Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1491 | Purchase of PCA Pump-02Nos. for Department of Neuro-Anaesthesia, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/3424078 Dated 08.05.2023 End Dt.31.05.2023) Tender No.187/CNC/NA/2022-23/St. | 13-05-2023 | 31-05-2023 |
(117.95 KB)
1492 | Purchase of Pupilometer-01No. for Department of Neuro-Anaesthesia, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/3426033 Dated 10.05.2023 End Dt. 31.05.2023) Tender No.195/CNC/NA/2022-23/St. | 13-05-2023 | 31-05-2023 |
(120.51 KB)
1493 | Purchase of Plagiarism Check Software for Medical Literature for B.B. Dikshit Library, AIIMS, New Delhi –(Qty. 01 No.) Through GeM portal BID NO. GEM/2023/B/3427627 | 12-05-2023 | 26-06-2023 |
antiplagiarism softwalre final bid.pdf
(99.79 KB)
1494 | Procurement of 3T Digital PET/MR on Turn key basis | 12-05-2023 | 08-06-2023 |
antimicrobial dressing updated.pdf
(147.5 KB)
1495 | Purchase of the Advanced Wound Care Dressings GEM/2023/B/3420213 | 09-05-2023 | 30-05-2023 |
antimicrobial dressing updated.pdf
(147.5 KB)
1496 | Procurement of the Advanced Wound Care Dressings GEM/2023/B/3420213 | 09-05-2023 | 30-05-2023 |
antimicrobial dressing updated.pdf
(147.5 KB)
1497 | Procurement of ANTIMICROBIAL DRESSING GEM/2023/B/3425515 | 09-05-2023 | 30-05-2023 |
antimicrobial dressing updated.pdf
(147.5 KB)
1498 | Purchase of Portable Flexible Video Bronchoscope /Intubation Endoscope – 01 No | 10-05-2023 | 07-06-2023 |
(1.42 MB)
1499 | Procurement of Thyroid Uptake System On Buy Back Basic GEM/2023/B/3419840 | 08-05-2023 | 29-05-2023 |
(113.68 KB)
1500 | Procurement of Cap.Nitisinone 10mg,5mg and Tyros-1 diet, Ref no. 90/H/Cap.Nitisinone 10mg,5mg and Tyros-1 diet/LTE/2023-24 | 08-05-2023 | 20-05-2023 |
(277.7 KB)