Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
1331 | small under table incubator | 02-08-2023 | - |
(2.52 MB)
1332 | PC | 02-08-2023 | - |
photocopy machin.pdf
(83.16 KB)
1333 | Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves | 02-08-2023 | 21-08-2023 |
(103.48 KB)
1334 | Sterilizer Shallow Dressing Drum | 01-08-2023 | 23-08-2023 |
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1335 | Coaxial Ophthalmoscope Rechargeable | 01-08-2023 | 24-08-2023 |
(90.32 KB)
1336 | Expression of Interest for Hiring of hostel accommodation nearer to AIIMS, New Delhi Campus and its operation & management for Hostel Section, at AIIMS, New Delhi-110029, (F.No.14-134A/Outsource/Hostel/2023-24) | 31-07-2023 | 30-08-2023 |
(104.76 KB)
1337 | Purchase of Steel Almirah with Locker-06Nos. for various user areas at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/3761165 Dated 30.07.2023 End Dt.21.08.2023) Tender No.55/CNC/Steel Locker/2023-24/St. | 30-07-2023 | 21-08-2023 |
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1338 | Purchase of Steel Rack-12Nos for various user areas at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/3761127 Dated 30.07.2023 End Dt.21.08.2023) Tender No.35/CNC/Cardiac Biochem/2022-23/St. | 30-07-2023 | 21-08-2023 |
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1339 | Purchase of Steel Almirah-07Nos. for various user areas at CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (GeM bid No.GEM/2023/B/3761074 Dated 30.07.2023 End Dt.21.08.2023) Tender No.53/CNC/Steel Almirah/2023-24/St. | 30-07-2023 | 21-08-2023 |
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1340 | Purchase of Automated Cover Slipper-01No. for Department of Neuro-Pathology, CNC, AIIMS, New Delhi-29. (Tender floated ID: 2023_AIMSD_764373_1 Dt. 30.07.23, End dt. 31.08.23) Tender No.37/CNC/NP/2023-24/St. | 30-07-2023 | 31-08-2023 |
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