क्रमांक | शीर्षक | तारीख | डाउनलोड |
151 | Comp. Main. & Round the Clock Operation of Automatic Fire Alarm System in Adminstrative Block, Library, NMR & MRI at AIIMS, New Delhi. (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT101/14-15/2381/6269-75) | - |
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152 | Renovation of Room No.710 to create 4 office cubicles at NS-7 in C.N. Centre at AIIMS. (Engg./Con/W-68/NIT-69/CD-I/2014-15/5400/7044-51) | - |
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153 | A/R and M/O to JPNATC. (SH:Internal finishing of room & corridors and external painting works in Trauma Centre) at AIIMS. (Engg./Con/W-71/NIT-72/CD-I/2014-15/5401/7052-59) | - |
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154 | Renovation of 4 Nos. faculty room by RC-modeling of room No.11, Deptt. of Hospital adminstration in Ward Block at AIIMS. (Engg/Com/W-67/NIT/CD-I/2014-14/5399/7060-67) | - |
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155 | S/R to 80 Nos. flats at M. Moth (SH:P/F kota stone over tread and riser of stair case of type II flats at M. Moth Campus) at AIIMS. (Engg/CW-114/NIT-112/CD-11/2014-15/5393/7036-43) | - |
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156 | Renovation of vacated and occupied F-type qtrs. on day to day basis in Western campus at AIIMS, New Delhi. (SH:Electrical work) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT105/14-15/2328/5623-29) | - |
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157 | Renovation of CT/5, ward in C.N. Centre at AIIMS (SH:Pdg. UPS System) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT72/14-15/2327/5616-22) | - |
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158 | S/R to resdl. Campus at A.V. Nagar (South). (SH: Renovation of toilet, bathroom and kitchen and P/F cupboard in type A-62, 34, 56 type B-28, 32, 60, 87, 118, 160, 47 and 7 Nos. day to day vacated qtrs) (Total=17 Nos.) at AIIMS. (Engg./CD-104/NIT-102/CD-II | - | - |
159 | Pdg. & fixing kota stone in 15 Nos. E type stair case in east Campus, at Ansari Nagar at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-110/NIT-108/CD-II/2014-15/5308/6516-23) | - |
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160 | M/O Rain water pump system at Trauma Centre of AIIMS, New Delhi (SH: Replacement of rain water submersible sewage water pump motor sets.) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT87/14-15/2355/6023-29) | - |
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