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Prof. Kaushal K Verma

Kaushal K Verma


Professor and Head
Department of
Dermatology & Venereology


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Prof. Kaushal Verma is the Dean (Academics) and Professor and Head of the Department of Dermatology & Venereology at the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. He did his medical training at the same institution and then joined the medical faculty there in 1992. He served as Dean (Research) from Feb 2023 to Oct 2023 and Dean (Examinations) of AIIMS, New Delhi in 2010-2013. He was appointed Advisor, Govt. of India to Nepal in 2008-2009. He has keen interest in research and worked extensively in the areas of allergic skin disorders and immune mediated diseases and had several extra and intramural funded research projects. He has more than 180 research publications in various reputed journals, 25 chapters in various books and written a book. He has been invited to deliver more than 190 lectures at various International and National meetings. He was nominated Inspiring Physician by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, UK in 2018, following Fellowship of Royal College of Physician (FRCP) of Edinburgh in 2017. He was also conferred Fellowship of Academy of Medical Sciences (FAMS), India in 2019 and Fellowship of International Medical Sciences Academy in 2013. He was awarded several prestigious awards for Excellence in Teaching and Research by various organizations. He has also been Visiting Professor to University of Michigan, USA, University of Ulm, Germany, Consultant to United Nations, Expert to Technical Advisory Committee, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, Advisor and expert to many other bodies of the Govt. of India. He has fellowships and memberships of various International and National professional bodies. His special expertise are in Allergic disorders (Contact dermatitis / Urticaria), STis, Infectious Diseases, Cutaneous lymphomas, and Lasers. Presently, he is the Regional Chair of International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections- Asia Pacific (IUSTI-AP) region.