Professor of Biostatistics (NDDTC)
Dr Ashwani Kumar Mishra
PhD Statistics, MSc Statistics, BSc: Statistic and Mathematics
Email: akmaiims[at]gmail[dot]com, ashwanikm[at]aiims[dot]edu
Field of Interest
Broad Domain: Epidemiology, Biostatistics
Sub-Domain: Substance Abuse, Clinical Epidemiology, Medical Epidemiology, Dimension Reduction Techniques, Computational Statistics
Total number of publications till date
- Thesis 2
- Peer Reviewed Publications 106
- Book Chapters 4
- Edited Manuscript 36
- Technical Reports 11
Total 159
Details of publications since 2000 onwards (the full citation)- these should be divided into journal articles (peer reviewed publications) and books/monographs/project reports/ proceedings from workshops (non-peer reviewed publications)
- Mishra AK, NathDC, SinghU, PrasadKN, GuptaRK, PandeyCM. The Epidemiological Aspects of Taenia solium Infection in a Rural Community of Northern India.DemographyIndia,2009;38(2): 307-318.
- AK Mishra, CM Pandey. Some Epidemiological Models for parasitic in factions : Comparison between traditional and hierarchical logistic regression methods (2007). Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute-LXII (2007),5776-5779.
Official Statistics
- AmbekarA, AgrawalA, RaoR, MishraAK, KhandelwalSK, ChaddaRK on behalf of the group of investigators for the National Survey on Extentand Pattern of Substance Use in India (2019). Magnitude of Substance Use in India. New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
- SoodA, MishraA, AmbekarA. Trendsin alcohol consumption and expenditure: Analysis of household data from nationally representative sample from India. Asian J Psychiatr.2019 Feb22;40:116-123.
- Atul Ambekar, Ravindra Rao R, Alok Agrawal, Ashwani K Mishra, Rajesh Kumar, Manish Kumar. Size Estimation of Opioid Dependent Population in Punjab – Punjab Opioid Dependence Survey. New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India; 2015.
Theoretical Statistics
- Verma V, Verma A, Mishra AK, Khan HT, Nath DC, Narang R. Bayesian Estimation of Gender Differences in Lipid Profile, Among Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development.2022Feb25:753-69.
- VermaV, MishraAK, VermaA, KhanHT, NathDC, NarangR. Impact of gender on the lipid profile of patients with coronary arteryisease: a Bayesian analytical approach. In Smart Computational Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics 2021 Sep27(pp.1-12). CRC Press.
- Verma,V., Mishra,A.K., Dhawan, A.etal. Diversity in substance use behaviour among street children of Delhi under Bay esian paradigm. BMC MedRes Methodol 20,291(2020).
- Ashwani Kumar Mishra (IN). Handbook of Item Response Theory Volume Three: Applications.2019, ISCB,68:26.
- Ashwani Kumar Mishra (IN). Multivariate Analysis with LISREL. 2017, ISCB,63,45.
Epidemiology of Drug Use
- Singh, R., Gupta, R., Grover, T., Ambekar, A., Jain, R., Vaswani, M., Mishra, A., & Sharma, A. (2023). Role of the Serotonin and GABAA Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in patients with Alcohol Dependence. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 80, 103326.
- Ghosh, S., Jain, R., Rao, R., Mishra, A. K., & Jhanjee, S. (2022). Does ethyl glucuronide in hair correlates with alcohol consumption? A comparative study with other traditional biomarkers among individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome. Alcohol.
- Singh VV, Sarkar S, Chadda RK, Mishra AK, Dhawan A. Reasons for leaving treatment among patients with opioid dependence: A 3-month prospective follow-up study. Journal of Opioid Management. 2022 Sep-Oct;18(5):455-466. DOI: 10.5055/jom.2022.0739. PMID: 36226785.
- Singh, R., Gupta, R., Grover, T., Ambekar, A., Jain, R., Vaswani, M., Mishra, A., & Sharma, A. (2022). “Role of the Serotonin and GABAA Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in patients with Alcohol Dependence”. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 103326.
- Singh G, Kaloiya GS, Dhawan A, Mishra AK and Balhara YPS. Does Cognitive Therapy Change the Early Maladaptive Schemas in Individuals with Alcohol Dependence? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian J Psychol Med. 2022;XX:1–8.
- Singh G, Kaloiya GS, Dhawan A, Balhara YPS and Mishra AK. The Extent of End or sement of Distal to Proximal Dysfunctional Cognitions in Individuals with Alcohol Dependence: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study in the Indian Context. Indian J Psychol Med.2022;44(3):239–245.
- Saini R, Parmar A, Rao R, Mishra AK, Ambekar A, Agrawal A. Psychiatric and Substance Use Comorbidities among People who Inject Drugs in India: ACross-Sectional, Community BasedStudy.WorldSocPsychiatry2021;3:195-202.
- SarkarS, SoodE, BhadR, MishraA. Validateds cales for substance use disordersin the geriatric population: A scoping review. J Geriatr Ment Health 2021;8:70-6.
- Singh VV, Dhawan A, Chadda RK, Mishra AK and Sarkar S. A ProspectiveThree-MonthsNaturalisticFollow-UpStudyofOutcomesofPatientswithOpioid Dependence Discharged on Buprenorphine or Oral Naltrexone. Indian JPsycholMed.2022;XX:1–7.
- Ghosh, S., Jain, R., Singh, S. et al. A simplified approach for determination of urinary ethyl glucuronide by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. JAnalSciTechnol12,35 (2021).
- Singh A, Rao R, Chatterjee B, Mishra AK, Kaloiya GS, Ambekar A. Cognitive function in gin patients maintain edonbupre norphineat peak and trough buprenorphine levels: An experimental study. Asian J Psychiatry.2021;61:102697.
- AnjuD, MishraAK, AmbekarA, ChatterjeeB, AgrawalA, BhargavaR. Estimating the size of substance using street children in Delhi using Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS). Asian J Psychiatry.2020(48):101890.
- Atul Ambekar, Goyal SG, Ambekar A, JainR, Mehta MM, MishraAK. Intravenous Buprenorphine does not impair psychomotor and cognitive functioning in opioid dependent patients using oral dextropropoxyphene: A randomised double-blind cross over study. J Mental Health Hum Behav 2020;25:45-52.
- Saini R, Rao R, Parmar A, Mishra AK, Ambekar A, Agrawal A, Dhingra N.Rates, knowledge and risk factors of non-fatal opioid overdose among people who inject drugsin India: A community-based study. Drug Alcohol Rev.2020;39(1):93-97.doi:10.1111/dar.13016.
- Gupta S, Lal R, Ambekar A, Mishra AK, Rao R. The pattern of alcohol use and its relationship with consequences among problem alcohol users: A community‑based cross‑sectional study from India. Indian J Psychiatry 2020;62:152-8.
- Dhagudu NK, Ambekar A, Agrawal A, Rao R, Mishra AK, Jain R, Singh S. Is there enough naloxone to deter the diversion? Effect of con current administration of intravenous naloxone on opioid agonist effects of intravenous buprenorphine: Arandomised, double-blind, within-subject, cross over study among opioid-dependent subjects. Drug Alcohol Rev.2020.DOI: 10.1111/dar.13057.
- Tripathi R, Dhawan A, Rao R, Mishra AK, Jain R, Sinha S. Assessment of Subjective Sleep Problems in Men With Opioid Dependence Maintained on Buprenorphine. J Addict Med. 2020;14(2): 132-138.doi:10.1097/ADM.0000000000000539.
- Ghosh S, Jain R, Jhanjee S, Rao R, Mishra AK. Alcohol Biomarkers and their Relevance in Detection of Alcohol Consumption in Clinical Settings. Int Arch Subst Abuse Rehabil.2019,1:002.
- AmbekarA, MishraAK, ParmarA, KumarR, KumarM, RaoR, AgrawalA. Are non-injecting opioid users at risk of transition to injecting druguse? Amulti-sitestudy from India. AsianJ Psychiatr.2019;42:79-84.
- SinghG,KaloiyaGS,DhawanA,BalharaYPS,MishraAK.Needforevaluationof underlying dysfunctional cognition in problem drinkers. Asian J Psychiatr.2018;31:71-72.
- Snehil Gupta,Rakesh Lal,Ravindra Rao,Ashwani Kumar Mishra & Atul Ambekar (2017) Pattern of alcohol use among problem alcohol users in acommunity-based setting in India: A cross-sectional study, Journal of Substance Use,23:2,130-135.
- Quraishi R, Jain R, Mishra AK, Ambekar A. Association of ankyrin repeats & kinase domain containing 1 (ANKK1) gene polymorphism with co-morbid alcohol & nicotine dependence: A pilot study from a tertiary care treatment center in north India. Indian J Med Res.2017;145(1):33-38.
- Jhanjee S, Lal R, Mishra AK, Yadav D. A randomized pilot study of brief intervention vs simple advice for women tobacco users in an urban community in India. Indian J Psychol Med.2017;39(2):131-136.
