Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Uploading | Date of Closing | Document |
581 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Inviting applications for the post of Lower Division Clerk ( Level-2 in the pay matrix) under the mode of 10% by Departmental competitive Examination at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(995.29 KB)
582 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Application are invited for the post of Research Associate in DBT funded project |
(404.78 KB)
583 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the post of Psychologist for DST funding project which is required for Deptt. Endo. & Metabolism, AIIMS |
(193.97 KB)
584 | Recruitment Result | Engagement to the post of Clinical Psychologist/Psychologist on Contract Basis at AIIMS, New Delhi | - |
(209.49 KB)
585 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the various post for project which is required for JPN Apex Trauma Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi |
(596.46 KB)
586 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement to the regular basis faculty posts of Assistant Professor/Lecturer in AIIMS, New Delhi |
(1.19 MB)
587 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for recruitment to the post of Research Officer, Senior Research Fellow, Lab Technician and Lab Attendant |
(95.67 KB)
588 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Application are invited through online mode for filling of following Group B post at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(512.61 KB)
589 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the temporary post ( Health Assistant) which is required for Deptt. of Endocrinology & Metabolism, AIIMS |
(238.99 KB)
590 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Recruitment to the Contractual post ( Laboratory Attd.) for DBT funded project which is required for Deptt. of Biophysics, AIIMS |
(93.59 KB)