Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
2061 | Information regarding purchasing of Cordless Surgical LED Head Light through GeM portal bid no. GEM/2022/B/2609199 Dt. 06/10/22 (Tender no. XX-144/SO(DO)/ENT/2022-23/FSC-III) for Deptt. of ENT, at AIIMS, New Delhi | 06-10-2022 | 05-11-2022 |
(67.29 KB)
2062 | Purchase of Disposable Syringe with Needle, 2ml Ref. No. GEM/2022/B/2605278 | 04-10-2022 | 25-10-2022 |
(67.29 KB)
2063 | Information regarding purchasing of Ultrasound Sonicator through GeM portal bid no. GEM/2022/B/2603787 Dt. 04/10/22 (Tender no. XX-23/SO(DO)/Biotechnology/2022-23/FSC-III) for Deptt. of Biotechnology, at AIIMS, New Delhi | 04-10-2022 | 02-11-2022 |
GeM Bid GEM2022B 2603787.pdf
(88.69 KB)
2064 | Purchase of Ultra violet visible spectrophotometer – 25 Nos. for entire AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 XX-113/SO(DO)/Common/Ultra violet visible spectro photometer /22-23/FSC (cpp portal tender ID (2022_AIMSD_716064_1) | 04-10-2022 | 11-11-2022 |
4K Laparoscopy Imagine System.pdf
(279.24 KB)
2065 | Purchase of Multiparametric Cardiac Monitor – 08 Nos. for the Department of Urology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.XX-18/SO(DO)/Uro/22-23/FSC-I(CPP Portal tender ID 2022_AIMSD_716158_1 | 04-10-2022 | 15-11-2022 |
4K Laparoscopy Imagine System.pdf
(279.24 KB)
2066 | Purchase of 4K Laparoscopy Imagine System – 02 Nos. for the Department of Urology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.XX-19/SO(DO)/Uro/22-23/FSC-I(CPP Portal tender ID 2022_AIMSD_716169_1 | 04-10-2022 | 15-11-2022 |
4K Laparoscopy Imagine System.pdf
(279.24 KB)
2067 | Purchase of Ventury Medical Oxygen Mask (Q2) Ref. No. GeM/2022/B/2596270 | 04-10-2022 | 24-10-2022 |
(65.41 KB)
2068 | Purchase of Disposable Syringes as per IS: 10258 & IS: 10258 (Q4) Ref. No. GeM/2022/B/2596054 | 04-10-2022 | 24-10-2022 |
(67.28 KB)
2069 | GTEPaediatricMedicine | 03-10-2022 | 15-10-2022 |
(1020.7 KB)
2070 | Purchase of Gel Documentation system – 04 No. for entire AIIMS, New Delhi-110029 XX-114/SO(DO)/Common/Gel Documentation system/22-23/FSC (cpp portal tender ID (2022_AIMSD_715642_1) | 03-10-2022 | 11-11-2022 |
Automatic Bronchoscope Cleaning Equipment.pdf
(280.15 KB)