Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1571 | Flowcytometer (analyzer) with three lasers, 10 colour and 12 parameters | 31-03-2023 | 28-04-2023 |
(358.95 KB)
1572 | Purchase of EEG Headset System – 01 No. for the Department of Aneasthesiology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.XX-71/SO(DO)/Aneast/22-23/FSC-III(CPP Portal tender ID 2023_AIMSD_747813_1 | 01-04-2023 | 24-04-2023 |
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis System.pdf
(278.33 KB)
1573 | Purchase of Agarose Gel Electrophoresis System – 01 No. for the Department of PCCSM, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.XX-247/SO(DO)/PCCSM/22-23/FSC-III(CPP Portal tender ID 2023_AIMSD_747790_2 | 01-04-2023 | 24-04-2023 |
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis System.pdf
(278.33 KB)
1574 | Purchase of Ultrasonic Coagulation and Cutting System with Accessories – 02 Units for the Department of Urology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.XX-264/SO(DO)/Uro/22-23/M&E(CPP Portal tender ID 2023_AIMSD_747684_1 | 31-03-2023 | 24-04-2023 | |
1575 | Purchase of TOF Monitor System for Burns & Plastic Surgery Block, AIIMS, New Delhi (Tender Ref. No. CPPP: 2023_AIMSD_746907_1) | 31-03-2023 | 27-04-2023 |
(136.3 KB)
1576 | Purchase of Vacuum Assisted Tissue Processor – 01 No. for the Department of Pathology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.XX-263/SO(DO)/Path/22-23/M&E(CPP Portal tender ID 2023_AIMSD_747358_1 | 29-03-2023 | 24-04-2023 |
Vacuum Assisted Tissue Processor.pdf
(278.92 KB)
1577 | Purchase of Portable Point of Care Troponin & Cardiac Biomarker Reader – 02 Nos. for the Department of PCCSM, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.XX-245/SO(DO)/PCCSM/22-23/FSC-III(CPP Portal tender ID 2023_AIMSD_747377_1 | 29-03-2023 | 24-04-2023 | |
1578 | Replacement of 27 batteries (26AH 12V) of UPS 10KVA. Qty - 27 Nos. of batteries. | 29-03-2023 | 04-04-2023 |
(184.91 KB)
1579 | Purchase of Advance Multiparameter Monitor with Integrated Automated Charting System Upgradable for ICU Monitoring System (on Buy back basis) at JPNA Trauma Centre AIIMS | 28-03-2023 | 08-05-2023 |
(777.29 KB)
1580 | Computer for computational work, making presentations, running calculations, Scientists | 28-03-2023 | - |
(1.88 MB)