Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2421 | Purchase of Dry Bath Shaker (GeM Bid No.GeM/2022/B/2278974 Dt. 20.06.2022, End dt. 11.07.2022) for department of Cardiac Pathology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. | 24-06-2022 | 11-07-2022 |
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2422 | purchase of Rapid Infusion Pump for Surgery Block | 23-06-2022 | 14-07-2022 |
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2423 | Linen Transportation Trolley Ref No. GEM/2022/B/2261335 | 23-06-2022 | 05-07-2022 |
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2424 | To consider purchase of Gel Documentation System | 23-06-2022 | 29-07-2022 |
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2425 | Purchase of Fluid Warming Cabinet | 23-06-2022 | 14-07-2022 |
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2426 | Procurement of “TRANSFORM INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY (FTIR) – 01 No.” on Buy Back Basis | 23-06-2022 | 18-07-2022 |
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2427 | Purchase of DVT Pump-20Nos. (GeM Bid No.GeM/2022/B/2282739 Dt. 21.06.2022, Bid End date: 16.07.2022) for Neuro-Aneasthesiology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. | 22-06-2022 | 16-07-2022 | |
2428 | Purchase of Convective Air Patient Warmer System-02Nos. (GeM Bid No.GeM/2022/B/2282340 Dt. 21.06.2022, Bid End date: 15.07.2022) for Neuro-Aneasthesiology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. | 22-06-2022 | 15-07-2022 | |
2429 | Purchase of FNIRS Functional Near Infra Red Spectroscopy System– 01 No. for the Department of Psychiatry, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029,XX-68/SO(DO)/Psych/22-23/FSC-II(CPP Portal tender ID 2022_AIMSD_696419_1 | 23-06-2022 | 03-08-2022 | |
2430 | ICU Ventilator (Neonatal Pediatric) | 22-06-2022 | 15-07-2022 |
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