Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
3971 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | MEMORANDUM Dt: 10.2.16, Reg creation of posts in ESD, Director, AIIMS has approved the following bifurcated Divions (electrical) and posting therein. |
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3972 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | MEMORANDUM : Dt 10.2.16 Reg. Creation of the posts in ESD, Director, AIIMS has approved the following trifurcated divions and postings therein. |
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3973 | Miscellaneous | Priority list for allotment of SIII(CII) type flats at Asiad village Complex for the Year 2016 |
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3974 | Miscellaneous | Priority list for allotment of S-SI/II (DII) type flats at Asiad Village Complex for the Year 2016 |
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3975 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Working arrangement of Neuro-Sciences Centre at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
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3976 | Blacklisting / Debarring | Revoke of debarment order of M/s Widsons Scientific Works issued on dated 20.8.14 for participating in the tenders at AIIMS |
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3977 | Miscellaneous | Promotion to the post of Upper Division Clerk (under mode of 25% by LDCE) at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
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3978 | Miscellaneous | Re-schedule of the period of Winter Vacation to the Faculty Staff of AIIMS, New Delhi |
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3979 | Miscellaneous | NOTICE (F.No. 35-1/2016-Estt.-II- dt:- 20/2/16) Reg.- The Non Sanctioning of casual leave by any authority on 26/2/16. |
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3980 | Miscellaneous | Working Arrangement of Administrative Officers at the AIIMS, NEw Delhi |
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