Notice Regarding Institute Ethics Committee meeting
15 April, 2011
Grant of Summer Vacation 2011 to the Vacation Staff.
12 May, 2011
Advertisement for the tender of the shops and Establishments of the hostels.
4 October, 2010
Advertisement for the tender of the shops and Establishments of the hostels.
Declaration of holiday on Thursday the 14th October, 2010 on the occasion of closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games 2010.
18 August, 2010
Short rate enquiry for the items to be purchased under Machinery & Equipment ( Plan) during the year 2010-11
5 July, 2010
Grant of Summer Vacation 2010 to the Vacation Staff.
1 June, 2010
Grant of Institute’s support to meet the travel costs in respect of faculty members and non-faculty staff for participation in the International Scientific Congress/Conference etc. abroad for the 2nd Part of the Financial Year 2010-2011 i.e. 01.08.2010 to
21 May, 2010
Grant of Summer Vacation 2010 to the Vacation Staff.
10 May, 2010
Memorandum - Use of title "Doctor" before name
4 May, 2010
Summer Vacation Schedule of Faculty Members for 2nd half 2009
Summer Vacation Schedule of Faculty Members for 1st half, both halves and break-up period (2009)
Schedule for AIIMS Faculty on Summer Vacation-2008 from 16.06.2008 to 15.07.2008 (2nd Half)
15 July, 2008