- Balhara YP, Mishra A. Sethi H, Singh S, Khandelwal SK. Time trends of cannabis use among treatment-seeking individuals at government de-addiction centers across India over aperiodof7years.IndianJPsycholMed2016;38:331-5.
- Rao R, Ambekar A, Agrawal A, Pawar AKS, Mishra AK, Khandelwal SK. Evaluation of a five-day training programmer on Opioid Substitution Therapy in India. Drugs Educ Prev Pol,2016;23(6): 471–475.
- Rao, R., Mandal, P., Gupta, R., Ramshankar, P., Mishra, A., Ambekar, A., Jhanjee, S., Dhawan, A. Factors affecting drug use during in car creation: across-sectional study of opioid-dependent persons from India. J Subst Abuse Treat.2016;61:13-7.
- DayalP, BalharaYPS, MishraAK. An open label naturalistic study of predictors of retention and compliance to Naltrexone maintenance treatment among patients with opioid dependence. Journal of Substance Use 2015. J Subst Use. 2016;21(3): 309–316.
- Varshney M, Rao R, Mishra AK, Ambekar A. Brief Interventions for harmful alcohol use in opioid-dependent patients on maintenance treatment with buprenorphine: A prospective study from India. Addictive Disorders & TheirTreatments 2015.DOI: 10.1097/ADT.0000000000000076.
- Jhanjee S, Lal R, MishraA, Yadav D. Tobacco use and dental myths In India: need for specific intervention.Gerodontology.2015May18.doi:10.1111/ger.12200.
- Ambekar A, Agrawal A, Rao R, Goyal S, Mishra AK, Mukherjee D, Kishore K,Albertin C. Pattern of drug use and associated behaviours among female injecting drug users from northeast India: a multi-centric, cross-sectional, comparative study. Substance Use & Misuse.2015; 50:1332-1340.
- Ambekar A, Rao R, Mishra AK, Agrawal A. Type of opioids injected: does it matter? A multicentric cross-sectional study of people who inject drugs. Drug Alcohol Rev.2015;34(1):97-104.
- Balhara YPS ,Mishra A,Sethi H,Ray R.A retrospective chart review of treatment seeking middle aged individuals at a tertiary caresubstance use disorder treatment centre in north part of India over five successive years-findings from Drug Abuse Monitoring System (DAMS). The Scientific World Journal 2013:316372.
Applied Statistics-Public Mental Health
- Madasu S, Malhotra S, Kant S, Sagar R, Mishra AK, Misra P, et al. Anxiety disorders among adolescents in a rural area of northern India using screen forchildanxiety-related emotional disorders tool: A community-based study. Indian J Community Med 2019;44:317-21.
- Swapna Madasu, Sumit Malhotra, Shashi Kanta, Rajesh Sagar, Ashwani KMishra, Puneet Misra, Farhad Ahamed. Prevalence and determinants of anxiety disorders among adolescents in a rural community from northern India. Asian JPsychiatr.2019;43:137-142.
- SoodM, ChaddaRK, MishraAK, KumariK, KukretiR. Attitude toward Antipsychotics and its Correlation with Psychopathology and Insight in Patients with Schizophrenia. Indian JSoc Psychiatry.2018; 34:200-2.
- KhandelwalSK, BhatiaA, MishraAK. Psychological adaptation of Indian expeditioners during prolonged residence in Antarctica.Indian J Psychiatry.2017Jul-Sep;59(3):313-319.doi:10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_296_16.
- Khandelwal S, Bhatia A, Mishra AK. Psychological health in the summer team of an Indian expedition to Antarctica. J Mental Health Hum Behav 2015; 20:65-70.
- MSood, RKChadda, KSinhaDeb, RBhad, AMahapatra, RVerma, AKMishra. Scope of Mobile Phones in Mental Health Care in Low Resource Settings. Journal MTM 6:3:43–47,2017doi:10.7309/jmtm.6.3.7.
- Behera P, Gupta SK, Nongkynrih B, Kant S, Mishra AK, Sharan P. Screening Instruments for assessments of Depression. Indian Journal of Medical Specialties. 2017;8:31-37.
- Behera P, Sharan P, Mishra AK, Nongkynrih B, Kant S, Gupta SK. Prevalence and determinants of depression among elderly persons in a rural community from North India. NatlMedJIndia2016;29:129–35.
- Kathiresan P, Sharan, Nongkynrih B, Mishra AK. Registration and definitions of mental disorders in Swedish survivors of the 2004 southeast Asia tsunami. The Lancet Psychiatry.2015;2:962.
- Patil V, Pattanayak R, Mishra A.Predictors of suicide attempt in early-onset cases: Methodological issues and concerns. JClinPsychiatry.2013;74(12):1264.
Applied Statistics-Clinical Sciences
- Deval, R., Saxena, P., Pradhan, D. et al. A Machine Learning–Based Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) Prediction Model for Newborns. Indian J Pediatr (2022).
- SinglaV,BhattacharjeeHK,GuptaE,SinghD,MishraAK,KumarD.Performance of three-dimensional and ultra-high-definition (4K) technology inlaparoscopic surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Minim AccessSurg.2022;18(2):167-175.doi:10.4103/jmas.jmas_122_21.
- HemangaK.Bhattacharjee,HarshitAgarwal,VitishSingla,ShafneedChaliyadan, Ashwani K. Mishra, Suhani Suhani, Mohit Joshi, and RajinderParshad. Learning Pattern of Two Dimensional, Three-Dimensional, and Ultra-High-Definition Endovision System on Standardized Phantom Tasks: An ExVivo Randomized StudyJournal of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced SurgicalTechniques.aheadofprint
- Chaudhary T, Kanodia A, Verma H, Singh CA, Mishra AK, Sikka K. A PilotStudy Comparing Teletherapy with the Conventional Face-to-Face Therapy forSpeech-Language Disorders. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 May28:1-5.doi:10.1007/s12070-021-02647-0.
- Sengupta D, Bindra A, Kumar N, Goyal K, Singh PK, Chaturvedi A, MalhotraR, Mishra AK. Respiratory morbidity and mortality of traumatic cervical spinalcord injury at a level I trauma center in India. Spinal Cord Ser Cases. 2021 May13;7(1):36.doi:10.1038/s41394-020-00371-5.PMID:33986249;PMCID:PMC8117130.
- Bhattacharjee, H.K., Chaliyadan, S., Mishra, A.K. et al. Comparison of two-dimensionalhigh-definition,ultrahigh-definitionandthree-dimensional endovisionsystems:anex-vivorandomisedstudy. SurgEndosc (2020).
- Verma V, Mishra AK, Narang R. Application of Bayesian analysis in medicaldiagnosis.JPract Cardiovasc Sci.2019;5:136-41.
- Malhotra P, Goel H, Mishra AK. Inflammatory lymphadenopathy in renal cellcarcinoma: prognostic tool? Ann Transl Med 2019;7(9):189. doi: 10.21037/atm.2019.03.47.
- SharmaI, SinghAP, SinghLC, MishraAK, RameshV, SaxenaS.IsCXCL10/CXCR3 axis over expression a better indicator of leprosy type 1 reaction than inducible nitric oxide synthase? IndianJMedRes.2015;142(6):681-9.
- Ramesh V, Kaushal H, Mishra AK, Singh R, Salotra P. Clinico-epidemio logical analysis of Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) cases in India over last two decades: a hospital based retrospective study. BMC Public Health.2015;15(1):1092.
- SharmaI, KaurM, MishraAK, SoodN, RameshV, KubbaA, SinghA. Histopathological Diagnosis of Leprosy Type 1 Reaction with Emphasis on Inter observer Variation. Indian JLepr.2015;87:101-107.
- Soni S, Rath G, Deval R, Salhan S, Mishra AKumar, Saxena S. Prognostic significance of soluble Fas and soluble Fas ligand in serum of patients with complete hydatidiform moles. AmJReprod Immunol 2011;66: 230–236.
- ChaswalM, DasS, PrasadJ, KatyalA, MishraAK, FahimM.Effect of Losartanan angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist on Cardiac Autonomic Functions of Rats During Acute and Chronic Inhibition of Nitric Oxide Synthesis. Physiol.Res.2012;61:135-144.
- Tomar R, Mishra AK, Mohanty NK, Jain AK. Altered Expression of Succinic Dehyrdogenase in Asthenozoospermia Infertile Male. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology.2012;68:486-490.
- Fochsen G, Deshpande K, Diwan V, Mishra A, Diwan VK, Thorson A. HealthCare seeking among individuals with cough and Tuberculosis: a population-based study from rural India.The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.2006;10(9):995-1000.
Applied Statistics-Scientometrics
- Dhua AK, Garg M, Mishra AK, Goel P, Jain V, Yadav DK. A bibliometric study of the pediatric inguinal hernia publication landscape from the web of science database. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2022;27:689-98.
- Dhua AK, Kumar V, Mishra AK, Jain V, Yadav D, Bajpai M, et al. Fifty most influential articles on anorectal malformations: A tribute through bibliometric ranking. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg 2022;27:419-27.
- Mohit Varshney, Arpit Parmar & Ashwani Kumar Mishra (2020) The Past,Present and Future of Literature Pertaining to Betel (Areca) Nut: A Citation Analysis, Substance Use & Misuse,55:9,1403-1412,DOI:10.1080/10826084.2019.1660677.
- ParmarA, GaneshR,MishraAK.The top 100 cited article on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): A Citation Analysis. Asian J Psychiatr. 2019;42:34-41.
- Parmar A, Kumar Dubey D, Singh Balhara YP, Kumar Mishra A. Do Addiction Science Journals Endorse Unbiased Reporting of Research? A Systematic Evaluation of Instructions for Authors. Subst Use Misuse. 2019;54(10):1734-1742.
- BalharaYPS,MishraAK.Compliance of Retraction notices for retracted articles on mental disorders with COPE guidelines on retraction. Current Science.2014;107(5):757-760.
- BalharaYPS,Mishra AK. A study exploring attributes and nature of the retracted literature on mental disorders. Indian J Med Ethics.2014;11(4):1-12.
- Mishra AK, Balhara YPS. Statistical Methodology for the Scinto metrics Study of the Growth of Medical Sciences in India. Current Science 2013;105(6):821-826.
Applied Statistics-Cancer Epidemiology & Population Genetics
- SaxenaS, ChakrabortyA, KaushalM, MohilRS, MishraAK, SinghLC, SharmaJ, Bansal A, Agrawal U, Mehta J, Asthana S, Kataki AC, Kapur S, Chintamani, Dinesh Bhatnagar. Breast Cancer in Indian Women: Genetic Risk Factors and Predictive Biomarkers. AnnNatlAcad Med Sci(India)2019; 55:34–47.
- Malhotra P, Goel H, Mishra AK. Inflammatory lymphadenopathy in renal cell carcinoma: prognostic tool? Ann TranslMed 2019;7(9):189.
- KumarN, AgrawalU, MishraAK, KumarA, VasudevaP, MohantyNK, Saxena S. Predictive role of serum and urinary cytokines in invasion and recurrence of bladder cancer. Tumor Biology.2017;1-14.
- Agrawal U, Kumar N, Mishra AK, Vaudeva P, Kumar A, MohantyNK, Saxena S. Immune signature of urothelial cancer associated with grade,recurrence,andinvasion. UrolOncol.2016;34(9):418.e17-26.
- ChakrabortyA,MishraAK,SaxenaS. Polymorphism of Hormone Synthesis and Metabolizing Genes and Breast Cancer Risk: A Multigenic Case-control Study. Biomed ResJ.2016;3(1):73–87.
- Sawlani K, Kumari N, Mishra AK, Agrawal U. Oral Cancer Prevalence in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India. J Family Med Community Health 2014;1(4):1022.
- IhsanR,ChauhanPS,MishraAK,SinghLC,SharmaJD,ZomawiaE,VermaY,Kapur S,. Saxena S. Copy number polymorphism of glutathione-S-transferase genes (GSTM1&GSTT1) in susceptibility to lung cancer in a high-risk population from north-east India. IndianJ MedRes2014(139):720-729.
- PaliwalPAroraD,MishraAK. Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Urothelial Carcinoma: Twist in the tale. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology.2012;55(4):25-31.
- Kaushal M, Mishra AK, Sharma JV, Kataki A, Kapur S, Saxena S. Genomic alteration analysis of breast cancer patients in correlation with betel quid chewing in Northeast India. PLoSOne.2012;7(8):e43789.
- ChauhanPS,IhsanR,MishraAK,YadavDS,Yadav,SalujaS,MittalV,SaxenaS, Kapur S. High order interactions of xenobiotic metabolizing genes and P53 codon 72 polymorphisms in acute leukemia. EnvironMolMutagen.2012;53(8):619-30.
- Soni A, Bansal A, Mishra AK, Batra J, Singh LC, Chakraborty A, Yadav DS,Mohanty NK, Saxena S. Association of androgen receptor, prostate-specificantigen, and CYP19 gene polymorphisms with prostate carcinoma and benignprostatic hyperplasia in a north Indian population. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers.2012;16(8):835-40.
- Ihsan R, Devi TR, Yadav DS, Mishra AK, Sharma J, Zomawia E, Verma Y,PhukanR,MahantaJ,KatakiAC,KapurS,SaxenaS. Investigation on the role of p53 codon 72 polymorphism and interactions with tobacco, betel quid, and alcohol in susceptibility to cancers in a high-risk population from North EastIndia.DNACellBiol.2011; 30(3):163-71.
- IhsanR,ChauhanPS,MishraAK,YadavDS,KaushalM,SharmaJD,ZomawiaE, Verma Y, Kapur S, Saxena S. Multiple analytical approaches reveal distinct gene-environment interactions in smokers and non-smokers in lung cancer. PLoSOne.2011;6(12):e29431.
- ChauhanPS,BhushanB,SinghLCSingh,MishraAK,SalujaS,MittalV,GuptaDK,KapurS.Expression of genes related to multiple drug resistance and apoptosis in acute leukemia: response to induction chemotherapy. Exp MolPathol.2011;92(1):44-49.
- Singh A, Mishra AK, Ylaya K, Hewitt SM, Sharma KC, Saxena S. Wilm’s Tumor-1, Claudin-1 and Ezrin are useful immunohistochemical markers that help to distinguish Schwannoma from Fibroblastic Meningioma. Pathol Oncol Res.2012;18(2):383-9.
- Bansal A, Soni A, Rao P, Singh LC, Mishra AK, Mohanty NK, Saxena S. Implication of DNA repair genes in prostate tumorigenesis in Indian males. Indian J MedRes.2012Oct;136(4):622-32.
- MishraAK,AgrawalU,NegiS,BansalA,BhatnagarA,BhatnagarD,Chintamani,MohilR,SaxenaS. Study on expression of AR in Breast Cancer and its correlation with other steroid receptors and growth factors. IndianJMedRes.2012:135;843-852.
- Singh LC, Chakraborty A, Mishra AK, Devi TR, Sugandhi N, Chintamani C,Bhatnagar D, Kapur S, Saxena S. Study on predictive role of AR and EGFR family genes with response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer in Indian women. MedOncol.2012;29(2):539-46.
- Chintamani, Tandon M, Mishra A, Agarwal U, Saxena S. Sentinel lymph node biopsy can be a reliable alternative to axillary dissection after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer-a prospective study. WorldJ SurgOncol.2011;8:9-1.
- SoniA,BansalA,SinghLC,MishraAK,MajumdarM,ReginaT,MohantyNK,Saxena S. Gene expression profile and mutational analysis of DNA mismatch repair genes in carcinoma prostate in Indian population.OMICS.2011;15(5):319-24.
- Ihsan R, Chattopadhyay I, Phukan R, Mishra AK, Purkayastha J, Sharma J,Zomawia E, Verma Y. Role of EPHX1 gene polymorphisms in esophagealcancer of high-risk area in India. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010; 25(8):1456-62.
- Yadav DS, Devi TR, Ihsan R, Mishra AK, Kaushal M, Chauhan PS, Bagadi SA,SharmaJ,ZamoawiaE,VermaY,NandkumarA,SaxenaS,KapurS.Polymorphisms of Glutathione-S-transferase(GST) genes and the risk of aerodigestive cancers in Northeast Indian population. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarker,2010;14(5):715-723.
- Chintamani,KulshreshthaP,ChakrabortyA,SinghL,MishraAK,BhatnagarD,SaxenaS.Androgen receptor predicts response todrugs not risk in Breast Cancer in Indian Women.WorldJ Surg Oncol2010;8: 64.
- Chauhan PS, Ihsan R, Yadav DS, Mishra AK, Bhushan B, Soni A, Kaushal M,DeviTR,SalujaS,GuptaDK,MittalV,SaxenaS,KapurS. Association of GST,EPHX and p53 codon gene polymorphism with adult acute myeloid leukemia. DNA CellBiol.2011;30(1):39-46.
- Kaushal M, Mishra AK, Raju BS, Ihsan R, Chakraborty A, Sharma J, ZomawiaE,VermaY,KatakiA,KapurS,SaxenaS.Betel quidchewing as an environmental risk factor for breast cancer. MutatRes.2012;703(2):143-8.
- Agrawal U, Mishra AK, Salgia P, Verma S, Mohanty NK, Saxena S. Role of tumor suppressor and angiogenesis markers in prediction of recurrence of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. PatholOncol Res.2011;17(9):91-101.
- Chauhan PS, Bhushan B, Mishra AK, Singh LC, Saluja S, Verma S, Gupta DK,Mittal V, Chaudhry S, Kapur S. Mutation of FLT3 gene in acute Myeloid leukemia with normal cytogenetics and its association with clinical and immunophenotypic features. MedOncol.2011;28(2):544-51.
- Thoudam RD, Yadav DS, Mishra AK, Kaushal M, Ihsan R, Chattopadhyay I,ChauhanPS,SarmaJ,ZomawiaE,VermaY,NandkumarA,MahantaJ,PhukanR, Kapur S, Saxena S. Distribution of GSTT1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms in Northeast Indians: A Potential Report. GenetTestMolBiomarkers.2010;14(2):163-9.
