Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
6801 | Short rate enquiry | Short Rate Enquiry for purchase of Laptops & Tablet for Research Project, Project No.N-1537.Department of CRHSP Ballabgarh, (SRE No.01/14-15/CRHSP-AIIMS/Ballabgarh/N-1537) | 20-02-2015 | 05-03-2015 |
(661.2 KB)
6802 | Short rate enquiry | Short Rate Enquiry for purchase of Regents under Department of Neurology, AIIMS, new Delhi.(Short Rate Enquiry No.26/Neuro/KP/14-15/N-1481) | 20-02-2015 | 04-03-2015 |
(83.78 KB)
6803 | Short rate enquiry | Sealed quotation are invited by post/per bearer for Annual Maintenance Contractn of cooking LPG gas pipe line and kitchen equipments mentioned in the enclosed statement (SCHEDULE 'A' ) along with the terms & conditions stipulated in this regard. The said contract will be for a period of two years.(F.22(AMC LPG Equp./2014-15/Cafe) | 19-02-2015 | 12-03-2015 |
(442.86 KB)
6804 | Proprietary Tender | Proprietary item notice inviting comments for purchase of items Premier Toxin A & B (c.defficile) Elisa Kit on AIIMS. Department of Microbiology. | 19-02-2015 | 06-03-2015 |
(1.42 MB)
6805 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of ICG Dye for Dr.R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon. | 19-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 |
(1.11 MB)
6806 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of Antibodies for Dr.R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon. | 19-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 |
(673.67 KB)
6807 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of Hydroxyl Propyl Mithylcellulose for Dr.R.P. Centre at AIIMS, New Delhi-29 on proprietary basis-Inviting comments thereon. | 19-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 |
(495.73 KB)
6808 | Short rate enquiry | Sealed quotations are invited per post/bearer for the supply of items detailed below which are required for the Department of Biomedical Engineering, AIIMS, New Delhi-110029.(R.E.NO.1/Biomed/DK/14-15) | 17-02-2015 | 28-02-2015 |
(298.8 KB)
6809 | Short rate enquiry | Quotations are invited by post/per bearer for the supply of items required for C.N. Centre, AIIMS.(R.E.NO.65/CNC/2014-2015/ST.) | 17-02-2015 | 27-02-2015 |
(894.64 KB)
6810 | Short rate enquiry | Purchase of White Socks. (Ltd. Tender.138/H/2014-15) | 17-02-2015 | 10-03-2015 |
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