Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
3741 | Recruitment/Interviews | ADVERTISEMENT NO. 05/2016-(FC):Applications are invited from the citizens of India including Non-Resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin for the post of Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi |
(253.29 KB)
3742 | Seniority Lists | Update waiting Seniority list of change of accommodation for C-II Ist fllor to C-II Gr. Floor allotment at Ansari Nagar is placed below to the Faculty mambers. |
(477.99 KB)
3743 | Seniority Lists | Updated Waiting Seniroty list of change of accommodation from D-II Ist floor to D-II Gr. floor allotment at Ansari Nagar is placed below to the Faculty Members. |
(460.72 KB)
3744 | Seniority Lists | Updated waiting Seniority list of change of accommodation from E-type Ist fllor to E-Type Gr. Floor allotment at Ansari Nagar is placed below to the officers, for infomration to all concerned. |
(1.45 MB)
3745 | Public Notice | Notification of Admitted JAPANESE ENCEPHAILTIS (JE) cases at AIIMS |
(1.13 MB)
3746 | Miscellaneous | Downgradation of higher level faculty posts i.e. Additional Prof. & Associate Professor sanctioned for various Centres/Departments to that of Assistant Prof. at the AIIMS |
(512.07 KB)
3747 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Offer of temporary appointment to the temporary post of Sister Gd-II at the AIIMS |
(505.32 KB)
3748 | Miscellaneous | सूचना का अधकारी अधिनियम २००५ की धरा १९ (३) के अंतरगत |
(433.5 KB)
3749 | Miscellaneous | Restructuring of Cadre of Radiology at AIIMS, New Delhi |
(477.16 KB)
3750 | Seniority Lists | Seniority List of post of the Cadre of Driver at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(983.55 KB)