Additional Professor
Department of
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Additional Responsibility
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Speciality of work
Areas of teaching
Areas of teaching
Professional and teaching experience
Institution | Post | Nature of duty | From | To |
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi | Additional Professor | Teaching, Patient care & research | 01.07.2020 | Till date |
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi | Associate Professor | Teaching, Patient care & research | 01.07.2017 | 30.06.2020 |
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi | Assistant Professor | Teaching, Patient care & research | 23.05.2014 | 30.06.2017 |
Additional Qualification such as awards and members of scientific society etc.:
- Professor M. Murugappan Poster Session –II Award for the poster “Prefrontal Cortical Activity with ADHD” presented at the 72nd Annual national conference of Indian Psychiatric society held at Kolkata in Jan 2020
- Luke Clack Young Scientist Award for the paper “Tobacco use in children and adolescents with ADHD” presented at 15th Biennial conference of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental health conference held at Chandigarh, India in November 2019
- Dr. V.K. Varma Award for the paper “Initial treatment dropout in patients with substance use disorders attending a tertiary care de-addiction centre in north India” at the annual national conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry held at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India in Nov-Dec 2019
- Early Career Psychiatrist Fellowship from World Psychiatric Association International Congress 2016
- Bhagwat Award for the paper “Predictors of retention in treatment in a tertiary care de-addiction centre” presented at the ANCIPS 2015 held at Hyderabad, India in January 2015.
- Travel award from the Science and Engineering Research Board (Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India) to present a poster at the 15th annual meeting of International Society of Addiction Medicine 2013, held at Kualalumpur, Malaysia.
- Dr. B.B. Sethi Award for the best poster presentation at the annual national conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry held at Chandigarh, India in Nov. 2012
- Life fellow of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry and Indian Psychiatric Society
Funded Projects
Principal Investigator
- Stigma in patients with depressive disorders and substance use disorders: A pilot study, funded by AIIMS, New Delhi (completed in 2017)
- Deliberate self harm in adolescents: A school-based study, funded by ICMR (completed in 2022)
- