OPD Appointment

OPD Appointment

OPD Appointment

ORBO Donor Pledge Form

ORBO Donor Pledge Form

ORBO Donor Pledge Form

Emergency Dashboard

Emergency Dashboard

Emergency Dashboard

Accessibility Control

Dr. Rajinder Kumar 
Asstt. Prof Neurosurgery
Office phone No.:Ext 4914
E mail ID

Areas of Interest: Spine Surgery, Pediatric, Endoscopy Functional neurosurgery

OPD Schedule: Unit- 1 Mondays morning Thursdays evening need to take prior appointment for OPD consultation

In patient services daily rounds , operations, consultations.

Research Projects

Role of VIIa in contusive Brain Injury - A Phase II Trial

CSF Proteomics study in Health and Disease

In Vitro study of MHC and TGF and role of interferon gamma in culture  of GBM cells

Long term comparative study of ant versus post approach in degenerative cervical spondylosis

Publications Four