Raman Deep
Additional Professor
Department of
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Areas of teaching
Clinical, teaching and research experience working in various positions as follows:
- 2015 onwards- Associate Professor Dept of Psychiatry, AIIMS
- 2012 (May)- Assistant Professor , Dept of Psychiatry, AIIMS
- 2010- 2012: Pool Officer (Senior Research Associate). Department of Psychiatry, A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi, India. [with CSIR support for my research work on Endophenotypes of Bipolar disorder patients and at-risk relatives] (Jan 2010-May 2012)
- 2009-2010 Senior Research Officer (W.H.O. supported project) Department of Psychiatry, A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi, India. ( May-June 2009 & Sep 2009 to Jan 2010)
- 2006-09: Senior Resident , Department of Psychiatry, A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi.
- 2002-05: M.D. Resident, Department of Psychiatry, A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi
Awards & Honours:
Tilak Venkoba Rao Award | Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) for the year 2017 (theme of work: bipolar disorders) |
M.A.M.S. | Selected for award ofMembership of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Scroll presented at 52nd annual conference held at Chennai, Oct 2012 |
RAFELSEN’S YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD | Awarded by International College of Neuropsycho- pharmacology (CINP), CINP Thematic Meeting, Salzburg, Austria, April 1-3, 2011 |
Dr B.B.SETHI AWARD-II (Best poster presentation) | Indian Association of Social Psychiatry (I.A.S.P.) at Annual National Conference IASP, Nov 19-21, 2010 |
DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (DST) Travel Fellowship | For attendance &paper presentation at 14th Pacific Rim College of Psychiatry Conference, Brisbane, Australia, Oct 29-31, 2010 |
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION’S TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP AWARD | For attendance and paper presentation at International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease & related dementias (ICAD), Honolulu, Hawaii, July 9-15, 2009 |
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION’S TRAVEL FELLOWSHIP AWARD | For attendance and paper presentation at International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease & related dementias (ICAD), Madrid, Spain, July 15-20, 2006 |
MEDAL for standing first in Social and preventive medicine (S.P.M.), 2nd prof, MBBS , Govt medical college, Patiala; MBBS | |
Others (As Co-author):
Posts, memberships and fellowships
Served as Associate Editor of Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour (JMHHB), Official Journal of Indian Psychiatric Society, North Zone. (w.e.f. Oct 2010-Oct 2018)
Memberships of professional societies/associations:
American Psychiatric Association (APA)
International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology (IFPE)
International Society for Neuro-imaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP)
International Society For Bipolar Disorders (ISBD)
Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists (PRCP)
Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS), Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone
Indian Association of Social Psychiatry (IASP)
Indian Association for Biological Psychiatry (IABP)
National Academy of Medical Sciences (N.A.M.S.)
Peer reviewer for several indexed journals
Presentations or published abstracts from scientific meetings/ conferences/ workshops (as presenting author or coauthor):
- Pattanayak RD. Neurological understanding. In: Symposium titled ‘Reading disorder (dyslexia): Current status.’ 66th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS), Pune, Jan 16-19, 2014. (Symposium) Published abstract- Rajesh Sagar, Pattanayak RD, Pawan Sharma, Anamika Sahu. Reading disorder (dyslexia): Current status. Indian J Psychiatry 2014; 56: s13 .
- RD Pattanayak, Sudhir K Khandelwal. Introduction to Psychopathology. Indian Psychiatric Society North Zone : PG Development Programme (PGDP), July 26, 2014, Conference hall, Golden Huts, Delhi Jaipur Highway, District Gurgaon, Haryana
- Quraishi R, Pattanayak RD, Jain R. Biochemical and Haematological Profile of Inhalant users seeking treatment at a tertiary care centre in India, 65th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society, Bangalore, Jan 10-13, 2013
- Chatterjee B, Sagar R, Pattanayak RD, Goyal P. Sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with Bipolar disorder-I visiting a tertiary care centre in India. 13th Congress of Asean Federation of Psychiatry & Mental Health, Singapore; Nov 16-17, 2012
- Chatterjee B, Sagar R, Pattanayak RD, Goyal P. Impact of age at onset on course of Bipolar Disorder - I: A comparative study of early-onset versus adult-onset illness from India, 13th Congress of Asean Federation of Psychiatry & Mental Health, Singapore, Nov 16-17, 2012 (best poster award)
- Quraishi R, Pattanayak RD, Jain R, Dhawan A. Profile of inhalant users seeking treatment at a tertiary care centre in India. 39th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists, New Delhi, Feb 17-20, 2013
- Pattanayak RD, Lal R. Substance Use in Elderly population. 5th National Conference of Psychiatrists Association of Nepal. Pokhara, Nepal, April 12-13, 2013
- Mandal P, Dhawan A, Bhargava R, Pattanayak RD, Sharma P. A retrospective study of factors associated with management of adolescent substance abuse. 7th Congress of Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Allied Professions and 12th Biennial Conference of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, New Delhi, India, Sep 25-28, 2013.
