OPD Appointment

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ORBO Donor Pledge Form

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

Emergency Dashboard

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

अभिगम्यता नियंत्रण

The department has trained over 80 cardiovascular surgeons in India. Postdoctoral course in Cardiovascular Surgery leading to the degree of M.Ch. (CTVS) provides training of Cardiovascular surgeons. The department has 12 senior Residents who are registered for the M.Ch. Course. The department also provides short term training to visiting residents and faculty from several National and International Centres. Comprehensive training in Extra Corporeal Circulation has also been provided to large number of candidates from other Institutions.