Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Uploading | Date of Closing | Document |
371 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Applications are invited for eligible candidates for the post of Lab Attendant in a Research Project, AIIMS |
(69.79 KB)
372 | Advertisement for Recruitment | CDER intends to recruit for the post of Research officer on contractual basis. |
(1.02 MB)
373 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Corrigendum: Recruitment for the post of Research Officer under National Centre of Excellence for Implementation of National Oral Health Programme(on purely contractual basis) |
(199.33 KB)
374 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the post of JRF (4) in DBT funded project | |||
375 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the post of Senior Research Fellow |
(25.39 KB)
376 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the post of Jenior Research Fellow in DST funded project |
vacancy for JRF_6_9_16.pdf
(68.75 KB)
377 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Application are invited for the post of Senior Research Officer in the department of paediatrics, AIIMS |
(515.3 KB)
378 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Applications are invited for the following temporary posts in the research projects und Prof. T.Velpandian. |
(515.3 KB)
379 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment for the post of JRF in a research project D370 |
(83.61 KB)
380 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment for the post of SRF in a research project D370 |
(84.04 KB)