- Sahu A, Chatterjee B, Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Mehta M. Assessment of cognitive functions in euthymic state in type-I bipolar disorder: A three months follow up study. 38th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone, New Delhi, Oct 26-27, 2013
- Gupta P, Dhawan A, Pattanayak RD, Bhargava R, Mandal P. Optic neuropathy associated with glue sniffing: A case report. XX National Conference of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry, Calcutta, Nov 8-10, 2013
- Gupta A, Dhawan A, Bhargava R, Pattanayak RD, Patil V. A case report of petrol dependence with comorbid ADHD : Is there a bidirectional relationship? 66th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS), Pune, Jan 16-19, 2014. Indian J Psychiatry 2014; 56: S21 .
- Jain S, Dhawan A, Kumaran SS, Jain R, RD Pattanayak. Cue-induced craving in adolescent inhalant users : Development and validation of a Cue Pictures Paradigm.” presented in September, 2014 at First Global Conference of Biological Psychiatry, New Delhi, India.
- Pal A, Parmar A, Pattanayak RD. An unusual case of Impulse Control Disorder with self-hitting & self induced burns- A Nosological & Phenomenological Perspective. presented in September, 2014 at First Global Conference of Biological Psychiatry, New Delhi, India.
- Pal A, Patnaik P, Pattanayak RD. A review of Indian studies on 'Yoga' for mental health: methodological aspects and scope for future. Conference on Stress Reduction Skills: Scientific Update on 30th and 31st August 2014, SSGDMA and Dept of Psychiatry, AIIMS at IIT Auditorium, New Delhi. Page 120, book of abstracts (Best poster award)
- Gupta R, Bhargava R, Pattanayak RD. Stress management in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia: A review. Conference on Stress Reduction Skills: Scientific Update on 30th and 31st August 2014, SSGDMA and Dept of Psychiatry, AIIMS at IIT Auditorium, New Delhi.abstractbook, pp 119,
- Kumar A, Ranjan R, Pattanayak RD, Dhawan A. Anabolic-androgenic steroid dependence : A case report. September, 2014 at First Global Conference of Biological Psychiatry, New Delhi, India.
- · Raman Deep, Jena R, Tripathi M, Khandelwal, SK. Burden of care in Alzheimer’s disease and its relationship to coping: An Indian experience. Alzheimer’s and dementia.(Abstract)2006, 2(3s), 569
- · Raman Deep, Jena R, Tripathi M, Khandelwal, SK. Exploring the Gender Differences in Quality of Life of Indian Dementia Caregivers Alzheimer’s and dementia (abstract) 2010, 6 (4s), 330.
- Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Mehta M. Clinical profile of early onset non affective psychosis patients (≤16 years) presenting at a tertiary care centre (abstract), proceedings of the International conference on Schizophrenia, ICONS, SCARF, 2010
- · Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Mehta M. Comparison of Psychosocial functioning, Working memory and Response Inhibition in the euthymic bipolar disorder-I subjects and matched health controls: A Study from India, Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 2010; 2: A1–A24
- Khandelwal SK, Pattanayak RD. Burden and Quality of Life in caregivers of dementia patients, Abstract published in proceedings of 35th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone, Ludhiana, Oct 23-24, 2010
- Pattanayak RD, Sagar R. Perceptions related to family risk of bipolar disorder: An exploratory study of patients and family members from India (abstract), proceedings of the National Conference of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry, Nov 2010 (Received the Dr BB Sethi award-II for best poster)
- Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Jain R. Knowledge and attitude towards the perceived health risks of tobacco among patients with bipolar disorder and nicotine dependence, Indian J Psychiatry, Jan 2011, s97
- Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Mehta M. Neuropsychological performance in unaffected first degree relatives of patients with Bipolar Disorder type–I and matched health controls, Indian J psychiatry, Jan 2011, s36
- Pattanayak RD, Jain R. Compliance of Prescribed Dextroporpoxyphene in opioid dependent patients: Role of urine testing, Indian J Psychiatry, Jan 2011, s95
- Pattanayak SK, Pattanayak RD. A case report of eight years of manic episode with two years follow up in euthymia: Is hypothyroidism to be blamed?, Indian J psychiatry, Jan 2011, s91
- Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Mehta M. Assessment of neuropsychological performance in the Euthymic Bipolar disorder patients on a mood stabilizer versus mood stabilizer plus antipsychotic: Are they different? Proceedings of International Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology CINP Thematic meeting, Salzburg, Austria, April, 2011
- Sagar R, Pattanayak RD. Epidemiology of Psychiatric Disorders: Reflections from Indian Research. (John Wing memorial scientific session/symposium). Published in Abstract book of XIII International Congress of IFPE-International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Taiwan, April 2011
- Jain R, Pattanayak RD. Pattern of urinalysis results for patients prescribed with dextropropoxyphene in opioid dependent subjects: Do patients really comply? Published in Abstract book/Proceedings of National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) International forum, Florida, U.S, June 2011
- Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Mehta M. Neuropsychological performance in euthymic Indian patients with Bipolar disorder- type I: Relationship to quality of life and global functioning. Bipolar disorders, 13(suppl 1), 77
- Sagar R, Pattanayak RD. Indian Lunacy Act 1912 to Mental Health Care Act 2012: Are we going in the right direction, Abstract published in proceedings of 36th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone, Rohtak, Sep 24-25, 2011
- Pattanayak RD, Sagar R, Mehta M. Neuropsychological performance in euthymic Indian patients with Bipolar disorder. Abstract published in ICANS Meeting proceedings, Florence, Italy, July 7, 2011
- Jain R, Quraishi R, Pattanayak RD. Effect of age on the biochemical parameters of alcohol dependent patients visiting a tertiary care treatment centre in India: A pilot study. Abstract published in the abstract book, 3rd International Conference on Current Trends in Forensic Sciences held at Jaipur, Feb 3-5, 2012
- Quraishi R, Jain R, Pattanayak RD. Laboratory Profile of current Injecting Drug Users seeking treatment at a tertiary care centre in India. Abstract published in the abstract book, 3rd International Conference on Current Trends in Forensic Sciences held at Jaipur, Feb 3-5, 2012
- V Choudhary, RD Pattanayak, Rajesh Sagar. A Qualitative Study on Caregiver's Burden, Experiences and Unmet Needs of Parents having Children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), 22nd World congress of International association for child and adolescent pscychiatry and allied professions, IACAPAP, 2016, Sep 18-22, 2016, Calgary, Canada
- Shobhit Jain, Ashish Pakhare, RD Pattanayak, Anju Dhawan. Should Drugs Be Criminalized?, 22nd World congress for social psychiatry, World Association of Social Psychiatry, WASP 2016,30 Nov-Dec4, 2016, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, New Delhi, India
