1 | Agarwal H, Sebastian LJD, Gaikwad SB, Ajay Garg, Nalini K Mishra: Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation—clinical and angiographic spectrum with management perspective: an institutional experience J NeuroIntervent Surg 2016;0:1–6 | 2016 |
2 | Kakkar A, Baghmar S, Garg A, Suri V, Raina V, Sarkar C, Sharma MC. Recurrent rhabdoid meningioma with lymph node, pulmonary and bone metastases: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Brain Tumor Pathol 2016, Feb 13. | 2016 |
3 | Malhotra V, Chandra SP, Dash D, Garg A, Tripathi M, Bal CS, Tripathi M. A screening tool to identify surgical candidates with drug refractory epilepsy in a resource limited settings. Epilepsy Res 2016, Mar;121:14-20. | 2016 |
4 | Vivek Shete , Amandeep Kumar, Leve Joseph Devarajan, Bhawani S. Sharma- Delayed appearance and rupture of a post-traumatic supraclinoid aneurysm in a 2-year-old child. Neurology India / January 2015/ Volume 63/ 112-114. | 2015 |
5 | Deepa Dash, Kameshwar Prasad, Leve Joseph: Cerebral venous thrombosis: An Indian perspective. Neurology India / May 2015/ Volume 63/ 318-328 | 2015 |
6 | Himanshu Agarwal, Leve Joseph Devarajan Sebastian, Shailesh B Gaikwad, Ajay Garg, And Nalini Kant Mishra: Spinal cord involvement and contrast enhancement in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. BJR Case Rep 2015; 1: 20150326 | 2015 |
7 | Sahoo SS, Suri A, Bansal S, Devarajan SL, Sharma BS. Outcome of revascularization in moya-moya disease: Evaluation of a new angiographic scoring system. Asian J Neurosurg 2015;10:252‑9. | 2015 |
8 | Kurwale NS, Chandra SP, Chouksey P, Arora A, Garg A, Sarkar C, et al. Impact of intraoperative MRI on outcomes in epilepsy surgery: Preliminary experience of two years. Br J Neurosurg 2015, Jun;29(3):380-5. | 2015 |
9 | Kakkar A, Sable M, Suri V, Sarkar C, Garg A, Satyarthee GD, Sharma MC. Cerebellar liponeurocytoma, an unusual tumor of the central nervous system - ultrastructural examination. Ultrastruct Pathol 2015, Jun 24:1-5. | 2015 |
10 | Naik V, Ahmed FU, Gupta A, Garg A, Sarkar C, Sharma B, Mahapatra AK. Intracranial fungal granulomas: A single institutional clinicopathologic study of 66 patients and review of the literature. World Neurosurg 2015, Jun; 83(6): 1166-72. | 2015 |
11 | Kurwale NS, Chandra SP, Chouksey P, Arora A, Garg A, Sarkar C, et al. Impact of intraoperative MRI on outcomes in epilepsy surgery: Preliminary experience of two years. Br J Neurosurg 2015, Feb 7:1-6. | 2015 |
12 | Chandra PS, Kurwale N, Garg A, Dwivedi R, Malviya SV, Tripathi M. Endoscopy-Assisted interhemispheric transcallosal hemispherotomy: Preliminary description of a novel technique. Neurosurgery 2015, Feb 12. | 2015 |
13 | Chandra PS, Prabhu M, Goyal N, Garg A, Chauhan A, Sharma BS. Distraction, compression, extension, and reduction combined with joint remodeling and extra-articular distraction: Description of 2 new modifications for its application in basilar invagination and atlantoaxial dislocation: Prospective study in 79 cases. Neurosurgery 2015, Mar 19. | 2015 |
14 | Naik V, Ahmed FU, Gupta A, Garg A, Sarkar C, Sharma B, Mahapatra AK. Intracranial fungal granulomas: A single instituitional clinico-pathological study of 66 patients and review of literature. World Neurosurg 2015, Feb 17. | 2015 |
15 | Kumar A, Chandra PS, Sharma BS, Garg A, Rath GK, Bithal PK, Tripathi M. The role of neuronavigation-guided functional MRI and diffusion tensor tractography along with cortical stimulation in patients with eloquent cortex lesions. Br J Neurosurg 2014, Apr;28(2):226-33. | 2014 |
16 | Faruq M, Narang A, Kumari R, Pandey R, Garg A, Behari M, et al. Novel mutations in typical and atypical genetic loci through exome sequencing in autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia families. Clin Genet 2014, Oct;86(4):335-41. | 2014 |
17 | Desai S, Shukla G, Goyal V, Srivastava A, Srivastava MV, Tripathi M, et al. Changes in psychiatric comorbidity during early postsurgical period in patients operated for medically refractory epilepsy-a mini-based follow-up study. Epilepsy Behav 2014, Jan 23;32C:29-33. | 2014 |
18 | Chandra PS, Vaghania G, Bal CS, Tripathi M, Kuruwale N, Arora A, et al. Role of concordance between ictal-subtracted SPECT and PET in predicting long-term outcomes after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy Res 2014, Dec;108(10):1782-9. | 2014 |
19 | Garg K, Singh PK, Sharma BS, Chandra PS, Suri A, Singh M, Kumar R, Kale SS, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SK, Mahapatra AK. Pediatric intracranial aneurysms--our experience and review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst. 2014 May;30(5):873-83. | 2014 |
20 | Suri V, Kakkar A, Sharma M, Padma M, Garg A, Sarkar C. Primary angiitis of the central nervous system: A study of histopathological patterns and review of the literature. Folia Neuropathol 2014;52(2):187-96. | 2014 |
21 | Kumar A, Krishna G, Singh PK, Garg A, Sharma BS. Spontaneously disappearing pineal region mass: A rare manifestation of vein of galen malformation. Indian J Pediatr 2014, Aug 8. | 2014 |
22 | Kakkar A, Sharma MC, Goyal N, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, et al. Meningeal fibroma: A rare meningioma mimic. J Neurosurg Pediatr 2014, Aug;14(2):155-9. | 2014 |
23 | Sable MN, Nalwa A, Suri V, Singh PK, Garg A, Sharma MC, Sarkar C. Gangliocytic paraganglioma of filum terminale: Report of a rare case. Neurol India 2014;62(5):543-5. | 2014 |
24 | Kakkar A, Sharma MC, Suri V, Kaushal S, Chandra SP, Garg A, Sarkar C. Angiocentric glioma: A treatable cause of epilepsy: Report of a rare case. Neurol India 2014;62(6):677-9. | 2014 |
25 | Sable M, Kakkar A, Ranjan R, Garg A, Bakhshi S, Sharma MC. Yolk sac tumor of the temporal bone: An unusual presentation as hydrocephalus. Neurol India 2014;62(6):679-81. | 2014 |
26 | Faruq M, Srivastava AK, Suroliya V, Kumar D, Garg A, Shukla G, Behari M. Identification of FXTAS presenting with SCA 12 like phenotype in india. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2014, Jul 17;20(10):1089-93. | 2014 |
27 | Chandra PS, Ramdurg SR, Kurwale N, Chauhan A, Ansari A, Garg A, et al. Extended costo-transversectomy to achieve circumferential fusion for pathologies causing thoracic instability. Spine J 2014, Jan 18. | 2014 |
28 | Prasad K, Sharma A, Garg A, Mohanty S, Bhatnagar S, Johri S, et al. Intravenous autologous bone marrow mononuclear stem cell therapy for ischemic stroke: A multicentric, randomized trial. Stroke 2014, Dec;45(12):3618-24. | 2014 |
29 | Garg A. Non-multiple sclerosis demyelinating diseases. In: Gupta RK, Kumar S, editors. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Neurological Diseases In tropics. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2014b. p. 281-91.1019 | 2014 |
30 | Third ventricular tuberculoma: Garg Kanwaljeet, Gurjar Hitesh Kumar, Joseph S, Shashikant Ravi Chetan, Sharma Bhawani Shankar: Neurology India,Year : 2014 | Volume: 62 | Issue Number:1 | Page: 73-75 | 2014 |
31 | Multiple intraventricular neurocysticerci: Deepti Vibha, MD, DM,Vipin Ola, MD,Madhuri Behari, MD, DM,Vinay Goyal, MD, DM,Garima Shukla, MD, DM andS. Leve Joseph Devarajan, MD, DM. NeurologySeptember 3, 2013vol. 81no. 10936-937 | 2013 |
32 | >Chandra P.S., Kumar A., Ansari A., Mishra N.K., Sharma B.S. : Distraction compression extension reduction of basilar invagination & atlanto-axial dislocation: a novel pilot technique: Neurosurgery 72 (6); 1040-1053; June 2013 | 2013 |
33 | >Kakkar A, Sharma MC, Garg A, Goyal N, Suri V, Sarkar C, Mahapatra AK. Uterus-Like mass in association with neural tube defect: A case report and review of the literature. Pediatr Neurosurg 2013, Apr 4 | 2013 |
34 | Chandra SP, Bal CS, Jain S, Joshua SP, Gaikwad S, Garg A, et al. Intra-Operative co-registration of MRI, PET and electrocorticographic data for neocortical lesional epilepsies may improve the localization of the epileptogenic focus: A pilot study. World Neurosurg 2013, Feb 21. | 2013 |
35 | Chandra SP, Singh A, Goyal N, Laythalling RK, Singh M, Kale SS, et al. Analysis of changing paradigms of management in 179 patients with spinal tuberculosis over a 12-year period and proposal of a new management algorithm. World Neurosurg 2013, Jan 22. | 2013 |
36 | Chandra SP, Singh A, Goyal N, Laythalling RK, Singh M, Kale SS, et al. Analysis of changing paradigms of management in 179 patients over 12 year period & proposal of A new management algorithm. World Neurosurg 2013, Jan 21. | 2013 |
37 | Singh G, Sharma MC, Suri V, Sarkar C, Garg A, Singh M. Alveolar soft part sarcoma of the paranasal sinuses masquerading as a giant invasive pituitary adenoma. Ann Diagn Pathol 2012, Aug 24. | 2012 |
38 | Singh G, Sharma MC, Agarwal S, Prasad GL, Mishra S, Singh MM, et al. Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the lacrimal gland: A rare case. Ann Diagn Pathol 2012, Aug;16(4):292-7. | 2012 |
39 | Agarwal S, Sharma MC, Singh G, Suri V, Sarkar C, Garg A, et al. Papillary glioneuronal tumor-a rare entity: Report of four cases and brief review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst 2012, Aug 7;28(11):1897-904. | 2012 |
40 | Singh G, Agarwal S, Sharma MC, Suri V, Sarkar C, Garg A, Kale SS. Spindle cell oncocytoma of the adenohypophysis: Report of a rare case and review of literature. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2012, Apr;114(3):267-71. | 2012 |
41 | Prasad K, Mohanty S, Bhatia R, Srivastava MV, Garg A, Srivastava A, et al. Autologous intravenous bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy for patients with subacute ischaemic stroke: A pilot study. Indian J Med Res 2012, Aug;136(2):221-8. | 2012 |
