Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date | Download |
3331 | Miscellaneous | Revision of flat rate of license fee (rent) for various types of residential Accommodation at AIIMS |
(607.61 KB)
3332 | Miscellaneous | Revision of Dress allowance & Nursing Allowance to the Nursing Personnel of AIIMS, New Delhi as per recommendation of 7th CPC. |
(2.58 MB)
3333 | Promotions | Promotion to the post of Dy. Nursing Supdt. at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(389.17 KB)
3334 | Promotions | Promotion to he post of Nursing Supdt. at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(250.55 KB)
3335 | Miscellaneous | वर्ष 2017 के दौरान सतर्कता जागरूकता सप्ताह का आयोजन – दिनांक 30 अक्टूबर से 4 नवम्बर, 2017 |
(5.79 MB)
3336 | Miscellaneous | Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week - October 30th the November 04, 2017 - Eassay competition & Slogan writing Competition on 31st October, 2017 at LT-2, Teaching Block, AIIMS |
(447.52 KB)
3337 | Committee Reconstitution etc. | New Technical Committees have been constituted for procurement at the Computer Facility |
(380.49 KB)
3338 | Miscellaneous | Procurement of Goods/Fundamental principles of public buying-advisory on Rate Contracts. |
(380.49 KB)
3339 | Appointments / Working Arrangements | अखिल भारतीय आयुविंज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली में हिंन्दी कैडर स्टाफ का स्थानांतरण व पोस्टिगं संबंधी |
(707.84 KB)
3340 | Promotions | Promotion to the post of Deputy Nursing Superintendent at the AIIMS, New Delhi |
(437.16 KB)