Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1841 | Purchase of SAP Licenses on Proprietary Basis for Deptt. of Computer Facility, AIIMS, New Delhi | 21-10-2015 | 05-11-2015 |
(408.41 KB)
1842 | Purchase of Methadone Syrup B.P.5mg./ml. Bottle for de-addiction center at NDDTC, AIIMS(Ref.No. 01/NDDTC/Store/Proprietary/2015-16/Med) | 21-10-2015 | 05-11-2015 |
(408.41 KB)
1843 | Purchase of ASTREE E-TONGUE (Sensor Set) through project (o-1528) for proprietary basis for the deptt. of NMR, AIIMS, New Delhi | 21-10-2015 | 16-11-2015 |
(507 KB)
1844 | Purchase of Consumables/Accessories AMO Phaco Soverign Compact System From M/s Abbott Medical Optics P.Ltd. on Proprietary Basis(No.F 7-1/CRHSP-AIIMS/Ballabgarh-3991) | 21-10-2015 | 30-10-2015 |
(1.08 MB)
1845 | Purchase of probe qPCR Master Mix, CAT #75700 Deptt. of Gastro, AIIMS, New Delhi (Ref. 37/Gastro/Proprietary/Master Mix/Rite Linkz/2015-16) | 20-10-2015 | 30-10-2015 |
(424.22 KB)
1846 | Purchase of Consumable items for Tecno Gaz Autoclave installed in Ortho O.T. AIIMS, New Delhi(Ref. No. 04/Hosp. Store/Proprietary/2015-16/Surgical) | 20-10-2015 | 02-11-2015 |
(480.32 KB)
1847 | Purchase of MPLC total Nucliec Acid Isolation Kit (Part No. 03038505001) Make Roche Diagnostics India P.Ltd. at CCM, AIIMS, New Delhi(RE 1339/Oct/Enq05) | 20-10-2015 | 30-10-2015 |
(2.17 MB)
1848 | Purchase of Taqman Fast Universal PCR master Mix (2X) Pack Size 250RXN, CAT # 4352042 Deptt. of Gastro, AIIMS, New Delhi (Ref. 35/Gastro/Proprietary/Taqman PCR Master Mix/15-16) | 15-10-2015 | 30-10-2015 |
(560.84 KB)
1849 | Purchase of biodyne Flurotrans and biotrace Membrances Deptt. of Gastro., AIIMS, New Delhi(Ref. 36/Gastro/Proprietary/Biodyne Flurotrans and Biotrace Membrances/15-16) | 15-10-2015 | 30-10-2015 |
(495.83 KB)
1850 | Purchase One Chip Camera Head, Colour system, Accessories for KARL STORZ Bronchoscope for Deptt. of Medicine, AIIMS, New Delh(Ref: MEd/Proprietary/OCCH/2015-16)i | 13-10-2015 | 27-10-2015 |
(584.76 KB)