OPD Appointment

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ओपीडी नियुक्ति

ORBO Donor Pledge Form

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

ओआरबीओ दाता प्रतिज्ञा प्रपत्र

Emergency Dashboard

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

आपातकालीन डैशबोर्ड

अभिगम्यता नियंत्रण


The centre provides training to the medical, nursing and psychology students of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. Clinical posting to the centre is a part of the curricula for the following courses:

  • The undergraduate students (M.B.B.S. course) are posted to the centre during their clinical training in psychiatry.
  • All the post-graduate students of psychiatry (M.D.) at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences are posted to the centre for a period of six months to receive training on various aspects of assessment, diagnosis and treatment of substance use disorders. The modalities for training include clinical teaching as well as academic programmes such as case-conferences, Seminars, and Journal clubs.
  • The M.Sc. (Nursing) students of the College of Nursing at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences are also posted to the centre and receive exposure and training in providing nursing care to patients of substance use disorders.
  • The centre has also facilities for PhD. in Addiction Psychiatry.

Besides these the centre has also been involved in providing training to various categories of staff throughout the country and out-side the country through its training programmes. Manuals for doctors have also been developed and are available for free download.