- Bhushan B, Chauhan PS, Saluja S, Verma S, Mishra AK, Siddiqui S, Kapur S. Aberrant Phenotypes in childhood and adult acute leukemia and its association with adverse prognostic factors and adverse outcomes. ClinExpMed.2010;10(1):33-40.
- ChakrabortyA,MishraAK,SoniA,ReginaT,MohilR,BhatnagarD,BhatnagarA,ChintamaniC,SharmaPC,SaxenaS.Vitamin D Receptor gene polymorphism(s) and breast cancer risk in north Indians. Cancer Detection andPrevention.2009;32:386-394.
- Singh A, Kapur S, Chattopadhyay I, Purkayastha J, Sharma J, Mishra A, HewittSM, Saxena S. Cytokeratin immunoexpress ion in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma of high risk population in North East India. Appl ImmunohistochemMol Morphol.2009;17(5):419-24.
Edited Manuscript-Associate Editor
- Abota, T. L., Gashe, F. E., & Deyessa, N. (2022). Perinatal intimate partner violence and postpartum contraception timing among currently married women in Southern Ethiopia: A multilevel Weibull regression modeling. Frontiers in Public Health.
- Zhou R, Lin X, Xu J, Lin X and Wu Z (2022) Knowledge mapping analysis of mental health research on COVID-19. Front. Psychiatry 13:931575. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.931575.
- Chen S, Hong H and Xu G (2022) Prevalence and related factors of depressive symptoms among HIV/AIDS in Ningbo, China: A cross-sectional study. Front. Psychiatry 13:1004318. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1004318.
- Ventura-León J, López-Jurado R, Porturas E, León-Mostacero I and Canchanya-Balbin SE (2022) Anxiety, depression, stress, worry about COVID-19 and fear of loneliness during COVID-19 lockdown in Peru: A network analysis approach. Front. Public Health 10:946697. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.946697.
- Gao Q, Xu H, Shi K, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Jiang Q, Wei X and Liu T (2022) Quarantine and demographic characteristics as predictors of perceived stress and stress responses during the third year of COVID-19 in China. Front. Psychiatry 13:962285. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.962285.
- Chen Y, Lian B, Li P, Yao S and Hou Z (2022) Studies on irritable bowel syndrome associated with anxiety or depression in the last 20 years: A bibliometric analysis. Front. Public Health 10:947097. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.947097.
- Adedeji A, Buchcik J, Akintunde TY and Idemudia ES (2022) Racial identity as a moderator of the association between socioeconomic status and quality of life. Front. Sociol. 7:946653. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.946653.
- Li X, Yu J and Shu C (2022) Bibliometric analysis of global research trends on post-stroke pneumonia: Current development status and research Frontiers. Front. Public Health 10:950859. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.950859.
- Chou P-H, Wang S-C, Wu C-S, Horikoshi M and Ito M (2022) A machine-learning model to predict suicide risk in Japan based on national survey data. Front. Psychiatry 13:918667. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.918667.
- JiangX(2022) Does Public Service Motivation Affect Teacher Satisfaction From the Perspective of Urban and Rural Dual Structure? Empirical Analysis Based on Estonia TALI S2018Data. Front.Psychiatry13:727659.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2022.727659.
- GouY,WuN,XiaJ,LiuY,YangH,WangH,YanTandLuoD(2022) Province-and Individual-Level Influential Factors of Depression: Multi level Cross-Provinces Comparison in China. Front. Public Health10:893280.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.893280.
- XuZ,ZhangW,ZhangX,WangY,ChenQ,GaoBandLiN (2022) Multi-Level Social Capital and Subjective Wellbeing Among the Elderly: Understanding the Effect of Family, Workplace, Community, and Society Social Capital. Front. Public Health 10:772601.doi:0.3389/fpubh.2022.772601.
- ChenX,ChenJ,ZhangM,DongRK,LiJ,DongZ,YeY,TongL,Zhao R,CaoW, Li P and Zhang SX (2022) Meta-Regression on the Heterogenous Factors Contributing to the Prevalence of Mental Health Symptoms During the COVID-19 Crisis Among Healthcare Workers. Front.Psychiatry13:833865.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2022.833865.
- Almatroudi A(2022)The Incidence Rate of Esophageal Cancer in Saudi Arabia: An Observational and a Descriptive Epidemiological Analyses. Front. Public Health 10:818691.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.818691.
- GhazwaniEY(2022)Prevalence and Determinants of Burnout Among Palliative Care Clinicians in Saudi Arabia. Front. Public Health9:834407.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.834407.
- Van Orden KA, Lutz J, Conner KR, Silva C, Hasselberg MJ, Fear K, LeadleyAW, WittinkM N and BaumhauerJF(2022) URMC Universal Depression Screening Initiative: Patient Reported Outcome Assessments to Promote a Person-Centered Biopsychosocial Population Health Management Strategy. Front.Psychiatry12:796499.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.796499.
- Wang K-C, Lo Y-TC, Liao C-C, Jou Y-Y and Huang H-B (2022) Associations Between Symptoms of Depression and Air Pollutant Exposure Among Older Adults: Results from the Taiwan Longitudinal Study on Aging (TLSA). Front. Public Health 9:779192.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.779192.
- vanZy,lLEandtenKlooster,PM(2022) Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling: Practical Guidelines and Tutorial With a Convenient Online Tool forM plus. Front.Psychiatry12:795672.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.795672.
- Smith CM, Feigal J, Sloane R and Biederman DJ (2021) Differences in Clinical Outcomes of Adults Referred to a Homeless Transitional Care Program Based on Multimorbid Health Profiles: A Latent Class Analysis.Front.Psychiatry12:780366.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.780366.
- HeL,WangK,ZhangZ,WangJ,LiT,WangY,YangL,WuY,ZhangS,ZhangS and Yang H (2021) Depression Levels of State Functionaries: Empirical Evidence From China. Front. Psychiatry12:754182.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.754182.
- Peng F, Zhan X, Yang B and Tian Y (2022) A Quantitative Study of Early Childhood Care and Education Services Under the Age of Three: Evidence From Sichuan Province, China. Front.PublicHealth10:794967.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.794967.
- Al-Shatanawi TN, Sakka SA, Kheirallah KA, Al-Mistarehi A-H, Al-Tamimi S,Alrabadi N, Alsulaiman J, Al Khader A, Abdallah F, Tawalbeh LI, Saleh T,HijaziW,AlnsourARandYounesNA (2021) Self-ReportedObsessionTowardCOVID-19PreventiveMeasuresAmongUndergraduateMedicalStudentsDuring the Early Phase of Pandemic in Jordan. Front. Public Health 9:719668.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.719668.
- Jia P, Zhuang J, Vaca Lucero AM, Osei CD and Li J (2021) Does Participation in Local Non-agricultural Employment Improve the Mental Health of Elderly Adults in Rural Areas? Evidence From China. Front. Public Health 9:746580.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.746580.
- Mounir I, Menvielle L, Perlaza S, Chênevert D, Planchard J-H, Fabre R, BenoitM, Benyamina A, Rolland B, Cherikh F and David R (2021) PsychologicalDistress and Tobacco Use Among Hospital Workers During COVID-19. Front.Psychiatry12:701810.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.701810.
- Willems RCWJ, Drossaert CHC, Miedema HS and Bohlmeijer ET (2021) HowDemanding Is Volunteer Work at a Crisis Line? An Assessment of Work- andOrganization-Related Demands and the Relation With Distress and Intention toLeave.Front.PublicHealth9:699116.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.699116.
- Yang H-l, Wu Y-y, Lin X-y, Xie L, Zhang S, Zhang S-q, Ti S-m and Zheng X-d(2021) Internet Use, Life Satisfaction, and Subjective Well-Being Among theElderly:EvidenceFrom2017ChinaGeneralSocialSurvey.Front.PublicHealth9:677643.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.677643.
- KousoulisAAandGoldieI(2021)AVisualizationofaSocio-EcologicalModelforUrbanPublicMentalHealthApproaches.Front.PublicHealth9:654011.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.654011.
- Ventuneac A, Hecht G, Forcht E, Duah BA, Tarar S, Langenbach B, Gates J,Cain D, Rendina HJ, Aberg JA and Perlman DC (2021) Chronic High RiskPrescriptionOpioidUseAmongPersonsWithHIV.Front.Sociol.6:645992.doi:10.3389/fsoc.2021.645992.
- KousoulisAAandGoldieI(2021)AVisualizationofaSocio-EcologicalModelforUrbanPublicMentalHealthApproaches.Front.PublicHealth9:654011.doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.654011.
- Zhao L, Yang F, Sznajder KK, Zou C, Jia Y and Yang X (2021) Resilience asthe Mediating Factor in the Relationship Between Sleep Disturbance and Post-stroke Depression of Stroke Patients in China: A Structural Equation ModelingAnalysis.Front.Psychiatry12:625002.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.625002.
