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Dr. Jyotsna Punj

Jyotsna Punj



Department of
Anaesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Critical Care


Email :
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Additional Responsibility

Office Address

General OPD


Special Clinic


Surgery Days

Speciality of work

Areas of teaching

Areas of teaching

  • Workshops conducted: 
    • International: More than 80 International workshops inSri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Tanzania, Eswatini on topics like Airway Management, BLS, ACLS, Ultrasound guided workshops, Emergency Management etc.
    • National: 
      • More than 100 workshops for doctors at various centers in India
      • Resuscitation workshops for nuns and monks of Sakya Monastery
      • Guest lectures: More than 120 at various International and National fora
      • Chief investigator of two extramural grantsand two intramural funded projects
        • Prospective randomized controlled trial to compare magnetic therapy to medical treatment for chronic back pain. ICMR funded. Ongoing
        • Comparison of paralysis of laryngeal adductor vs adductor pollicis at time of intubation with NIM EMG endotracheal tube. Intramural. Ongoing
        • Mean time to low flow anesthesia: Comparison of Baums clinical criteria, FE/FI 0.8 and State Entropy <50. Intramural. Completed
        • Research projects as Chief Investigator
          • Randomized controlled trial to compare dexamethasone and clonidine in ultrasound stellate ganglion nerve block by parameters of numerical rating scale and vascular dynamics
          • Prospective randomize controlled trial to compare magnetic therapy to medical treatment for chronic low back pain
          • Comparison of efficacy of nerve stimulation assisted ultrasound guided versus ultrasound guided glossopharyngeal nerve block inpatients with glossopharyngeal neuralgia-a randomized interventional trial
          • Comparison of efficacy of nerve stimulation assisted ultrasound guided transforaminal injection versus ultrasound guided transforaminal injection in patients with lumbar radicular pain: a randomized interventional trail
          • Randomized controlled trail to compare efficacy of ropivacaine dexamethasone combination to pulsed radiofrequency of superior hypogastric plexus in chronic pelvic pain patients
          • Research projects as Chief Guide 
          • To assess the technical feasibility of ultrasound guided outplane lumbar sympathectomy block and its confirmation by fluoroscopy in patients with peripheral arterial disease: a prospective observational study-completed
          • Analgesic efficacy and safety profile of Glossopharyngeal nerve block using Extraoral Anatomical landmark technique VS Ultrasound Guided technique in patients with Eagles Syndrome. Completed
          • Comparison of analgesic efficacy of ropivacaine and levobupivacaine in labor analgesia by dural puncture epidural technique: a prospective double blinded randomized trial. Completed
            • Randomized controlled trail to compare time to endotracheal intubation by novice anesthesiologists when performed by direct laryngoscopy without verbal video laryngoscope feedback to direct laryngoscopy with verbal video laryngoscope feedback. Ongoing
            • To compare the sedative effect of subarachnoid block with and without intravenous midazolam using BIS monitoring in patients undergoing lower limb surgeries- a randomized controlled trial. Ongoing
            • Editorial board member
              • Associate editor of IJPUT/ Associate editor of Russian Journal of Obstetrics/Guest editor of JOACP/ IJA/ Saudi Medical Journal/ BMJ open/ International journal of Pediatrics/SOJ Anesthesiology & Pain Management/Editorial board of Annals of Critical Care
  • Ultraviolet rays in the decontamination of mobile phones in hospital premises. ICMR funded. Completed