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Sujay Khandpur

Sujay Khandpur


Department of
Dermatology & Venereology


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Dr. Sujay Khandpur is a Professor at the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, AIIMS, New Delhi with 25 years of experience in patient care, teaching and research.. His fields of interest include immunodermatology, dermatopathology, photodermatology, psoriasis, cutaneous lymphomas and vascular dermatoses. He has a fellowship in Dermatopathology from University of California, San Francisco and a Commonwealth fellowship in Photodermatology from Cardiff, UK . He has been on editorial board of various scientific publications and guideline committees including editor-in-chief, has held position of President and other executive positions in national and international scientific associations, edited dermatology books and CDs,has over 200 scientific publications in his fields of interest and more than 500 presentations in scientific conferences and meetings. Patient care and teaching is his passion. He has received prestigious Professor KC Kandhari award , Dr. LK Bhutani memorial award, Dr. LN Sinha memorial award, Dr. Ganapati Panja award, Bishnupriya Devi awards and IADVL oration from the Dermatology association for outstanding achievement in the specialty of Dermatology. He was awatded Professor VN Sehgal Gold medal for best MD student.