Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2371 | Purchase of temporary External Dual Chamber Pacemaker for department of CTVS, CNC, AIIMS vide Ref. Tender No. 158/CNC/CTVS/21-22/St. uploaded on CPPP. | 11-07-2022 | 16-08-2022 |
(164.96 KB)
2372 | Purchase of Ultrasonic/RF Energy-Based Cutting And Coagulation Device for department of CTVS, CNC, AIIMS vide Tender ref. No. 162/CNC/CTVS/21-22/St. uploaded on CPPP | 12-07-2022 | 16-08-2022 |
(164.96 KB)
2373 | Purchase of Platelet Agitator with Incubator-01No. (GeM Bid No.GeM/2022/B/2341586 Dt. 12.07.2022, Bid End date: 04.08.2022) (T.No.55/CNC/BB/2021-22/St.) for Blood Bank, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. | 12-07-2022 | 04-08-2022 |
(94.93 KB)
2374 | Purchase of Therapeutic Videobronchoscope– 01 No. for the Department of PCCSM, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029,XX-56/SO(DO)/PCCSM/22-23/FSC-III(CPP Portal tender ID 2022_AIMSD_700186_1 | 12-07-2022 | 25-08-2022 |
Therapeutic Videobronchoscope.pdf
(198.61 KB)
2375 | Purchase of Zoom Stereomicroscope with attached camera and monitor – 03 Nos. for the Department of Peadiatric. Surgery at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 ,XX-82/SO(DO)/Pead.Surg/22-23/FSC-III (GEM ID GEM/2022/B/2287333 | 12-07-2022 | 27-07-2022 |
(185.36 KB)
2376 | Purchase of Outsourcing hard copy printing job for PET/CT & other Gama Cameras for the department of Nuclear Medicine, AIIMS New Delhi on the Rate Contract one Year basis | 12-07-2022 | 24-08-2022 |
(185.36 KB)
2377 | Purchase of PET &Cyclotron chemical for the department of Nuclear Medicine,AIIMS New Delhi on the Rate Contract one Year basis | 12-07-2022 | 24-08-2022 |
(183.71 KB)
2378 | Purchase of PET & Cyclotron Chemical for the Department of Nuclear Medicine, AIIMS New Delhi, on one year Rate Contract basis | 12-07-2022 | - |
pet and cyclotron.pdf
(184.45 KB)
2379 | Purchase of Cough Assist Device-03Nos. (GeM Bid No.GeM/2022/B//2334525 dT.09.07.22. End Dt. 02.08.2022) T. No.24/CNC/NA/2022-23/St, for the department of Neuro-Aneasthesiology, CNC, AIIMS New Delhi-29. | 09-07-2022 | 02-08-2022 |
(99.56 KB)
2380 | Purchase of High End Duplex Ultrasound Colour Doppler System-01No. (On turnkey & but-back basis) (GeM Bid No.GEM/2022/B/2334405 dT.09.07.22. Pre-bid meeting is on 22.07.2022 at 11.00 a.m. and End for uploading of bid: 11.08.2022) for the department of CR&EI (Cardiac Radiology), CNC, AIIMS New Delhi-29. | 09-07-2022 | 11-08-2022 |
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