क्रमांक | शीर्षक | तारीख | डाउनलोड |
201 | Renovation of Qtr. No.G/17 & 47 vacated in Eastern Campus, resdl. qrts. at Ansari Nagar, AIIMS. (No.Engg/CW-96/NIT-94/CD-II/2014-15/5252/5863-70) | - |
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202 | S/R to P.C. & Teaching Block. (SH:Renovation and Modification in R.No.1028 Deptt. of Anantomy in P.C. Block) at AIIMS. (Engg/Con/W-58/NIT-59/CD-I/2014-15/5279/6228-35) | - |
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203 | M/O Telephone equipment at AIIMS. Sh:-Deputing of staff for maintaining the telephone services at AIIMS, New Delhi. (Engg/AC&R/NIT-30/14-15/368/5274-80) | - |
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204 | All in comprehensive Operation & Miantenance of 250TR X 02 Nos. (York) screw type and 40TR X 3 Nos. reciprocating chilling Machine at CDER Building, AIIMS, Delhi. (Engg/AC&R/NIT-32/14-15/366/5224-30) | - |
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205 | M/O E.I. fans at Trauma Centre of AIIMS, New Delhi.(SH:AMC of 10KVA/20KVA '"Labotek" make UPS. (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT93/2013-14/2292/5260-66) | - |
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206 | Renovation of 5th floor of old pvt. ward in Ward Block at AIIMS. (Enff./Con/W-46/NIT-47/CD-I/2014-15/5258/5878-85) | - |
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207 | Special repair of E.I. & fans in Biotech Building at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH:Repl. of out dated existing electrical panel. (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT57/14-15/2289/5135-41) | - |
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208 | Provision of water softening plant for Main AC plant Condenser water at AIIMS, New Delhi. (ENgg/AC&R/NIT-33/14-15/365/5168-73) | - |
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209 | Provision of water softening plant for Main AC plant Condenser water at AIIMS, New Delhi. (ENgg/AC&R/NIT-33/14-15/365/5168-73) | - |
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210 | A/R and M/O to JPNATC. (SH: A/O and maintenance of chlorine dosing system in Trauma Centre) at AIIMS. (Engg./Con/W-55/NIT-56/CD-I/2014-15/5261/5959-66) | - |
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