42 | Padma Srivastava MV, Bhasin A, Bhatia R, Garg A, Gaikwad S, Prasad K, et al. Efficacy of minocycline in acute ischemic stroke: A single-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Neurol India 2012;60(1):23-8. | 2012 |
43 | Ahuja A, Suri V, Suri A, Sharma MC, Prakash G, Bakhshi S, et al. Unusual central nervous system presentation of alk-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma in a child. Neurol India 2012;60(5):522-4. | 2012 |
44 | Zanzmera P, Srivastava P, Garg A, Bhatia R, Singh M, Tripathi M, Prasad K. Prediction of stroke outcome in relation to alberta stroke program early CT score (ASPECTS) at admission in acute ischemic stroke: A prospective study from tertiary care hospital in north india. Neurology Asia 2012;17(2):101-7. | 2012 |
45 | Padma Srivastava MV, Bhasin A, Bhatia R, Garg A, Gaikwad S, Prasad K, et al. Efficacy of minocycline in acute ischemic stroke: A single-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Neurol India 2012;60(1):23-8. | 2012 |
46 | Kumar A, Chandra PS, Bisht A, Garg A, Mahapatra AK, Sharma MC. Successful surgical excision of a nondysraphic holodorsal intramedullary lipoma in a 14-month-old child. Pediatr Neurosurg 2012, Feb 22. | 2012 |
47 | Rathore YS, Chandra PS, Kumar R, Singh M, Sharma MS, Suri A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad S, Garg A, Sharma BS, Mahapatra AK.: Monitored gradual occlusion of the internal carotid artery followed by ligation for giant internal carotid artery aneurysms. Neurol India. 2012, Mar-April; 60(2): 174-9. | 2012 |
48 | Chandra PS, Kumar A, Chauhan A, Ansari A, Mishra NK, Sharma BS.: “Distraction, compression and extension reduction of basilar invagination and atlanto-axial dislocation: A novel pilot Technique. Neurosurgery, published ahead of print DOI 10.1227/NEU.0b013e31828bf342, 2013, Feb 19. | 2012 |
49 | Kasliwal MK, Garg A, and Sharma BS. Midline intracranial hyperdense epidermoid tumor radiologically masquerading a neurenteric cyst. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2011;113(1):81-2. | 2011 |
50 | Subhash Kumar, Mishra NK.: “Middle meningeal artery arising from the basilar artery: report of a case and its probable embryological mechanism” – Accepted for publication Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery, 2011. | 2011 |
51 | Ahuja A, Sharma MC, Suri V, Sarkar C, Sharma BS, and Garg A. Pineal anlage tumour - a rare entity with divergent histology. J Clin Neurosci. 2011. | 2011 |
52 | Gaikwad SB, S Sharma. S Kumar. Successful Embolization of a conus medullaris arteriovenous malformation using Onyx. Published Neurology India 2010, Vol 58, 817-818 | 2010 |
53 | Sharma S, S Kumar, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB. Cerebral miliary micro aneurysms in polyarteritis nodosa: Report of two cases. Neurology India 2010, May-June, vol. 58: 457-459 | 2010 |
54 | Padma MV, Bhasin A, Bhatia R, et al. Normobaric oxygen therapy in acute ischemic stroke: A pilot study in Indian patients. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2010;13(4):284-8. | 2010 |
55 | Chandra PS, Bal C, Garg A, et al. Surgery for medically intractable epilepsy due to postinfectious etiologies. Epilepsia. 2010;51(6):1097-100. | 2010 |
56 | Sharma MC, Jain D, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, Singh M, Mahapatra AK, Sharma BS: Spinal teratomas: a clinico-pathological study of 27 patients. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2009, 151(3):245-252; discussion 252. | 2009 |
57 | Sharma MC, Jain D, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, Singh M, Mahapatra AK, Sharma BS: Spinal teratomas: a clinico-pathological study of 27 patients. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2009, 151(3):245-252; discussion 252. | 2009 |
58 | Sharma MC, Jain D, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, Singh M, Mahapatra AK, Sharma BS: Spinal teratomas: a clinico-pathological study of 27 patients. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2009, 151(3):245-252; discussion 252. | 2009 |
59 | Sharma MC, Jain D, Gupta A, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, Gaikwad SB, Chandra PS: Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor: a clinicopathological study of 32 cases. Neurosurg Rev 2009, 32(2):161-170. | 2009 |
60 | Agarwal S, Suri V, Rishi A, Shukla B, Garg A, Sharma MC, Sinha S, Sarkar C: Glioneuronal tumor with neuropil-like islands: a new entity. Neuropathology 2009, 29(1):96-100. | 2009 |
61 | Suri V, Shukla B, Garg A, Singh M, Rishi A, Sharma MC, Sarkar C: Intracranial inflammatory pseudotumor: report of a rare case. Neuropathology 2008, 28(4):444-447. | 2008 |
62 | Suri V, Sharma MC, Suri A, Karak AK, Garg A, Sarkar C, Jain D: Myelolipomatous change in an interhemispheric lipoma associated with corpus callosum agenesis: case report. Neurosurgery 2008, 62(3):E745; discussion E745 | 2008 |
