Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2261 | Purchase of Defibrillator with External pacing-08 Nos. for Department of CTVS, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2022/B/2446110 Dated 17.08.2022 End Dt.17.09.2022) Tender No.60/CNC/CTVS/2022-23/St. | 17-08-2022 | 17-09-2022 |
(101.1 KB)
2262 | Purchase of Automated Cell Counter – 02 Nos. for the Department of Biochemistry, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029,XX-106/SO(DO)/Biochem/22-23/FSC-III(CPP Portal tender ID 2022_AIMSD_707127_1 | 17-08-2022 | - |
Automated Cell Counter.pdf
(280.33 KB)
2263 | Purchase of Instrument set for metal exit of orthopedics implants. | 17-08-2022 | 07-09-2022 |
(67.93 KB)
2264 | Purchase of Instrument set for metal exit of orthopedics implants | 17-08-2022 | 07-09-2022 |
(80.53 KB)
2265 | Purchase of Trans Oesophageal Echo Cardiograph for National Centre of Ageing | 16-08-2022 | 15-09-2022 |
(960.68 KB)
2266 | Purchase of Infant Warmers 10 Nos.” for Department of CTVS, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.No.GEM/2022/B/2442820 Dated 16.08.2022 End Dt.15.09.2022) Tender No.52/CNC/CTVS/2022-23/St.) | 16-08-2022 | 15-09-2022 |
(93.19 KB)
2267 | Purchase of Infant Warmers 10 Nos.” for Department of CTVS, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.No.GEM/2022/B/2442820 Dated 16.08.2022 End Dt.15.09.2022) Tender No.52/CNC/CTVS/2022-23/St.) | 16-08-2022 | 15-09-2022 |
(93.19 KB)
2268 | Purchase of Syringe Infusion Pumps 100 Nos. for Department of CTVS, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2022/B/2442643 Dated 16.08.2022 End Dt.15.09.2022) Tender No.61/CNC/CTVS/2022-23/St. | 16-08-2022 | 15-09-2022 |
(77.86 KB)
2269 | Purchase of Fibreoptic Bronchoscope Probes (Adult, Paediatric, Neonatal -01 Set. for Department of CTVS, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2022/B/2442276 Dated 16.08.2022 End Dt.15.09.2022) Tender No.58/CNC/CTVS/2022-2023/St | 16-08-2022 | 15-09-2022 |
(99.11 KB)
2270 | Procurement of Single Tubing Size 3/8 - 530Nos. for 01 Year with Staggered Delivery | 16-08-2022 | 06-09-2022 |
3-8 Single Tubing GeM-Bidding-3685611.pdf
(62.61 KB)