Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1151 | Global/Open Tender | Bid for Procurement of Micro Neurosurgical/Spinal Surgery Operating Table along with Accessories-02Nos. (With buyback basis-2Nos.) for Department of Neuro-Surgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29, GeM bid No.GEM/2024/B/4460069 Dt. 09.01.2024, Pre-bid meeting on 19.01.2024 at 2.30 p.m. End dt: 09.02.2024. Tender No.234/CNC/NS/2023-24/St. | 09-01-2024 | 09-02-2024 |
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1152 | Proprietary Tender | Purchase of FISH Probes for the department of Neuropathology Lab on proprietary basis.- Inviting Comments thereof. | 09-01-2024 | 23-01-2024 |
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1153 | Global/Open Tender | Short Stretch Compression Bandages | 08-01-2024 | 29-01-2024 |
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1154 | Global/Open Tender | Surgical Consumable Items (BOQ) | 01-01-2024 | 22-01-2024 |
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1155 | Proprietary Tender | Procurement OF Balance metanutrition keto 1 | 08-01-2024 |
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1156 | Proprietary Tender | Procurement OF Balance metanutrition keto tin | 08-01-2024 |
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1157 | Global/Open Tender | Condemnation/Decommissioning of Ziehm C-Arm Vision Vario3D-01No. (SR.No.90231) Installed at Neuro-Surgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi -29 (As is where is basis) Forward Auction ID : 9627 Reference T.No.Condemnation-04/CNC/2023-24/St. Office/Zone : CN CENTRE. | 07-01-2024 | 29-01-2024 |
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1158 | Global/Open Tender | Condemnation/Decommissioning of Siemens C-Arm Arcadis Orbic-01No. (SR.No.20574) Installed at Neuro-Surgery, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi -29 (As is where is basis) Forward Auction ID : 9629 Reference T.No.Condemnation-03/CNC/2023-24/St. Office/Zone : CN CENTRE. | 07-01-2024 | 29-01-2024 |
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1159 | Global/Open Tender | Condemnation/Decommissioning of Mobile X-ray Machine, (Make: Siemens, Model: Multi Mobile-10)-04 Nos. Installed at CTVS, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi -29 (As is where is basis). Auction ID : 9628 Reference T.No.Condemnation-02/CNC/2023-24/St. Office/Zone : CN CENTRE | 07-01-2024 | 29-01-2024 |
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1160 | Global/Open Tender | Purchase of High-End/Advanced ICU Ventilator – 06 Nos. for the Department of Anaesthesiology, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029. XX-74/SO(DO)/Anaesth./2023-24/M&E (GeM Portal tender ID GEM/2024/B/4436586 | 06-01-2024 | 05-02-2024 |
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