63 | Sharma S, Sankhyan N, Kalra V, Garg A: Thalamic Changes in Tay-Sachs’ Disease Arch Neurol 2008, 65(12):1669. | 2008 |
64 | Sharma AK, Gaikwad S, Gupta V, Garg A, Mishra NK. Measurement of peak CSF flow velocity at cerebral aqueduct, before and after lumbar CSF drainage, by use of phase-contrast MRI: Utility in the management of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2008; 110:363-368. | 2008 |
65 | Sankhyan N, Sharma S, Kalra V, Garg A, Balkrishnan P: Cystic white-matter changes in childhood Wilson's disease. Pediatric Neurology 2008, 39(4):281-282. | 2008 |
66 | Prasad K, Bhatia R, Srivastava MV, Pardasani V, Garg A, Rishi A: Fatal subacute necrotising brainstem encephalitis in a young man due to a rare parasitic (Balamuthia) infection. Practical neurology 2008, 8(2):112-117. | 2008 |
67 | Kiran NA, Suri A, Kasliwal MK, Garg A, Ahmad FU, Mahapatra AK. Gross total excision of pediatric giant cystic craniopharyngioma with huge retroclival extension to the level of foramen magnum by anterior trans petrous approach: report of two cases and review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst 2008; 24:385-391. | 2008 |
68 | Jain D, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Suri V, Rishi A, Garg A, Vaishya S. Chordoid glioma: report of two rare examples with unusual features. Acta neurochirurgica 2008;150(3):295-300; discussion | 2008 |
69 | Jain D, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, Mahapatra AK, Kumar L. Pituitary gland involvement by a gamma delta hepatosplenic lymphoma, a mimicker of pituitary adenoma: report of a rare case. J Neurooncol 2008. | 2008 |
70 | Jain D, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Rishi A, Suri V, Garg A, Mahapatra AK. Spinal teratoma with renal differentiation-A rare phenomenon: Report of two patients. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2008;110(3):265-9. | 2008 |
71 | Gupta R, Rishi A, Suri V, Sharma MC, Gupta A, Garg A, Sarkar C. Sacral myxopapillary ependymoma with extensive osteolysis. J Neurooncol 2008;86(3):349-52 | 2008 |
72 | Bhatia R, Desai S, Garg A, Padma MV, Prasad K, Tripathi M. Isolated facial myokymia as a presenting feature of pontine neurocysticercosis. Mov Disord 2008; 23:135-137. | 2008 |
73 | Sharma AK, Gaikwad S, Gupta V, Garg A, Mishra NK. Measurement of peak CSF flow velocity at cerebral aqueduct, before and after lumbar CSF drainage, by use of phase-contrast MRI: Utility in the management of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2008; 110:363-368. | 2008 |
74 | Kiran NA, Suri A, Kasliwal MK, Garg A, Ahmad FU, Mahapatra AK. Gross total excision of pediatric giant cystic craniopharyngioma with huge retroclival extension to the level of foramen magnum by anterior trans petrous approach: report of two cases and review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst 2008; 24:385-391. | 2008 |
75 | Jain D, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Suri V, Rishi A, Garg A, Vaishya S. Chordoid glioma: report of two rare examples with unusual features. Acta neurochirurgica 2008;150(3):295-300; discussion | 2008 |
76 | Jain D, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, Mahapatra AK, Kumar L. Pituitary gland involvement by a gamma delta hepatosplenic lymphoma, a mimicker of pituitary adenoma: report of a rare case. J Neurooncol 2008 | 2008 |
77 | Bhatia R, Desai S, Garg A, Padma MV, Prasad K, Tripathi M. Isolated facial myokymia as a presenting feature of pontine neurocysticercosis. Mov Disord 2008; 23:135-137 | 2008 |
78 | Shah H, Garg A, Mishra NK, Kale SS, Gaikwad SB. Delayed symptomatic cyst formation following gamma-knife radiosurgery. A case report. The Neuroradiology Journal. 2007;19:727-732 | 2007 |
79 | Puri AS, Garg A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Mehta VS. Bilateral cerebellar dysplastic gangliocytomas (lhermitteduclos disease) with cerebellar ectopia and presyrinx cord changes. A case report. The Neuroradiology Journal. 2007;19:717-721 | 2007 |
80 | Garg A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Gupta V. Bilateral internal carotid artery segmental agenesis associated with persistent trigeminal artery, vascular ectasia, abnormal configuration of brain stem and cerebellum. A case report. The Neuroradiology Journal. 2007;20:25-29 | 2007 |
81 | Garg A, Sridhar MR, Gulati S. Autosomal recessive type 1 lissencephaly. Indian J Pediatr. 2007;74:199-201 | 2007 |
82 | Gupta V, Tanvir R, Garg A, Gaikwad SB, Mishra NK. Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia in a Case of Endovascular Aneurysm Coiling. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2007 28: 155-158 | 2007 |
83 | Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Jain D, Suri V, Garg A, Vaishya S. Uterus-like mass of mullerian origin in the lumbosacral region causing cord tethering. Report of two cases. J Neurosurg Spine. 2007;6:73-76 | 2007 |