- Carballeira Carrera L, Lévesque-Daniel S, Radjack R, Moro MR and Lachal J(2020) Clinical Approaches to Cultural Diversity in Mental Health Care andSpecificities of French Transcultural Consultations: A Scoping Review. Front.Psychiatry11:579147.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.579147.
- Ellis K, Walters S, Friedman SR, Ouellet LJ, Ezell J, Rosentel K and Pho MT(2020)Breaching Trust: A Qualitative Study of Health care Experiences of People Who Use Drug sina Rural Setting. Front.Sociol.5:593925.doi:10.3389/fsoc.2020.593925.
- LuanR, PuW, DaiL, Yang Rand Wang P(2020) Comparison of Psycho logical Stress Levels and Associated Factors Among Healthcare Workers, Front line Workers, and the General Public During the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic. Front.Psychiatry11:583971.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.583971.
- Esteves CS, Oliveira CRd and ArgimonIIdL(2021) Social Distancing: Prevalence of Depressive, Anxiety, and Stress Symptoms Among Brazilian Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front. Public Health 8:589966. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.589966.
- Des Jarlais DC, Arasteh K, Barnes DM, Feelemyer J, Berg H, Raag M, Talu A, Org G, Tross S and Uuskula A (2021) A Multistage Process Model of How a Person Who Currently Injects Drugs Comesto Assist Persons Who Donot Inject with Their First Injections. Front.Sociol.6:619560.doi:10.3389/fsoc.2021.619560.
- Al-Zawaadi A, Hesso I and Kayyali R (2021) Mental Health Among School-Going Adolescents in Greater London: ACross-SectionalStudy.Front.Psychiatry12:592624.doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.592624.
Book Chapters
- Ashwani Kumar Mishra. Demography, Surveillance, and Interpretation of Data. Comprehensive Textbook of Community Health Nursing Including Environmental Science, First Edition.
- Ashwani Kumar Mishra, Yatan Pal Singh Balhara. A Systematic Analysis of output in Medical Sciences for BRICS Countries. 2015. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference for Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS), 60-64
- AK Mishra, Anurupa Chakraborty, Sunita Saxena. Significance of Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms in Breast Cancer-Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis. Vitamin D: Nutrition, Side Effects and Supplements (2010). Chapter 14.
- Shivani Negi, AK Mishra, Anju Bansal, Amar Bhatnagar, Dinesh Bhatnagar, Chintamani, Sunita Saxena. Statistical Considerations in Breast carcinoma-A Study on Association of Androgen Receptors with Clinical Response. Population, Poverty and Health: Analytical Approaches. Chapter 20:277-284. Proceedings of the 29th National Conference of the Indian Association for the Study of Population and National Seminar on Recent Statistical Technique for Data Analysis” at Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.), Varanasi, 26th – 28th October, 2007.
Technical Reports, Manual, Reports
- Dhawan A, Bhargava R, Mishra AK, Chatterjee B, Mandal P (2021). Report of Project Screening & Intervention for Drug/ Substance abuse among School going Children. New Delhi: Samagra Shiksha- Delhi, Education Department, GNCT of Delhi.
- Ambekar A, Agrawal A, Rao R, Mishra AK, Khandelwal SK, Chadda RK Experience with Treatment among patients with substance use disorders. Focused Thematic Study- National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India (2019). New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
- Dhawan A, Bhargava R, Mishra AK, Chatterjee B, Mandal P (2021). Survey on Substance Use Among School and College Students. Focused Thematic Study- National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India (2019). New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. National Investigator and Lead Biostatistician
- Ambekar A, Agrawal A, Rao R, Mishra AK, Khandelwal SK, Chadda RK. Rates and pattern of substance use among people in prisons in India. Focussed Thematic Study- National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India (2019). New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
- Ambekar A, Agrawal A, Rao R, Mishra AK, Khandelwal SK, Chadda RK. Substance Use among Transport Workers. Focussed Thematic Study- National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India (2019). New Delhi: Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
- Ambekar A, Mishra AK, Agrawal A, Rao R. Do drug policies impede the availability of treatment of opioid dependence in India (and more so for non-injecting opioid users)? Analysis of epidemiological data from Punjab, India. 12th International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Vancouver, Canada, 23-25 May 2017.
- Sood A, Ambekar A, Mishra AK. Can economic analysis of household income and expenditure inform alcohol policies? Analysis of household data from nationally representative sample from India. 12th International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Vancouver, Canada, 23-25 May 2017.
- Anju Dhawan, Atul Ambekar, Rachna Bhargava, Alok Agrawal, Biswadip Chatterjee, Ashwani K Mishra, Anita Chopra, Faizan Khan. A Field manual for Respondent Driven Sampling Survey and Mapping Study. Department of Women and Child Development. Government of NCT, Delhi. 2016, New Delhi
- Ambekar A, Rao R, Agrawal A, Mishra A, Kumar R, Kumar M. Field Manual for Implementation of Respondent Driven Sampling for Punjab Opioid Dependence Survey. New Delhi.
- Sonali Jhanjee, Rakesh Lal, Ashwani K Mishra, Deepak Yadav. Community Based Brief Intervention with simple advice for women tobacco users. Indian Council of Medical Research. 2015
- Ashwani K Mishra, Ray R. Alcohol availability, Price, Taxation and Consumption: A Technical Note for Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, by National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). Submitted to Department of Revenue, Ministry of Revenue, Government of India 2013.
Presentations Made At Scientific Meetings/ Conferences/ Workshops
Organization of symposium/workshops/conference
- Organized ONLINE interactive workshop on Basics of Research Methodology in Addiction Sciences in the first conference of Association for Addiction Psychiatry at the ADDICON-2021
- Organized ONLINE workshop on Operation alization and implementation of Nationwide Online Training Workshop on Statistical Analysis in Mental Health: Opportunities and Challenges, in World Association of Social Psychiatry Hybrid Congress 18th September 2021
- Organized a nine-day ONLINE workshop on Analytical Techniques for Statistical Analysis in Mental Health, sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Scientific and Engineering Research Board(SERB), under the Accelerate Vigyan Scheme, Government of India
- Organized 25 hours online workshop for the Ph.D. Scholars on the course work Research Methodology (Research Methodology and Research Ethics, Planning and Conduct of Literature Review, Techniques of Data Collection, Research Designs, Introduction-Test of Significance, Fundamentals of Public Health Research, Quantitative Aspects of Data Analysis, Sample Size Estimation, Time to Event Analysis, Computational Aspects of Research Methods, Elements of Scientific Communication), HNB Uttarakhand Medical Education University, Dehradun.
- Organized 25 hours online workshop on research methodology for faculty /Ph.D. Scholars/ resident son research methodology (nuts and bolts of database, what we do in statistics, elements of descriptive statistics, sampling distribution, test of significance, test of significance-quantitative variables, test of significance-categorical variables, epidemiology and study design, non-parametric test, psychometry-norms, psychometry-reliability, psychometric-validity, measures of disease frequency,diagnosticstest-part1,diagnosticstest-part2,basics of grounded theory-part1,basics of groundedtheory-part2,correlationandregression-introduction,coefficientofdetermination and standard error of estimate, binary logistic regression analysis)
- Organized symposium on biostatistical aspects of research in addiction medicine in the 21st annual meeting of international society for addiction medicine, newdelhi,2019
- Organized Symposium on Basics of Randomized Controlled Trial: Issues and Perspectives in the First Annual Conference of Addiction Psychiatry, AIIMS, New Delhi, 28-30November 2017
- Organized Workshop in First Annual Conference on Addiction Psychology, NDDTC, AIIMS, 8thSeptember 2017, on the topic “What are the needs for Psychology Students”
- Organized Workshop in the Department of Psychiatry and NDDTC on Research Methodology on topics-Research Methodology: An Introduction, Research Designs: An overview, Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Basics of Statistics and Biostatistics, Elements of Scientific Publications, Elements of Scientific Presentation, Bibliographic Management, and Data Analysis using Excel on19thAugust and 26thAugust 2017
- Organized Workshop at Food and Safety Department, Government of NCT of Delhi 6-7th June 2017, and delivered lectures and practical hands on six topics-Elements of Descriptive Statistics, Techniques of Data Screening, Data considerations and analysis on SPSS on test of significance for the quantitative variables, Regression Analysis, Analyzing repeated measurement in health sciences, and Factor Analysis
- Organized Workshop on Biostatistics in Research Methodology, at the Department of Paediatrics, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, from 22-23 February 2014 and delivered six talks on-Overview of Statistics and Biostatistics, Elements of Scientific Publications, Critical Appraisal of Scientific Papers, Hands on usage of MS Excel, Hands on usage of Epi-Info
Invited talks in conference, Symposium, Workshops
- 2022: Guest Speaker on topic “Ethics in Medical Research”, for Faculty, Research Scholars, and Paramedical Staff at Banasthali University.
- 2022: Guest Speaker on topic “Research Landscape of Psychiatric Epidemiology, Webinar Series, under the aegis of Indian Psychiatry Society (IPS), North Zone.
