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Urgently required Senior Research Fellow (3 Posts)

Essential Qualification For:

Post No. 1: M.Sc. (Biotechnology/Microbiology/ Pharmacology) + 2 years research experience.

Post No. 2: BUMS or M.Sc. (Pharmacology/ Botany) + 2 years research experience.

Post No. 3: M.Sc./ (Biotechnology/Mol Biology/Microbiology) + 2 years research experience.


Qualification For:Post No. 1 2: Research experience in medicinal botany/ ethnopharmacology/ unani medicine.

Post No. 3:  Research experience in DNA, RNA related work, PCR, knowledge of waterborne diseases, eneteroviruses, intestinal parasites.

Applications from the desired candidates must reach the Principal Investigator by post with all relevant supporting documents/certificates/ testimonials, latest by 10/06/2008.

Principal Investigator

Dr. Sarman Singh

Department of Laboratory Medicine

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Ph. 011-26588484, 011-26594977 Fax: 011-26588863


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