84 | Jain D, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Suri V, Garg A, Singh M, Sharma BS, Mahapatra AK. Clear cell meningioma, an uncommon variant of meningioma: A clinicopathologic study of nine cases. J Neurooncol. 2007;81:315-321 | 2007 |
85 | Atri S, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Garg A, Suri A. Papillary glioneuronaltumour: A report of a rare case and review of literature. Childs Nerv Syst. 2007;23:349-353 | 2007 |
86 | Mridha AR, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Garg A, Singh MM, Suri V. Anaplastic ependymoma with cartilaginous and osseous metaplasia: Report of a rare case and review of literature. J Neurooncol. 2007;82:75-80 | 2007 |
87 | Rizvi T, Garg A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Gupta V. Metachronous double spinal duralarteriovenous fistulas. Case report and review of the literature. J Neurosurg Spine 2006; 4: 503-5 | 2006 |
88 | Epari S, Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Garg A, Gupta A, Mehta VS. Chordoid meningioma, an uncommon variant of meningioma: A clinicopathologic study of 12 cases. J Neurooncol. 2006; 78:263-269 | 2006 |
89 | Gupta DK, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Garg A, Sarkar C, Ahmad FU. Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman disease in a child mimicking bilateral giant petroclivalmeningiomas: a case report and review of literature. Childs NervSyst 2006; 22:1194-1200 | 2006 |
90 | Deb P, Sarkar C, Garg A, Singh VP, Kale SS, Sharma MC. Intracranial gliofibroma mimicking a meningioma: a case report and review of literature. ClinNeurolNeurosurg. 2006; 108:178-86 | 2006 |
91 | Ahmad FU, Pandey P, Sharma BS, Garg A. Foot drop after spinal anesthesia in a patient with a low-lying cord. Int J ObstetAnesth 2006;15:233-236 | 2006 |
92 | Sarkar C, Sharma MC, Deb P, Singh VP, Chandra PS, Gupta A, Tripathi M, Bhatia M, Gaikwad S, Bal CS, Jain S (2006) Neuropath logical spectrum of lesions associated with intractable epilepsies: a 10-year experience with a series of 153 resections. Neurol India 54:144-150; discussion 150-141 | 2006 |
93 | Gupta A, Ahmad FU, Kumar A, Gaikwad S, Vaishya S (2006) Umbilical CSF fistula: a rare complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunt. ActaNeurochir (Wien) 148:1205-1207 | 2006 |
94 | Dwarakanath S, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C (2006) Endoscopic assisted excision of a retroclival arachnoid cyst presenting as hysterical breathlessness. Childs NervSyst 22:424-427 | 2006 |
95 | Deb P, Gupta A, Sharma MC, Gaikwad S, Singh VP, Sarkar C (2006) Meningioangiomatosis with meningioma: an uncommon association of a rare entity--report of a case and review of the literature. Childs NervSyst 22:78-83 | 2006 |
96 | Shukla G, Bhatia M, Padma Srivastava MV, Tripathi M, Srivastava A, Singh VP, Saratchandra P, Gupta A, Gaikwad S, Bal CS, Jain S (2005) Unidirectional whole body turning: a new lateralising sign in complex partial seizures. J NeurolNeurosurg Psychiatry 76:1726-1729 | 2005 |
97 | Ahmad FU, Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Garg A, Sharma MC, Sridhar E. Intraventricularrhabdoid tumor. Indian J Pediatr. 2005 Aug;72(8):693-6 | 2005 |
98 | Ahmad FU, Chandra PS, Sanyal S, Garg A, Mehta VS. SellarTuberculoma: an Unusual Infection. Indian J Tuberc 2005; 52:215-217. | 2005 |
99 | Jaiswal AK, Garg A, Mahapatra AK. Spinal ossifying lipoma. J ClinNeurosci 2005; 12:714-717 | 2005 |
100 | Singh NP, Sarkar C, Sharma MC, Garg A, Gaikwad SB, Kale SS, Mehta VS. Paraganglioma of caudaequina: report of seven cases. Brain Tumor Pathol 2005; 22:15-20 | 2005 |
101 | Sharma A, Garg A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Sharma MC, Gupta V, Suri A. Primary Ewing's sarcoma of the sphenoid bone with unusual imaging features: a case report. ClinNeurolNeurosurg 2005; 107:528-531 | 2005 |
102 | Rizvi T, Garg A, Singh M, Sharma MC. Large intracranial mass with a calcified rim - is it a brain abscess? PediatrNeurosurg. 2005; 41:112-114 | 2005 |
103 | Gupta V, Rizvi T, Garg A, Gaikwad SB, Mishra NK. Postangiographic thrombosis of a spinal arteriovenous malformation: case report. J Neurosurg Spine 2005;2(4):486-490. | 2005 |
104 | Rizvi T, Garg A, Singh M, Sharma MC. Large intracranial mass with a calcified rim - is it a brain abscess? PediatrNeurosurg. 2005; 41:112-114 | 2005 |
105 | Dwarakanath S, Suri A, Garg A, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS. Adult complex spinal dysraphism with situsinversustotalis: a rare association and review. Spine 2005; 30:E225-228 | 2005 |
106 | Sharma MC, Epari S, Gaikwad S, Verma A, Sarkar C. Orbital paraganglioma: report of a rare case. Can J Ophthalmol 2005;40:640-644 | 2005 |
107 | Deb P, Sharma MC, Gaikwad S, Gupta A, Mehta VS, Sarkar C. Cerebellopontine angle paraganglioma - report of a case and review of literature. J Neurooncol 2005; 74:65-69 | 2005 |
