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Professor (Deptt. of Anesthesia and Intensive Care)

Dr.D.R.Shende (Faculty)

M.B.B.S.,MD (PGIMER Chandigarh 1988).
Joined A.I.I.M.S. as Assistant Professor in 1991.

Email :dilipshende[at]yahoo[dot]com

Mobile: 9868397820


Areas of Experience

Paediatric, Ophthalmic Anaesthesia, Orthopaedic and Regional anaesthesia, Thoracic anaesthesia, ENT and Major Head & Neck, General Surgery including Renal Transplant/Minimally invasive surgery, Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Intensive Care.

Commonwealth Medical Fellowship

One year fellowship in the field of Obstetric Anaesthesia (1996)in United Kingdom.

I am having full GMC UK Registration and I am on Specialist Register UK.

Worked as Consultant anaesthetist (2011 Jan-2012Dec) with NHS UK.

I am interested in clinical research and have around 40 publications in various journals including British Journal of Anaesthesia, Anesthesiology,Anaesthesia ,Paediatric Anaesthesia. Presented research papers in many international conferences and delivered talks/Chaired sessions in many National conferences