Sr. No. | Title | Date | Document |
161 | Pdg. & fixing kota stone in 15 Nos. E type stair case in east Campus, at Ansari Nagar at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-110/NIT-108/CD-II/2014-15/5308/6516-23) | - |
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162 | M/O Rain water pump system at Trauma Centre of AIIMS, New Delhi (SH: Replacement of rain water submersible sewage water pump motor sets.) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT87/14-15/2355/6023-29) | - |
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163 | A/R & M/O redl. Qtrs. in Western Campus. (SH: Internal painting of resdl. qtrs. DII, E, F and I type qtrs.) at AIIMS. (Engg./CW-122/NIT-110/CD-II/2014-15/5346/6820-27) | - |
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164 | Providing and laying bituminous carpeting in the existing road in Eastern and Western Campus and hospital area at AIIMS. (Engg/CW-75/NIT-73A/CD-II/2014-15/6834-41) | - |
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165 | M/O E.I. & fans in Dr.R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi (Supply of material) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT108/14-15/2341/5832-38) | - |
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166 | Renovation of room No.2 and 9 at 6th floor, N.S. side of C.N. Centre at AIIMS. (Engg./Con/W-62/NIT-63/CD-I/2014-15/5336/6654-61) | - |
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167 | Special repair of automatic fire alarm system at Transit Hostel A.V. Nagar at AIIMS (SH:Maint. and round and the clock operation of automatic fire alarm system) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT60/14-15/2343/5846-52) | - |
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168 | Special repair of automatic fire alarm system at CRHS Project Ballabgarh of AIIMS (SH: Comp. miant. and round the clock operation of automatic fire alarm system) (Engg/Elect/EE(E)/NIT61/14-15/2342/5839-45) | - |
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169 | Replacement of Air handing unit of CTVS OTs corridor and TFA Unit of CT-7 at C.N. Centre at AIIMS. (Engg/AC&R/NIT-41/14-15/385/6114-20) | - |
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170 | Renovation / Up gradation of old Pvt. Ward 5th floor at AIIMS, new Delhi. (SH:- Air conditioning work.) (Engg/AC&R/NIT-51/14-15/384/6167-13) | - |
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