108 | Sharma S, Sarkar C, Gaikwad S, Suri A, Sharma MC. Primary neurocytoma of the spinal cord: a case report and review of literature. J Neurooncol 2005; 74:47-52 | 2005 |
109 | Deb P, Sharma MC, Gaikwad S, Tripathi M, Chandra PS, Jain S, Sarkar C (2005) Neuropathological spectrum of Rasmussen encephalitis. Neurol India 2005; 53:156-160; discussion 160-151 | 2005 |
110 | Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Giant mucoceles of the frontal sinus: a series and review. J ClinNeurosci 2005; 11:214-218 | 2004 |
111 | Garg A, Chugh M, Gaikwad SB, et al. Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma presenting with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Case report and review of the literature. J Neurosurg 2004; 100:525-529 | 2004 |
112 | Garg, A, Gulati S, Gupta V, Kalra V. Congenital muscular dystrophy with characteristic radiological findings similar to those with Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy. Neurol India 2004; 52:496-498 | 2004 |
113 | Garg A, Gupta V, Gaikwad SB, et al. Scalp malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) with bony involvement and new bone formation: case report. ClinNeurolNeurosurg 2004; 106:340-344 | 2004 |
114 | Garg A, Gaikwad SB, Kanodia A, Suri A, Gupta V, Mishra NK. Positional occlusion/stasis of vertebral arteries in a case of cervical rheumatoid arthritis presenting with multiple posterior circulation infarcts: a case report with angiographic demonstration. Spine 2004; 29:E321-325. Erratum in: Spine 2004 Oct 15; 29(20):2341. | 2004 |
115 | Garg A, Gaikwad S, Gupta V, Mishra NK, Vaish S, Ralte AM. Malignant rhabdoidtumour of the third ventricle. AustralasRadiol 2004; 48:80-83 | 2004 |
116 | Garg A, Gaikwad SB, Gupta V, Mishra NK, Kale SS, Singh J. Bipartite atlas with osodontoideum: case report. Spine 2004; 29:E35-38 | 2004 |
117 | Garg A, Suri A, Gupta V. Cyst with a mural nodule: unusual case of brain metastasis. Neurol India 2004; 52:136 | 2004 |
118 | Agarwal PP, Gaikwad SB, Garg A, Gupta V, Mishra NK, Mehta VS. Giant intraparenchymalneurocysticercosis: unusual MRI findings. Neurol India 2004; 52:259-260 | 2004 |
119 | Ahmad FU, Suri S, Mahapatra AK, Ralte A, Sarkar C, Garg A. Giant calvarial Ewing's sarcoma. PediatrNeurosurg 2004; 40:44-46 | 2004 |
120 | Rizvi T, Garg A, Gupta V, Gaikwad S, Mishra NK. Role of CISS MR Sequence in Detection of Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula- Case report. Clinical Radiology Extra 2004; 59:78-82. | 2004 |
121 | Ralte AM, Rao S, Sharma MC, Suri A, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Myxopapillaryependymoma of the temporal lobe--report of a rare case of temporal lobe epilepsy. ClinNeuropathol 2004;23:53-58 | 2004 |
122 | Jagia P, Gulati GS, Sharma S, Goyal NK, Gaikwad S, Saxena A. MRI features of tuberculoma of the right atrial myocardium. PediatrRadiol 2004; 34:904-907 | 2004 |
123 | Tripathi M, Goel V, Padma MV, Jain S, Maheshwari MC, Gaikwad S, Gupta V, Chandra PS, Mehta VS. Fenestration of the posterior communicating artery. Neurol India 2003;51:75-76 | 2003 |
124 | Gaikwad SB, Garg A, Mishra NK, Gupta V, Srivastava A, Sarkar C. Cerebrotendinousxanthomatosis: Neuroimaging findings in two siblings from an Indian family. Neurol India 2003 Sep; 51(3): 401-3. | 2003 |
125 | Prabhakar H, Bithal PK, Garg A. Tension pneumocephalus following craniotomy in the supine position. J NeurosurgAnesthesiol 2003; 15:278-81 | 2003 |
126 | Garg A, Gupta V, Gaikwad S, et al. Isolated central canal rupture of spinal dermoid: report of two cases. AustralasRadiol 2003; 47:194-197 | 2003 |
127 | Suri A, Chabbra RP, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S, Pandey RM. Effect of intramedullary signal changes on the surgical outcome of patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spine J 2003; 3:33-45 | 2003 |
128 | Suri A, Singh VP, Kale SS, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S. Multifocal intracranial rhabdoid tumor. Neurol India 2003; 51:297-298 | 2003 |
129 | Gupta V, Garg A, Behari M, Thomas R, Gaikwad SB, Mishra NK. Intramedullary Tuberculoma: MR findings in 13 cases. Rivista di Neuroradiologia 2003; 16:1359 | 2003 |
130 | Gupta V, Garg A, Chandra S, Sharma MC, Gaikwad SB, Gulati S. Cerebellar epilepsy- A case report of a cerebellar gangliomatoushamartomaRivisita di Neuroradiologia 2003; 16:784-707 | 2003 |
131 | Gaikwad SB, Garg A, Deol PS, Sharma MC, Bhatia M, Gupta A, Gupta V, Mishra NK. Dysembryoplasticneuroepithelial tumors- Neuroimaging findings. Rivisita di Neuroradiologia 2003; 16:877-882 | 2003 |
132 | Mishra NK, Gupta V, Garg A., Gaikwad S.B. Vein of Galen Malformations - AIIMS experience. Rivista di Neuroradiologia 2003; 16:1308 | 2003 |
