Counter for Department of Laboratory Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi | 17-10-2015 | 06-11-2015 |
(1.11 MB)
2866 | Purchase of Platelet Aggregometer for Department of Laboratory Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi | 17-10-2015 | 27-11-2015 |
21-05.LM.AKM.2015-16 .pdf
(1.13 MB)
2867 | Purchase of Fully Automated Phlebotomy Tube Labeler (APTL) for Department of Laboratory Medicine, New Delhi | 17-10-2015 | 01-12-2015 |
(656.01 KB)
2868 | Mechanised & Automated Cleaning of P.C. & Teaching Block B.B.Dixit Library, CMET, JLN Auditorium and Admn. Block at AIIMS-Ground floor to 5th Floor, Convergence Block at AIIMS. | 23-03-2015 | 10-04-2015 |
(683.67 KB)
2869 | Sanitation & House Keeping services at CRHSP, PHCs Chhainsa & Dayalpur at Ballabhgarh.(No. Engg/EE(C)-II/Sanitation/2014-15) | 20-03-2015 | 10-04-2015 |
NIT BALLABGARH 20-3-15.pdf
(233.11 KB)
2870 | Corrigendum : Transforming AIIMS New Delhi Campus to Green Campus (F.No: Eg/Green AIIMS/2014-15 | 27-02-2015 | 11-03-2015 |
green campus AIIMS.pdf
(417.94 KB)