Sr. No. | Title | Document |
11 | SemesterSchedule of MBBS 2nd Semester for the session Jan.2018 to June 2018 |
2nd_semester_for_Jan_to_ June2018_14_11_17.pdf
(138.95 KB)
12 | Posting Schedule of IV & Vth Semester | |
13 | Posting Schedule of VI & VIII Semester | |
14 | Schedule of IInd mid Semester Examination to be held from 2nd to 13th April, 2018 |
(162.63 KB)
15 | Teaching Schedule of IVth, VIth, & VIIIth Semester Students for the session January to June 2018 |
(314.02 KB)
16 | Teaching Schedule of IVth, VIth, & VIIIth Semester Students from 1st January 2018 to 10th January 2018(During Vacation Period) |
(94.19 KB)