133 | Gaikwad SB, Gupta V, K Avinash, Garg A, Suri A, Kale S, Mishra NK. Craniovertebral junction abnormalities with vertebrobasilarischaemia. Rivisita di Neuroradiologia 2003; 16:1349 | 2003 |
134 | Gupta V, Kumar A, Garg A, Gaikwad SB, Singh VP, Sharma MC, Kumar R, Mishra NK. Radiological analysis of lateral and third ventricular tumors – A retrospective study. Rivisita di Neuroradiologia 2003; 16:865-868 | 2003 |
135 | Srivastava AK, Tripathi M, Gaikwad SB, Padma MV, Jain S Internuclearophthalmoplegia and torsional nystagmus: an MRI correlate. Neurol India 2003;51:271-272 | 2003 |
136 | Shukla G, Bhatia M, Singh VP, Jaiswal A, Tripathi M, Gaikwad S, Bal CS, Sarker C, Jain S. Successful selection of patients with intractable extratemporal epilepsy using non-invasive investigations. Seizure 2003;12:573-576 | 2003 |
137 | Sarkar C, Mukhopadhyay S, Ralte AM, Sharma MC, Gupta A, Gaikwad S, Mehta VS. Intramedullary subependymoma of the spinal cord: a case report and review of literature. ClinNeurolNeurosurg 2003; 106:63-68 | 2003 |
138 | Sarkar C, Sharma MC, Arora R, Gaikwad S, Mehta VS. 21-year-old male with cystic intracerebral tumor. Brain Pathol 2003; 13:113-114, 117 | 2003 |
139 | Gaikwad SB, Garg A, Mishra NK, Gupta V, Srivastava A, Sarkar C. Cerebrotendinousxanthomatosis: neuroimaging findings in two siblings from an Indian family. Neurol India 2003; 51:401-403 | 2003 |
140 | Pandey G, Kapur M, Khan MI, Gaikwad SM. A new access to polyhydroxypiperidines of the azasugar class: synthesis and glycosidase inhibition studies. Org BiomolChem 2003; 1:3321-3326 | 2003 |
141 | Thomas R, Bhatia M, Bal CS, Gaikwad S, Singh VP, Jain S. Correlation of ictal EEG and SPECT studies in patients of intractable epilepsy with normal MRI. Neurol India 2002; 50:440-443 | 2002 |
142 | Thomas R, Behari M, Gaikwad SB, Prasad K. An unusual case of paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia. J ClinNeurosci 2002; 9:94-97 | 2002 |
143 | Sharma MC, Agarwal M, Suri A, Gaikwad S, Mukhopadhyay P, Sarkar C (2002) A melanoticdesmoplasticmedulloblastoma: report of a rare case and review of the literature. Brain Tumor Pathol 2002; 19:93-96 | 2002 |
144 | Garg A, Gupta V, Gaikwad S, et al. Spinal angiolipoma: report of three cases and review of MRI features. AustralasRadiol 2002; 46:84-90 | 2002 |
145 | Sharma MC, Agarwal M, Suri A, Gaikwad S, Mukhopadhyay P, Sarkar C. Lipomedulloblastoma in a child: a controversial entity. Hum Pathol 2002;33:564-569 | 2002 |
146 | Jayasundar R, Sahani AK, Gaikwad S, Singh S, Behari M. Proton MR spectroscopy of basal ganglia in Wilson's disease: case report and review of literature. MagnReson Imaging 2002; 20:131-135 | 2002 |
147 | Deol PS, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Garg A, Gupta V, Sharma MC. Cavernous Hemangioma of the Gasserian Ganglion MR Appearance. vista di Neuroradiologia 2001;14:333 | 2001 |
148 | Deol PS, Mishra NK, Gupta V, Gaikwad SB, Garg A, Singh N. Post Traumatic Cavernous Fistula fed by Persistent Trigeminal artery: Treatment by GDC Embolisation. Interventional Neuroradiology 2001; 7: 47-50 | 2001 |
149 | Sharma MC, Vaish S, Arora R, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Composite pituitary adenoma and intrasellartuberculoma: report of a rare case. PatholOncol Res 2001; 7:74-76 | 2001 |
150 | Sharma A, Gaikwad SB, Deol PS, Mishra NK, Kale SS. Partial aplasia of the posterior arch of the atlas with an isolated posterior arch remnant: findings in three cases. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2000; 21:1167-1171 | 2000 |
151 | Sharma A, Gaikwad SB, Deol PS, Mishra NK, Kale SS. Partial aplasia of the posterior arch of the atlas with an isolated posterior arch remnant: findings in three cases. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2000 Jun-Jul; 21(6): 1167-71 | 2000 |
152 | Sharma MC, Arora R, Mahapatra AK, Sarat-Chandra P, Gaikwad SB, Sarkar C. Intrasellartuberculoma--an enigmatic pituitary infection: a series of 18 cases. ClinNeurolNeurosurg 2000; 102:72-77 | 2000 |
153 | Chandra S, Goyal M, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB. Invasive aspergillosis presenting as a cavernous sinus mass in immuno competent individuals; report of 3 cases. Neuroradiology 2000; 42:108-111 | 2000 |
154 | Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Karak AK, Gaikwad S, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS. Intraventricularneurocytoma: a clinicopathological study of 20 cases with review of the literature. J ClinNeurosci 1999; 6:319-323 | 1999 |
155 | Goyal M, Mishra NK, Sharma A, Gaikwad SB, Mohanty BK, Sharma S. Alcohol ablation of symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1999 Jun-Jul; 20(6): 1091-6 | 1999 |
156 | Sharma MC, Kanse M, Mahapatra AK, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Case of the month: September 1998 - 18 year old male with large cystic orbital tumor. Brain Pathol 1999; 9:191-192 | 1999 |