- 2022: Guest Speaker on topic “Paradigm Shift in Statistical Methodologies in Mental Health”, in Webinar Series, under the aegis of Indian Psychiatry Society (IPS), North Zone.
- 2022: Resource person in the Faculty Development Program at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Tiruchirappalli 8th March 2022.
- 2021: Delivered lecture on Linear and Logistic Regression Analysis as Resource person for the Workshop on Bio-statistical Data Analysis, organized by the Department of Statistics, Assam University, Silchar 22 November 2022.
- 2021: Delivered lecture on Sampling Techniques as the Resource Person in the Workshop –Cum – Hands on Training on Biostatistics and Health Data Analysis for Healthcare Professionals, Department of Clinical Research, School of Allied Sciences, Sharda University 24 September 2021.
- 2021: Delivered lecture on Test of Significance as the Resource Person in the Workshop –Cum – Hands on Training on Biostatistics and Health Data Analysis for Healthcare Professionals, Department of Clinical Research, School of Allied Sciences, Sharda University 24 September 2021.
- 2021: Attended Side Event organized by United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) in collaboration with International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) side event.
- 2021: Attended International Association for Survey Statisticians (IASS)Webinar on Positioning Household Surveys for Next Decade, organized by the International Statistical institute, November 23,2021.
- 2021: Attended Frontiers Forum Speaker Series on Good Economics for Harder Times by Prof Esther Duflo, 28 April 2021.
- 2021: Attended Frontiers Forum Speaker Series on Genomics-led solutions for all life on Earth by Prof Harris Lewin, 25 March 2021.
- 2021: Attended Frontiers Forum Speaker Series on Equipping our Children to manage a Planet by Prof David Christian, 2 March 2021.
- 2019: Presented invited talk on “Biostatistical Approaches in Molecular Epidemiology”, at the workshop on Molecular Techniques of Integrative Biology, sponsored by the Department of Health Research (DHR), Government of India and organized by the National Institute for Research in Environmental Research (NIREH), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Bhopal, India.
- 2019: Attended 37th Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS) and presented paper on “A Behavioral Economics Approach for understanding the Phenomena of Delay Discounting Rates among Alcohol and Opioid Dependence Syndrome, at AIIMS, Patna.
- 2019: Attended 21st Annual Conference for the International Society for Addiction Medicine (ISAM) and presented seminar on Evidence informed Alcohol and Drug Policy reforms in India: Implications of the epidemic logical data; Method logical Approaches for epidemiology of substance use: Advances and innovations, New Delhi.
- 2019: Attended Scientific Meeting on Presentation of Findings for Recommendation and Policy Implications under National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance use in India, 2019 at Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, April 16th,2019.
- 2019: Attended Scientific Meeting on Presentation of Findings for National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance use in India, 2019 at Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, April 16th,2019.
- 2019: Attended Scientific Meeting on Presentation of Findings for National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Sein India, 2019 at Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, April 9th,2019.
- 2019: Presented Scientific Talk on Sampling Designs and Statistical Analysis for data on National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India, in the 7th National Federation of Indian NGOs for Drug Abuse Prevention FINGODAP Conference, March29th, 2019.
- 2019: Attended Scientific Meeting on Presentation of Findings, Recommendations and Policy Implications for National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance use in India, 2019 at Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, March 12th,2019.
- 2019: Presented Scientific talk on Analytical Methods in Clinical Studies in the National Symposium on Biostatistical techniques and its application in clinical studies, Department of Statistics, Panjab University, March 11th,2019.
- 2019: Attended Scientific Meeting on Presentation of Findings and Recommendations for National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance use in India, 2019 at Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment, Government of India, February 18th, 2019.
- 2019: Attended Scientific Meetings on Presentation of Findings for National Survey on Extentand Pattern of Substance use in India,2019 at Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment, Government of India, February 4th,2019.
- 2018: Presented Scientific Talk on Elements of Inferential Statistics, during the 8th Refresher Course in Medical Sciences being organized at the University Grant Commission (UGC)-Human Resource Development Centre, BHU, Varanasi, June 2nd,2018.
- 2018: Presented Scientific Talk on Elements of Descriptive Statistics, during the 8th Refresher Course in Medical Sciences being organized at the University Grant Commission (UGC)-Human Resource Development Centre, BHU, Varanasi, June2nd,2018
- 2018: Presented Scientific Talk on Epidemiology of Substance Use in India-A Compilation from Multiple Sources, at 20th Annual Conference of International Society for Addiction Medicine, November 3rd,2018 at Busan, South Korea.
- 2018: Presented Scientific Talk on Concepts of Drug Abuse Survey-Household, in the training program me on Planning and Designing of large-scale sample surveys for officers of States/UTs, at the National Statistical Systems Training Academy (NSSTA), September 25th, 2018.
- 2018: Presented Scientific Talk on Concepts of Drug Abuse Survey-Respondent Driven Sampling, in the training programme on Planning and Designing of large-scale sample surveys for officers of States/UTs, at the National Statistical Systems Training Academy (NSSTA), September 25th, 2018.
- 2017: Presented Scientific Talkon National Level Sampling Methodology, forthe commissioned study on National Survey on Extent an Pattern of Substance use in India, by Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India, Regional Training of Trainers, Imphal, Delhi November 3rd,2017.
- 2017: Presented Scientific Talk on Sampling Methodology-Northeast Regions, for the commissioned study on National Survey on Extent an Pattern of Substance use in India, by Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment (MoSJE),Government of India, Regional Training of Trainers, Imphal, October 24th,2017.
- 2017: Presented Scientific Talk on Sampling Methodology-Central Regions, for the commissioned study on National Survey on Extent an Pattern of Substance use in India, by Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India, Regional Training of Trainers, Rachi, October 10th,2017.
- 2017: Presented Scientific Talk on Sampling Methodology-Western Regions, for the commissioned study on National Survey on Extent an Pattern of Substance use in India, by Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India, Regional Training of Trainers, Bengaluru, October 9th,2017.
- 2017: Presented Scientific Talk on Sampling Methodology-Northern Regions, for the commissioned study on National Survey on Extent an Pattern of Substance use in India, by Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India, Regional Training of Trainers, New Delhi on October 3rd,2017.
- 2017: Presented Scientific Talk on Household Mapping and Listing, under the commissioned study on National Survey on Extent an Pattern of Substance use in India, by Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India, in the national Training of Trainers, New Delhi on September 18th2017.
- 2017: Presented Scientific Talk on District Selection and State Stratification plan under the commissioned study on National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance use in India, by Ministry of Social Justice and Family Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India, in the National Consultation workshop, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on May5th2017.
- 2017: Member for the panel discussion in the software development for the empaneled agencies for the software development under the National Survey on Extent and pattern of substance use in India, at the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India, 9thJune 2017.
- 2017: Lecture on Analytical Methods in Biostatistics in 3rd Workshop on Biomedical Data Analysis using R at National Institute of Pathology, ICMR, New Delhi, 24th January 2017 Food and Safety Department, Government of NCT of Delhi 5th June 2017.
- 2017: Presentation on the State Stratification and District Selection by probability proportional to size (PPS), in the National Consultation Workshop of National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi,9th May 2017.
- 2017: Lecture on Analytical Methods in Biostatistics in 3rd Workshop on Biomedical Data Analysis using Rat National Institute of Pathology, ICMR, New Delhi,24th January 2017.
- 2017: Lecture on Implementation of Respondent Driven Sampling in Mapping and Size Estimation of Street Children whose Drugs, at the Dissemination Meeting of Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Delhi, Delhi, 11January 2017.
- 2016: Invited Talk on" Dimension Reduction Techniques: An Overview", at 25th International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Techniques, Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM), at Manipal University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 22-24 December 2016.
- 2016: Poster presentation on "Application of Geographical Information System for Understanding Epidemiology of Substance Use in India", at the Joint Conference: ISAM and CSAM-SMCA XXVII, Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference, October20-22, 2016, Montreal, Canada.
- 2016: Presented or al paper on "A Descriptive Analysis of instructions to authors for statistical reporting of article in addiction medicine journals", at 68th Annual Conference on Indian Psychiatry Society, 21-24 January 2016.
- 2016: Presented or al talking Symposium on" Cannabis in Modern Times-Challenges and Opportunities", at 68th Annual Conference on Indian Psychiatry Society, 21-24 January 2016.
- 2016: Presented oral talk in Symposium on "Punjab Opioid Dependence Survey (PODS): What have we learnt from it?",68th Annual Conference on Indian Psychiatry Society, 21-24 January 2016.
- 2015: Presented research paper entitled" A Systematic Analysis of Outputs in Medical Sciences for BRICS 33rd Annual Conference of Indian Society for Medical Statistics (ISMS),14-16 October 2015, Belgavi, Karnataka.
- 2015: Delivered lecture on "Analytical Methods in Biostatistics" at the National Institute of Pathology, ICMR in the National Workshop on Bioinformatics Tools for Biomedical Research, 24th, March 2015, supported by Indian Council of Medical Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India, New Delhi.
