Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
541 | Committee Reconstitution etc. | Constitute of Store Purchase Committee, Technical Specification & Evaluation Committee for NCI, Jhajjar, AIIMS |
(50.02 KB)
542 | Miscellaneous | List of Procured Books for the year 2023-24, B.B.Dikshit Library, AIIMS |
(50.02 KB)
543 | Promotions | एम्स नई दिल्ली में प्रशासनिक अधिकारी के पद पर पदोन्नति।/Promotion to the Post of Administrative Officer at AIIMS New Delhi. |
promotion AO.pdf
(708.75 KB)
544 | Travel Related | Operationalization Travel Desk at AIIMS New Delhi- reg. |
travel help desk.pdf
(484.54 KB)
545 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Offer of appointment to the post of Nursing officer at the AIIMS |
post of Nursing officer.pdf
(342.26 KB)
546 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Offer of appointment to the post of Nursing officer at the AIIMS ,New Delhi Joining release |
(517.01 KB)
547 | Recruitment/Interviews | Filling up of various teaching posts in Goa Medical College by transfer on deputation |
(517.01 KB)
548 | Miscellaneous | स्वास्थ्य उपचार कर्मियों हेतु विभिन्न रीस्किलिंग एवं अपस्किलिंग प्रमाणपत्रों के समन्वय के लिए एम्स-एचएसएससी प्रकोष्ठ के गठन संबंधी। /Constitution of AIIMS-HSSC Cell for coordination of various reskilling up skilling certifications for healthcare workers - reg. |
(517.01 KB)
549 | Promotions | Promotion to the post of Technical Officer ( Rediotherapy) at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(339.12 KB)
550 | Computerisation | Information about availability of ENA report at e-Hospital portal & collection of blood sample - reg. |
promotion DNS.pdf
(312.25 KB)