- Nishtha Chawla, RD Pattanayak, Ajay Garg, Sudhir K Khandelwal. A review of the Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Studies on Auditory Hallucinations in patients with Schizophrenia.72nd Scientific Meeting of Society of Biological Psychiatry; May 18-20, 2017 Hotel Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, USA (accepted)
- Bigya Shah, Ananya Mahapatra, RD Pattanayak. Migrants and mental disorder in South Asian countries: A case-based discussion and brief review of literature , 22nd World congress for social psychiatry, World Association of Social Psychiatry, WASP 2016; 30 Nov-Dec4, 2016, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, India
- Kuppili Pooja Patnaik, RD Pattanayak ,Rajesh Sagar ,Manju Mehta ,Vivekanandhan S. Potential nutritional and hormonal biomarkers in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder presenting to a tertiary care centre in India. 22nd World congress of International association for child and adolescent pscychiatry and allied professions, IACAPAP, 2016, Sep 18-22, 2016; Calgary, Canada
- RD Pattanayak. Social psychiatry in relation to Biological psychiatry: Cut, Contrast or Complement? . In: Symposium title: Social Psychiatry amidst biological psychiatry (Dusad Ram, Kishor Rao, RD Pattanayak), 22nd World congress for social psychiatry, World Association of Social Psychiatry, WASP 2016; Dec4, 2016, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, India
- RD Pattanayak. Unexpected political events and tyranny: Impact on mental health. In: Symposium title: Impact of global events on society and mental health (Nitin Gupta, RD Pattanayak, Jitender Aneja) , National Conference, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry NCIASP, Dec 4, 2016, Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, India
- RD Pattanayak. Prevention of depressive disorders (including suicide) and anxiety disorders . In: Workshop on preventive psychiatry (Mamta Sood, RD Pattanayak, Rohit Verma, KS Deb) National CME on preventive psychiatry Sep 11, 2016; AIIMS Conference hall, near JLN Auditorium 1st floor, New Delhi, India
- Pandey A, Kumar S, Pattanayak RD, Khandelwal SK, Bhattacharya D, Bhargava R. Internet Gaming Disorder in a follow-up, Lithium-stabilized patient with Bipolar Disorder: Role of Sub-syndromal depressive symptoms as a culprit. 18th conference of International Society for Bipolar Disorders jointly organized with 8th International society of Affective Disorders, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Mangla S, Pattanayak RD. Episodic OCD presenting as a compulsive “need to beg " in bipolar disorder-I : A 1-year follow up and brief review. 18th conference of International Society for Bipolar Disorders jointly organized with 8th International society of Affective Disorders, July 13-16, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Dhawan A ,Chopra A, RD Pattanayak . Substance Use in Children and Adolescents: implications for Treatment. Poster presentation in 16th World Congress of Tobacco or Health (WCTOH) held from 17th to 21st March,2015 at Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Chawla N, Yadav P, Pattanayak RD, Khandelwal SK. Delirious Mania - A Case Report and Brief Review. WPA Regional Congress, Kochi Sep 25-27, 2015
- Pattanaik P, Sagar R, Pattanayak RD, Vivekanandhan S. Serum Thyroxine – A potential biomarker for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children Global Healthcare Summit 2016: Research Paper Competition organized by AIIMS, New Delhi & American association of Physicians of Indian origin, Dec 29, 2015, AIIMS, New Delhi
- Dhawan A, Chopra C, Pattanayak RD. Substance use initiation and help seeking by adolescent girls - evidence for health care provision, ISAM, 2015.
- Kuppili PP, Chawla N, Pattanayak RD. Auditory hallucinations in the context of hearing impairment: Critical analysis and review of literature. Presented poster at WPA regional congress, Kochi , 25-27 September 2015
- Sharma P, Sagar R, Pattanayak RD, Mehta M, Vivekanandhan S . Assessment of Reading Problems and ADHD traits in Parents of Children with Specific Reading Disorder. 4th leadership and professional skill workshop for early career psychiatrist at NIMHANS. (14th to 16th Jan 2016)
- Chawla N, Gupta R, Mahapatra A, Pattanayak RD, SK Khandelwal. Geriatric Mental health services: Miles to go before we reach. Subharti Medical College, Meerut, 2016 (poster award)
- Chawla N, Kumar S, Pattanayak RD. Risperidone induced pica: A case report, ANCIPS, 21-24 Jan 2016.
- Jain S, Bhargava R, Dhawan A, Pattanayak RD. Early onset illicit (heroin) substance use with comorbid conduct disorder: Management issues and challenges. ANCIPS, 21-24 Jan 2016.