- 2015: Delivered lecture on "Biostatistics and Use of Software" at the National Institute of Pathology, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in the foundation workshop in Clinical and Laboratory Medicine Research for member countries of South Asian Forum for Health Research (SAFHeR), Feb2015.
- 2014: Attended two days’ workshop on Evidence Based Clinical Practice-2014, from December 13th-14th December 2014.
- 2014: Attended AIIMS-University of Michigan Research Methodology Course from 1st-5th December 2014.
- 2014: Attended and presented research paper on "Descriptive Epidemiology of Cannabis "at Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatry Association, North Zone, Ludhiana, 20th-21st December 2014.
- 2014: Attended and delivered lecture on Analytical Methods in Statistics at Annual Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, Mysore,21st-23rd November 2014.
- 2014: Attended and deliver lecture on Sampling Methodology at Annual Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, Mysore, 21st-23rd November 2014.
- 2014: Attended and presented poster presentation entitled "Basics of Research Methodology-Schematic Sensitization", at Conference on Stress Reduction Skills: Scientific Update, organized by Department of Psychiatry and Sri Sri Global Meditating Doctors Association (GMDA) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, August30th-31st,2014.
- 2014: Attended and presented contributed research paper entitled "Challenges in Teaching of Medical Statistics in Developing Country", at the 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS-9) at Flagstaff, Arizona, USA,13th-18th July 2014.
- 2014: Acted as the resource person for the workshop on Research Methods in Medical Sciences organized by the South Zone of Indian Psychiatry Society, at Kochi, Kerala, on 9th March 2014 and delivered talk on Sampling Methodology.
- 2014: Acted as the resource person for the workshop on Research Methods in Medical Sciences organized by the South Zone of Indian Psychiatry Society, at Kochi, Kerala, on 9th March 2014 and delivered talk on Analytical Methods in Statistics.
- 2013: Delivered invited talk on topic entitled "Synergistic Perspective of Clinicians and Biostatistician in an omics era", in the Silver Jubilee Conference of Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow, from14-15December2013.
- 2013: Delivered invited talk on topic entitled "Setting up of Research Database", in the symposium "Research Associated Priority Innovation Programme" of Indian Association of Social Psychiatry (IASP), at 20th Annual Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, held at Kolkata, 8th-9th, November 2013.
- 2013: Delivered invited talk on 'Basics of Biostatistics and Data Management’, at 65th Annual Conference of the Indian Psychiatry Society’ at NIMHANS, Bangalore 10th-13th January 2013.
- 2012: Delivered Invited Talk on Descriptive and Inferential Statistics at Jamia Millia Islami at Centre for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Science son November 2nd, 2012.
- 2012: Delivered Invited Talk on Presentation of Data at Jamia Millia Islamiaat Centre for Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences on November 2nd2012.
- 2012: Delivered Invited Talk on Biostatistics and Sampling Methods at National Institute of Pathology (NIP), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)fortheworkshoponResearchMethodologiesforMedicalScientistonOctober10th, 2012.
- 2012: Delivered Invited Talk on Statistical Software’ sat National Institute of Pathology (NIP), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) forth workshop on Research Methodologies for Medical ScientistonOctober10th 2012.
- 2012: Served as a resource person for the National Seminar on Scientific Writing, organized by Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Greater Noida, sponsored by Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India on March2nd,2012.
- 2011: Served as faculty for the foundation workshop on Clinical and Laboratory Medicine Research, held at National Institute of Pathology (NIP), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) from July 26th-28th, 2011 and delivered talk on Statistical Software’s.
- 2010: Served as faculty for the second foundation workshop on Clinical and Laboratory Medicine Research, held at University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS), New Delhi from 17th-19th August 2010 and delivered talk on“ Basic Biostatistics”.
- 2010: Served as faculty for the second foundation workshop on Clinical and laboratory Medicine Research, held at University College of Medical Sciences (UCMS), New Delhi from 17th-19th August 2010 and delivered talk on“ Data Management and Sample Size Determination”.
- 2010: Served as faculty for the First foundation Workshop on Clinical and laboratory Medicine Research for undergraduate medical students, held at Institute of Pathology, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi from 12th-13th March 2010 and delivered invited talk on “Basic Biostatistics”.
Investigator In Funded Projects Along with Year and Title (Completed)
- Analytical Techniques for Statistical Analysis in Mental Health [2021]
- Internal Consistency and Divergent Validity of the Hindi Version of the Addiction Severity Index-Lite among Individuals with Alcohol and Opioid Dependence Syndrome [2019-2021]
- Development of Indian Anxiety and Mania Questionnaire [2019-2022]
Investigator In Funded Projects Along With Year And Title (Ongoing)
- Infrared signature of surgical wound: thermographic profiles and early stage test-accuracy study to predict the surgical site infection in paediatric surgical patients [2022-]
- A study to examine psychosocial and behavioral domains among school going adolescents during COVID 19 pandemic -Mixed study design [2022-]
Investigator In Non-funded Projects Along With Year And Title (Completed)
- Hindi Adaptation and Psychometric Validation of Stages of Change Readiness and Treatment Eagerness Scale (SOCRATES) among Participants with Alcohol Dependence [2020-2022]
- Comparison of Delay Discounting Rate among current users of Heroin and abstinent: An Observational Study [2019-2021]
- Delay Discounting Rates among Patients with Alcohol and Opioids Dependence: A Cross Sectional Comparative Study [2017-2019]
Investigator In Non-funded Projects Along With Year And Title (Ongoing)
- Comparison of Different Methods for Estimation of Alcohol Consumption: A Cross-sectional Community based Study [2022-]
Co-investigator In Funded Projects Along With Year And Title (Completed)
- Development and Validation of an Indian Instrument to Assess Severity of Substance Related Problems [2019-2022].
- Screening and Intervention in School Students of Primary Classes for Substance use in Delhi”. Funding- Department of Education (DOE), Delhi Government [2019-2021].
- Screening and Intervention in School Students of Secondary Classes for Substance use in Delhi”. Funding- Department of Education (DOE), Delhi Government [2019-2021].
- National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance use in India [2016-2021].
- Development of Indian Anxiety and Mania- Questionnaire [2018-2022].
- Rates and Pattern of Psychoactive Substance use among Prison inmates in India [2018-2022].
- Experience with Treatment among patients with substance use disorders [2018-2022].
- Pattern of use of Psychoactive Substances (NPS) [2018-2021].
- Substance use among Transport Workers [2018-2021].
- Substance use among school and College students [2018-2021].
- Behavioral and Biological Assessment of Vulnerabilities to acquisition of HIV, blood Borne viruses and Tuberculosis among Prison Inmates of Gujarat [2018-2020].
- Development of Cognitive retraining module for improving cognitive deficits of abstinent patients with Alcohol, Cannabis and Opioid Dependence Syndrome in a Tertiary Care De-addiction Centre of Northern India [2017-2018].
- Cognitive Behavioural Based Intervention in Group Setting for Tobacco Cessation in Tertiary de-addiction centre in Northern India [2015-2016].
- Mapping and Size estimation of Street children who use drugs in Delhi [2015-2016].
- Study on Size Estimation for Opioid Dependent Population in State of Punjab [2014-2015].
- Community Based Brief Intervention with simple advice for women tobacco users.
- Epigenetic studies in esophageal cancer in high-risk region of Northeast India [2011-2012].
- Immunogenetic profile of NPC–Nasopharygeal Cancer in a high prevalence region of Northeast India [2010-2012].
- Longitudinal Demographic, Socioeconomic survey and analysis in 60 villages of Ujjain district [2003-2006].
- A study on availability of Health Facilities in the Ujjain district [2004-2005].
- Assessment of disease burden due to Taenia Solium in a rural Community [2002-2003].
Co- Investigator In Non-funded Projects Along With Year And Title Completed
- A Study to explore the of Gamma Synuclein as a Potential Biomarker in Breast Cancer [2020-2022].
- Functional outcome of patients undergoing thoracic surgery for benign Pulmonary and pleural diseases: ambispective cohort study [2020-2022].
- Exploratory study of problematic internet pornography use [2020-2022].
- Impact of Screen Time on Mental, Behavioural and Social aspects among School going Adolescents [2020-2022].
- Comparison of Double “J” and infant feeding tubes as stents in open Cohen’s ureteric reimplantation in terms of hospital stay -a Randomized study [2019-2022].
- Circulating Micro RNA in Coronary Artery Disease [2019-2022].
- Assessment of reasons, status of, and factors associated with drop-out in patients on Opioid Substitution Therapy: A cross-sectional, comparative, community-based study [2019-2022].
- Endorsement and Concordance of ICD 11, ICD 10 and DSM 5 Diagnostic Guidelines for Alcohol and Opioid Use Disorders [2019-2021].
- Psychological Correlates of Caregiving among the caregivers of patients with Schizophrenia [2018-2022].
- Trazodone for sleep disturbance in opioid dependent patients maintained on buprenorphine: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial [2018-2021].
- Assessing client perceived barriers to initiate opioid substitution therapy among Injecting Drug Users A cross- sectional, comparative, community-based study [2018-2021].
