OPD Appointment

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ORBO Donor Pledge Form

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

Emergency Dashboard

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

अभिगम्यता नियंत्रण

Residency,Fellowships, CME


In developing countries like India, where there is a shortage of both basic doctors and specialists, medical education stands at cross roads. It seems inescapable that our medical education policy has to be oriented towards production of a basic doctor, a specialist and superspecialist. Recognising the dearth of ophthalmologists, training of paramedical personnel to help them is very essential. The teaching programme of the Centre is aimed as follows:

  • Post Graduate Teaching

    Post Graduates are given intensive training for a period of 3 years as resident doctors. Admission to postgraduation course is done every 6 months and in all 24 students admitted per year. The teaching programme includes lectures, case conferences, symposia, journal clubs and demonstrations. Post-graduate teaching is updated from time to time. The teaching schedule includes the recent developments and newer trends in various fields of ophthalmology. Both the basic sciences and clinical courses are spread over three years. The post graduates are attached with consultants so that they can be given personal attention. They are given training in general ophthalmology and in various subspecialities including microsurgery. They are taught to do all types of surgery and are also given experience in community ophthalmology especially during eye camps. Emphasis is given on proper understanding of their role in the National Programme for Control of Blindness. The residents at the completion of their training have a very strong theoretical as well as practical background to provide all types of ophthalmic services. They are also capable of undertaking independent research work and teaching of undergraduate students. The passed out students are holding responsible teaching and non-teaching positions not only in India but also abroad. Some sponsored candidates from other countries had post-graduate training at this Centre.

  • Undergraduate Teaching

    The undergraduate students are taught ophthalmic examination along with investigations, diagnosis and management of common eye disorders. They are made familiar with prevalence of blindness, preventive and rehabilitative measures available and their role in the National Programme for Control of Blindness. The teaching programme includes lectures, seminars, clinical work, field work and tutorials with the following objectives:

    • To be able to examine and write case histories of common ocular disorders in the OPD.
    • To be able to write histories, do clinical examinations, perform routine investigations, pre and post operative follow-up during the ward posting and submit detailed case histories.
    • To be able to detect common visual defects and common eye diseases in their early stages.
    • To be able to define and illustrate general principles of ophthalmic care.
    • To be able to identify ocular emergencies and give first aid as well as choose proper referrals to specialists.
    • To be able to perform common day to day investigations like I.0. P. recording, fundoscopy etc. and to be able to undertake minor surgical procedures like subconjunctival injections, chalazion etc.
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Ophthalmic Technique

    This course is of 3 years duration.The objectives of the course are (i) to achieve general understanding of human biology and basic medical sciences related to ophthalmology, (ii) to enable candidates to work under the supervision of an ophthalmologist in hospitals, clinics and community, in order to help in the execution of integrated approach of promotive, preventive, diagnostic, curative and rehabilitative aspects of ophthalmic care, (iv) to be able to carry out refraction work including contact lenses, (v) to be able to assess disorders of ocular motility and visual functions, give orthoptic and pleoptic exercises. The teaching exercises include lectures, seminars, demonstrations and postings in operation theatres mobile eye camps and various investigative labs. Admission to this course is done yearly and about 24 students are admitted.

  • Continuing Medical Education Programme
  • Post Doctoral Workshops

    This Centre has so far held 101 workshops in which specialists from all over the country have participated. Various specialities in which workshops were held include eye bank and corneal grafting, ophthalmo-plastic surgery, glaucoma, contact lens, neuro ophthalmology, retina, ocular motility and amblyopia (squint), ocular pathology, lens uvea, ocular trauma, paediatric ophthalmology, medical ophthalmology and phacoemulsification.

    A large number of National level workshops and seminars under the auspices of W.H.O., I.C.M.R. and Ministry of Health have been conducted.

  • Post-doctoral short and long term trainees

    A large number of ophthalmologists from India and abroad have been trained under this programme. During 2000, 22 short term trainees visited the Centre.