157 | Sarkar C, Sharma MC, Gaikwad S, Sharma C, Singh VP. Choroid plexus papilloma: a clinicopathological study of 23 cases. SurgNeurol 1999; 52:37-39 | 1999 |
158 | Goyal M, Mishra NK, Sharma A, Gaikwad SB, Mohanty BK, Sharma S. Alcohol ablation of symptomatic vertebral hemangiomas. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1999; 20:1091-1096 | 1999 |
159 | Goyal M, Malik A, Mishra NK, Chandra S, Gaikwad SB, Jain K. Congenital maldevelopment of intervertebral disc simulating a neurofibroma. Skeletal Radiol. 1998; 27:388-91 | 1998 |
160 | Sharma A, Gaikwad SB, Goyal M, Mishra NK, Sharma MC. Calcified filumterminaleparaganglioma causing superficial siderosis. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1998; 170:1650-1652 | 1998 |
161 | Sharma MC, Singh A, Verma A, Gaikwad S, Sarkar C. Diagnostic yield in computed tomography guided stereotactic biopsies. J Assoc Physicians India 1998; 46:427-430 | 1998 |
162 | Sharma MC, Gaikwad S, Mahapatra AK, Menon PS, Sarkar C. Hypothalamic hamartoma: report of a case with unusual histologic features. Am J SurgPathol 1998; 22:1538-1541 | 1998 |
163 | Sharma MC, Gaikwad S, Mehta VS, Dhar J, Sarkar C. Gliofibroma: mixed glial and mesenchymaltumour. Report of three cases. ClinNeurolNeurosurg 1998; 100:153-159 | 1998 |
164 | Sharma A, Gaikwad SB, Goyal M, Mishra NK, Sharma MC. Calcified filumterminaleparaganglioma causing superficial siderosis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1998; 170:1650-1652 | 1998 |
165 | Sharma MC, Mahapatra AK, Gaikwad S, Jain AK, Sarkar C. Pigmented medulloepithelioma: report of a case and review of the literature. Childs NervSyst 1998; 14:74-78 | 1998 |
166 | Goyal M, Malik A, Mishra NK, Chandra S, Gaikwad SB, Jain K. Congenital maldevelopment of intervertebral disc simulating a neurofibroma. Skeletal Radiol 1998; 27:388-391 | 1998 |
167 | Sharma MC, Sarkar C, Gaikwad S, Mahapatra AK, Bahadur S. Congenital orbital teratoma: a report of two cases. Indian J Ophthalmol 1997; 45:49-52 | 1997 |
168 | Sharma MC, Mahapatra AK, Gaikwad SB, Sarkar C. Solitary giant skull base schwannomas--report of four cases. SurgNeurol 1997; 48:382-387; discussion 387-388 | 1997 |
169 | Sharma A, Goyal M, Mishra NK, Gupta V, Gaikwad SB. MR imaging of tubercular spinal arachnoiditis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1997; 168:807-812 | 1997 |
170 | Sarkar C, Sharma MC, Sudha K, Gaikwad S, Varma A. A clinico-pathological study of 29 cases of gliosarcoma with special reference to two unique variants. Indian J Med Res 1997;106:229-235 | 1997 |
171 | Padma MV, Gaikwad S, Jain S, Maheshwari MC, Misra NK. Distribution of vascular lesions in ischaemic stroke: a magnetic resonance angiographic study. Natl Med J India 1997; 10:217-220 | 1997 |
172 | Malik A, Goyal M, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Padma V. Intracerebralhaematoma formation in herpes simplex encephalitis: a case report. AustralasRadiol 1997; 41:303-305 | 1997 |
173 | Gupta V, Goyal M, Mishra NK, Sharma A, Gaikwad SB. Positional MRI: a technique for confirming the site of leakage in cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea. Neuroradiology 1997; 39:818-820 | 1997 |
174 | Gupta V, Goyal M, Mishra N, Gaikwad S, Sharma A. MR evaluation of CSF fistulae. ActaRadiol 1997; 38:603-609 | 1997 |
175 | Goyal M, Sharma A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB, Sharma MC. Imaging appearance of pachymeningeal tuberculosis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1997; 169:1421-1424 | 1997 |
176 | Goyal M, Malik A, Mishra NK, Gaikwad SB. Idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis: spectrum of the disease. Neuroradiology 1997; 39:619-623 | 1997 |
177 | Sharma MC, Sudha K, Rathore A, Sarkar C, Gaikwad S, Patir R, Karak AK. Two rare parasites of the human brain--Gnathostomaspinigerum and sparganum (Spirometra). J Assoc Physicians India 1996; 44:824-828 | 1996 |
178 | Sharma MC, Mahapatra AK, Sudha K, Gaikwad S. Melanoticneuroectodermaltumour of infancy: immunohistochemical and histogenetic consideration. J Assoc Physicians India 1996; 44:278-280 | 1996 |
179 | Sharma MC, Mahapatra AK, Gaikwad S, Biswal A. Primary extramedullary orbital plasmacytoma in a child. Childs NervSyst 1996; 12:470-472 | 1996 |
180 | Sharma MC, Karak AK, Gaikwad SB, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS, Sudha K. Intracranial intraparenchymalschwannomas: a series of eight cases. J NeurolNeurosurg Psychiatry 1996; 60:200-203 | 1996 |
181 | Goyal M, Mishra NK, Gaikwad S, Jayasundar R. Cervical intramedullary lipoma with unusual MRI features: case report. Neuroradiology 1996; 38 Suppl 1:S117-119 | 1996 |
182 | Padma MV, Sharma AK, Gaikwad S, Maheshwari MC. The myopathic variety of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. J Assoc Physicians India 1995; 43:291-292 | 1995 |