- Effectiveness of reminders using Phone call versus Short Message Service on treatment retention in patients with substance use disorders: An open label randomized trial [2018-2020].
- Development of Cognitive Behavioural based Intervention Module for Adolescents in Conflict with Law [2017-2022].
- A Pilot Follow-up Study on Retention and Outcome of Patients with Opioid Dependence after Discharge from Treatment Centre [2017-2019].
- Cognitive Functioning in Buprenorphine maintained Opioid Dependent Patients at Peak and Trough Blood Buprenorphine Levels: An Experimental Study [2017-2019].
- Study of Aspirin and Clopidogrel Resistance by Platlet Aggregation and its Association with Adverse Outcomes in Indian Stable Coronary Artery Disease Patients [2017-2019].
- Intravenous Naloxone on Opioid Agonist Effects of Intravenous Buprenorphine: A Double-blind, Within-subject, Randomized, Cross-over Study among Opioid Dependent Subjects [2017-2019].
- Depression, anxiety, quality of sleep and mental adjustment style among adult myeloma patients in active treatment and maintenance phase [2017-2019].
- Family Interventions Addressing Expressed Emotions in Treatment Seeking Men with Opioid Dependence [2016-2021].
- Association between C Reactive Protein Level and Alcohol Consumption Among patients of Alcohol Use Disorder: A Cross Sectional Exploratory Study [2016-2019].
- A Cross-Sectional Observational Study to Assess Help seeking behaviour for Alcohol Use Disorders among Patients with Alcoholic Liver Diseases [2016-2019].
- Knowledge, Risk Factors and Experience of Non-Fatal Overdose Among Injecting Drug Users: A Community- based, Cross-sectional Study [2016-2019].
- To investigate the effect of polymorphisms and epigenetic modification on the expression of monoamine pathway genes in alcohol dependence [2015-2020].
- Cognitive Representation and efficacy of Cognitive Therapy in individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome [2015-2019].
- Oral Methadone versus Sublingual Buprenorphine for Treatment of Acute Opioid Withdrawal: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Controlled Study [2014-2016].
- Economic analysis of Opioid Substitution Therapy under National AIDS Control Programme – a cross-sectional comparative study [2014-2016].
- Anxiety Disorder amongst adolescents in rural Ballabgarh-A Community based study [2014-2016].
- Two group randomized design for effectiveness of NRT with simple advice and NRT with counselling for the reduction in the smoking parameters [2014-2016].
- Pattern of drinking and its relationship with consequences in subjects with harmful/hazardous alcohol use [2013-2015].
- Effectiveness of Screening and Brief Intervention for Moderate/High Risk Alcohol Use Among Patients on Buprenorphine Maintenance: A Clinical and Alcohol-Biomarker Study [2013-2015].
- Depression among Elderly Persons in Rural Area of Ballabgarh. Collaborated Research work along with department of Psychiatry, Department of Community Medicine and National Drug Dependence and Treatment Centre (NDDTC) [2012-2014].
- MD Thesis dissertation work on Assessment of effect of sweet tastants on cue related craving recently detoxified alcohol dependent subjects [2012-2014].
- MD Thesis dissertation work on Cue Induced Craving in Heroin Dependent Men [2012-2014].
- DNB pathology thesis dissertation work Role of epithelial Mesenchymal transition in progression of bladder cancer: An Immunohistochemical analysis [2009-2011].
Co- investigator in funded projects along with year and title (ongoing)
- Comparative mapping of common mental disorders (CMD) over lifespan [2022-].
- A study to examine psychosocial and behavioral domains among school going adolescents during COVID 19 pandemic-Mixed study design [2022-].
- Development and evaluation of artificial intelligence- based methods models for prediction of self-harm and suicide attempts amongst the patients of opioid dependence and depression [2021-].
- Assessment of Rates and Causes of Mortality among People with Opioid dependence: A Longitudinal, Cohort Study [2021-].
- Role of specific single-nucleotide gene polymorphisms (SNPs) with treatment adherence and outcome with naltrexone among patients with opioid dependence: A naturalistic follow-up study [2020-].
Co- investigator in non-funded projects along with year and title (ongoing)
- Outcome of ASO in TGA intact ventricular septum with regressed LV in the age group 2-6 months using two stage VS integrated ECMO-A prospective observational study [2022-].
- A pilot study to assess the items for the anxiety related events among blood donors and establish their face and content validity at a tertiary care academic institute in North India [2022-].
- Quality of Life and Associated factors among recipients of Buprenorphine-Naloxone Maintenance Treatment [2021-].
Thesis supervised for MD/ PhD
- - as guide (number only -04
- -as co-guide (number only - 39
- -as member of doctoral committee - 08
Significant events
- Member of the Panel for test development and paper setting for Paper Environmental Sciences, National Testing Agency (NTA), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India [2022].
- Examiner for the course on Research Methodology for the Couse Work of Ph.D Scholars, HNB Medical Education University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand [2020].
- External Examiner for the M.Phil. Course for the paper on the Research Methodology, IHBAS [2019].
- External Examiner for the M.Phil. Course for the paper on the Research Methodology, IHBAS [2018].
- External Examiner for the recruitment of Technical Assistant (Statistics), for the Model Rural Health Scheme, CHC, Muga, under the scheme of Department of Health Research (DHR), Government of India [2017].
- External Examiner for the M.Phil. Course for the paper on the Research Methodology, IHBAS [2017].
- Examiner for the M.Phil. Course for the paper on the Research Methodology, IHBAS [2016].
Other Relevant Information
Awards and Honours
1999: First Class First for Post-GraduateExamination (GOLDMEDAL)
2001: Fellowship in Biostatistics from SGPGIMS, Lucknow
2003: Received Post Graduate Education Certificate for Advanced Course in Biostatistics and Epidemiology from Nordic School of Public Health, Goteborg and RD Gardi Medical College, Ujjain
2004: Faculty for the International Course on Health Intervention Studies, in collaboration with Nordic School of Public Health
2005: Faculty for the International Course in Research Methodology in collaboration with Nordic School of Public Health and RD Gardi Medical College, Ujjain
2013: Awarded Certificate of Accomplishment with Distinction for the course Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp, offering of John Hopkin's University, USA
2020: Received certification of completion with 91.2%Marks for the successful completion of the course on Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, from John Hopkins University, USA
2020: Letter of Commemoration from Vice-Chancellor, HNB Uttarakhand Medical Education University for effective planning, management of the ONLINE course in Research Methodology as Course Coordinator
2020: Received DST Grant from Department of Science and Technology (DST) under the Accelerate Vigyan Scheme through Scientific and Engineering Research Board (SERB) for organizing 9 days online workshop on Analytical Techniques for Statistical Analysis in Mental Health
2021: Elected Member Education Subcommittee for International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB). This honour is quite prestigious in the sense that I happen to be not only the member from India, or Asia but the only member from the Developing world. In total there are 15 [14+1] members in this committee. The other 14 members belong developed/high income countries [1Member each from Australia (AU), Canada (CA), France (FR), Romania (RO),3 Members from New Zealand (NZ), 5 Members from United Kingdom (UK), and 2 Members from USA (US).This committee supports and organize education al activities, such as short-courses, webinars, and seminar son contemporary methods in Clinical Biostatistics.
2021: Successfully Completed Paid Course with Examination on Data Science and Machine Learning: Making Data Driven Decision conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (MIT-IDSS).
2022: Nominated as the Board Member by Department of Medical Education and Research (DMER) by Government of Haryana, for Promotion of Research in Medical Universities.
Research Awards
2007: World Bank Travel grant for attending 56th International Statistical Institute Conference held at Lisboa-Portugal, for thesis research paper Some Epidemiological Models for Parasitic Infections: Comparison between traditional and Hierarchical Logistic Regression Methods
2014: World Bank Travel grant for attending 9th International Conference on Teaching Statistics for the research paper Challenges in Teaching of Medical Statistics in Developing Country
2017: Award from AIIMS, Delhi forthe research paper Pattern of Drug Use and associated behaviors among Female Injecting Drug Users from Northeast India: A Multi-Centric, Cross-Sectional, Comparative Study. Substance Use & Misuse
Associate Editor
2022-till date: Statistical Editor, International Journal of Health Research and Medico-legal practice (IJHRMLP); Official publication of the Academy of Health research and Medical Education (AHRME)
2020-tilldate: Associate Editor, Frontiers in Public Health for the Speciality Section Public Mental Health
2017-tilldate: Associate Editor Tobacco and Regulatory Sciences
- National Medical Journal of India
- Indian Journal of Medical Research
- Indian Journal of Nephrology
- Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology
- Current Science
- Drug and Alcohol Review
- Substance Use and Misuse
- Health
- International Journal of Clinical Biostatistics and Biometrics
- American Journal of Alcohol and Drug Dependence
- British Medical Journal Open
- National Medical Journal of India
- Acta Astronautica
Membership of the Scientific Societies
- Elected Member-International Institute for Medical Statistics
- Elected Member-International Association for Statistical Education
- Member-International Association for Clinical Biostatistics
- Member-Indian Society for Medical Statistics