Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
331 | Purchase of Analgesia Nociception Monitor– 01 No. for the Department of Anaestheriology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, (17/SO(DO)/Anaesth/PAC/21-22/FSC) | 09-06-2022 | 23-06-2022 |
Analgesia Nociception Monitor.pdf
(860.93 KB)
332 | Purchase of Motorized Radiolucent Spinal Frame– 01 No. for the Department of Orthopedics, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, (04/SO(DO)/Ortho/PAC/22-23/FSC-III | 09-06-2022 | 23-06-2022 |
Motorized Radiolucent Spinal Frame.pdf
(833.72 KB)
333 | Bio Plex Pro Hu Screening Panel 7 Plex EXP | 01-06-2022 | 16-06-2022 |
(566.01 KB)
334 | GEM/2022/B/2200909 | 31-05-2022 | 13-06-2022 |
(80.18 KB)
335 | Qiagen Software | 21-05-2022 | 05-06-2022 |
(67.8 KB)
336 | MRI Integral "T" with check value | 19-05-2022 | 02-06-2022 |
OT Light with Camera.pdf
(82.56 KB)
337 | Disposable MRI kit for 65/115 MR injector system | 13-05-2022 | 30-05-2022 |
(74.14 KB)
338 | HPLC Purified 90% Peptide Nucleic Acids with Glycine Backbone | 06-05-2022 | 26-05-2022 |
(441.33 KB)
339 | SELEX Round and DNA Aptamer Evolution | 27-04-2022 | 05-05-2022 |
(526.01 KB)
340 | Procurement of Remobi & Aideal Technology | 25-04-2022 | 10-05-2022 |
(937.29 KB)