Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
3481 | Miscellaneous | Designation/Nomination of Appellate authority, Central Pubic information officer & Central Assistant Public Information officer for matter relating to Faculty Cell, Recruitment Cell, Hostel Section Gymkhana, & Vigilance Cell |
(1.65 MB)
3482 | Miscellaneous | To consider the report of Co-ordination Committee for bringing uniformity in the Recruitment Rules for various Non-Faculty posts, their nomenclature, qualification, pay scale and year of service etc. in AIIMS, New Delhi, PHIMER, Chandigarh and JIPMER, Puducherry and its minutes submitted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI, New Delhi-regarding( Nottice Date 13/6/2017) |
(9.63 MB)
3483 | Miscellaneous | To consider the report of Co-ordination Committee for bringing uniformity in the Recruitment Rules for various Non-Faculty posts, their nomenclature, qualification, pay scale and year of service etc. in AIIMS, New Delhi, PHIMER, Chandigarh and JIPMER, Puducherry and its minutes submitted by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI, New Delhi-regarding |
(9.63 MB)
3484 | Miscellaneous | Notice regarding online processing for allottment of accomodaton Type-CI, CII, Asiad, DII, E, F, FTA type quarters |
(9.63 MB)
3485 | Seniority Lists | Seniority list of employees entitled for allotment of I-type residential accommodation |
(9.63 MB)
3486 | Seniority Lists | Seniority list of Scheduled caste Employees entitled for allotment of I type accommodation |
(6.07 MB)
3487 | Public Notice | World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) on 14/06/2017 |
(2.05 MB)
3488 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Working arrangement of Officers of Administrative Cadre at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(938.91 KB)
3489 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | Working Arrangement of Transport Office at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(698.93 KB)
3490 | Miscellaneous | Fixation of Pay and Payment of arrears in AIIMS Officers/employees as per Central Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 2016 |
(801.77 KB)