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Seema Singh

Seema Singh



Assistant Professor
Department of


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Dr. Seema Singh is a MBBS graduate from KMC Mangalore. She completed her MD and senior residency in Anatomy from AIIMS, New Delhi. She joined Lady Hardinge Medical College as assistant professor (Contractual basis) in 2013. Presently, she is an Additional professor in the Department of Anatomy, AIIMS. Her interest includes enteric nervous system, medical Education and gross anatomy.

  • Raza K, Singh S, Rani N, Mishra R, Mehta K, and Kaler S. Anomalous innervation of the median nerve in the arm in the absence of the musculocutaneous nerve. . Sultan Qaboos University Med J.  Feb 2017; 17(1): e106–e108.
  • Deshmukh V, Singh S, Rani N, Baruhee D. Variation in the obturator vasculature during routine anatomy dissection of a cadaver. Sultan Qaboos University Med J. August 2016; 16 (3): 356–358.
  • Banerje ASingh SRaza KRani NKaler S. Unilateral Variation in Extensor digitorum longus muscle. Clin Ter. 2016 Sep-Oct;167(5):150-151.
  • Kaushal P and Singh S. Variations in the extensor muscles of hand: A Case Report. Int Med J 2016; 23(2):189 - 191.
  • Singh S, Shariff A, Roy T, Das T, Rani N. Development of myenteric plexus in human foetuses: a quantitative study. Anat Cell Biol. 2015;48(2):124-129.