- Jain S, Dhawan A, Kumaran SS, Jain R, Pattanayak RD. Development and Validation of Inhalant Cue Pictures Paradigm. ANCIPS, 21-24 Jan 2016
- Jain S, Dhawan A, Kumaran SS, Jain R, Pattanayak RD.Cue induced craving in adolescent substance users: a fMRI study. 23rd annual meeting, 30 May-5 June ISMRM, 2015, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
- Mahapatra A, Gupta R, Pattanayak RD, Khandelwal SK.Risk of venous thromboembolism with antipsychotic drug treatment: A review and update. Indian Journal of Psychiatry., 2015; 57: 137
- Pattanayak RD. Peripheral markers of Bipolar Disorder. In: Symposium titled ‘Biomarkers of Bipolar disorder: A critical appraisal, challenges and future directions.’ 69th Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS), Raipur, Jan 5-8, 2017. (Symposium) Published abstract- Rajesh Sagar, Pattanayak RD, Ananya Mahapatra. Biomarkers of Bipolar disorder: A critical appraisal, challenges and future directions. Indian J Psychiatry 2017; 59(2): s163
- Pakhre A, Khandelwal SK, Pattanayak RD, Nehra A, Ammini AC. Assessment of cognitive functioning in prediabetes, diabetes and healthy controls. Indian J Psychiatry 2017; 59(2): s190
- Pattanayak RD, Singh S, Kumar S, Khandelwal SK. Profile of patients presenting with psychiatric emergencies at a tertiary care centre in india over a one year period. Indian J Psychiatry 2017; 59(2): s224
- Rajhans P, Narasimhamurthy NK, Pattanayak RD. Ultra rapid cycling bipolar disorder and its management. Indian J Psychiatry 2017; 59(2): s230
- Rajhans P, Shakya P, Gautam N, Pattanayak RD. Successful management of lithium induced polyuria. Indian J Psychiatry 2017; 59(2): s230
Investigator/ co-investigator in non-funded projects along with year and title ongoing
Principal Investigator:
- Assessment of knowledge, attitude and medication adherence pertaining to lithium prophylatic therapy in patients with bipolar disorder: relationship to clinical variables (2017-2018) (Raman Deep, Saurabh Kumar, Swarndeep Singh)
- Prevalence and Predictors of Family accommodation in adult Indian patients with OCD (Ananya Mahapatra , RD Pattanayak, SK Khandelwal); 2015-16 )
- Assessment of cognitive functioning in Diabetes and Pre-diabetes; MD thesis, Dept of Psychiatry [Candidate: Ashish Pakhre, Chief Guide: Prof SK Khandelwal]
- Cue-induced craving in adolescent inhalant users: An f MRI study. MD thesis, Dept of Psychiatry [Candidate: Shobhit Jain, Chief Guide: Prof Anju Dhawan]
- Family and genetic study of Specific Reading Disorders (dyslexia) [Candidate: Pawan Sharma, Chief Guide: Prof R Sagar]
- Clinical profile and peripheral biomarkers in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [ Candidate: Pooja Patnaik, Chief Guide: Prof R Sagar]
- Assessment of White matter integrity through DTI in schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations [Candidate: Dr Nishtha Chawla; Chief guide: Prof SK Khandelwal)
Thesis supervised for MD
- As Chief Guide MD thesis (number only): 01 (completed) , 02 (ongoing)
- As Co-guide MD thesis (number only) : 06
- As Co-guide MSc Nursing - as coguide: 03
- Raman Deep. Suicide and violence in Young people. Public lecture on 'Young people and Mental Health in changing world' , Oct 9, 2018, JLN Auditorium, AIIMS, New Delhi
- Legal & Human Right issues associated with Violence in Psychiatry" Centenary celebrations: CME on" Violence in clinical psychaitry" 27th Feb 2016, LHMC, New Delhi
- Cognitive impairments in old age. World Mental Health Day, 2013, World Mental Health Week, October 2013; In: Public Health Symposium on Mental Health and older Adults, 10 October 2013, Dr Ramalingaswami Board Room, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
- Psychiatric aspects of Violence: An Introduction . IIC Public lecture and Panel discussion-Violence: An obsession of our times. January 15, 2016, IIC India International Centre, New Delhi
- Burden of Caregiving in Chronic Severe Psychiatric Disorders; Lady Sri Ram College, Guest lecture, Annual day LSR, March 17, 2016
- Rhinoplasty: Difficulty and Revision Cases (Psychological and psychiatric issues: RD Pattanayak), 2nd Facial Plastics & Rhinoplasty Workshop , 22nd April 2016, AIIMS , New Delhi
- Addressing issues of the Persons with disabilities:
Focus on disability due to mental disorders. Seminar on 'From Judging to Justicing' Oct 14-15, 2016 & Nov 4-5, 2016; 2nd floor, seminar hall, sec 14, Delhi Judicial Academy (DJA) ,Dwarka, New Delhi, India