Dr. Shashank Sharad Kale
Professor Neurosurgery
Office Phone number: 26594888
Email address: skale67@gmail.com
Brief Profile:
Striving to provide comprehensive spine care at the Neurosurgery Department AIIMS by dealing with complex cervical, occipito-cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral pathologies, tumors, and fusion and fixation, operations has been a constant endeavor. The department is now fully equipped to deal with complex spinal problems with the latest technological advances including Image guided workstation. The minimal access system for spinal surgery is being procured. A research laboratory with facility for cadaver dissection and spinal operations on experimental animals with drill, microscope and computer aids is under development has been developed.
My special area of interest is the cranio-vertebral junction. I have documented one of the largest series of patients in the world on developmental CVJunction anomalies and their management- almost 800 patients. Research on TB of the CV Junction – experience of 75 patients is under consideration for publication. Research of spinal TB with severe neurological deficits in 45 patients has been accepted for publication in Journal of Neurosurgery Spine. In the last 3years I have been invited to lecture/chair sessions/seminars on spine surgery topics all over the country and in international meetings. I have been nominated the Course Chairman for the AOSpine courses at Davos Switzerland attended by more than 300 spine surgeons from 80 countries in the world.
OPD Schedule: Neurosurgery Unit II Tuesday 9 AM to 12 AM, Saturday 9 AM to 12 AM
Inpatients: NS2 ward
Operation Theatre: NSOT First Floor CN Centre
Unit: Neurosurgery Unit II
Number of Beds: 47 + Private Wards
Research Projects: Intra-tumoral drug delivery for anaplastic astrocytoma trial; Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
multi-centric trial
Publications :
- Have cranio-vertebral junction anomalies been overlooked as a cause of vertebro-basilar insufficiency? Agrawal D, Gowda NK, Bal CS, Kale SS, Mahapatra AK. Spine. 2006 Apr 1; 31(7): 846-50.
- Trans-cranial Doppler in severe head injury: evaluation of pattern of changes in cerebral blood flow velocity and its impact on outcome. Ojha BK, Jha DK, Kale SS, Mehta VS. Surg Neurol. 2005 Aug; 64(2): 174-9; discussion 179.
- The role of somatosensory evoked potentials in spinal dysraphism – do they have a prognostic significance? SSKale, AKMahapatra. Child’s Nerv Syst (1998) 14:328-332.
- Effect of whole-body vibration on the low back – A study of tractor-driving farmers in North India A Kumar, MVerghese, PMahajan, PGulati, SSKale. SPINE 1999 Dec 1; 24(23): 2506-15.
- Effect of whole-body vibration on the low back – A study of tractor-driving farmers in North India. A Kumar, MVerghese, PMahajan, PGulati,SSKale. Selected for Publication in the YEAR_BOOK of Orthopedics, 2000.
Original Articles National Journal
- Multifocal intracranial rhabdoid tumor. Suri A, Singh VP, Kale SS, Mehta VS, Gaikwad S. Neurology India 2003 Jun; 51(2): 297-8.
Chapters in Books.
- Complications of Posterior Fusion Operations – S Kale, R Patir. C V Junction Anomalies- an Indian Experience. Ed: Dr. V K Jain, S G P G I Lucknow India 1997.
- Pterional Approach for Sellar and Parasellar Tumours – S S Kale, V S Mehta in Textbook of Operative Neurosurgery. Ed: K Sridhar, R Ramamurthy. (In press)
- Microsneurosurgery of craniopharyngiomas – S S Kale, V S Mehta in Proceedings of Microneurosurgery workshop conducted at A L S Neurosurgical Centre, V H S Medical Centre, Madras India 1998.
- Acute trauma and post-traumatic deformity of the occipitocervical junction. SS Kale, D W Cahill. Textbook of Neurosurgery. Ed: D W Cahill. In Press.
- Cervical Spine fusion in Rheumatoid arthritis. SS Kale, D W Cahill. Textbook of Neurosurgery. Ed: DWCahill. In Press.
- Developmental Osseous craniovertebral junction anomalies: Dilemmas and Controversies. Suri A, Kale SS, Chandra PS, Chabra MS, Mahapatra AK, Mehta VS. Neurosurgery Vol 51(2) August 2002.
- Cranio-vertebral junction anomalies with vertebro-basilar ischemia. SBGaekwad, VGupta, AGarg, GVRamdas, SSKale, NKMishra. Journal of Neuroradiology Aug 2002.
- Pre-op and Post-op SSEP in Spinal Dysraphism – an initial report. SSKale, AKMahapatra. Neurology India (Suppl) vol 42 1994.
- Complications of Posterior Fusion Operations – SSKale RPatir. Neurology India (Suppl) vol 45.1997.
- Spinal Dural A V Fistulas – an AIIMS Experience. AVarma, VSMehta, RPatir, SSKale. Neurology India (Suppl) vol 45 1997.
- Atlanto-Axial Complex Injuries – an AIIMS Experience. SSKale, BKOjha, AVarma, AJindal. Neurology India (Suppl) vol 47 1999.
- Role of Transcranial Doppler in the follow-up of direct carotico-cavernous fistulas undergoing balloon embolization. TArora, VSMehta, NKMishra, SSKale. Neurology India (Suppl) vol47.1999.
- Role of micro vascular Doppler in. Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery. PKumar, VSMehta, SSKale, VPSingh. Neurology India (Suppl) vol47.1999
- Transcranial Doppler ultrasound in severe Head injury. BKOjha, VSMehta, SSKale. Neurology India (Suppl) vol 47.1999.
- Hyponatremia in spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage. PKumar, SKale, VSMehta, SVaishya. Neurology India (Suppl) Vol 47.1999.
- Have cranio-vertebral junction anomalies been overlooked as a cause of vertebro-basilar insufficiency? Agrawal D, Gowda NK, Bal CS, Kale SS, Mahapatra AK. Spine. 2006 Apr 1; 31(7): 846-50.
- Trans-cranial Doppler in severe head injury: evaluation of pattern of changes in cerebral blood flow velocity and its impact on outcome. Ojha BK, Jha DK, Kale SS, Mehta VS. Surg Neurol. 2005 Aug; 64(2): 174-9; discussion 179.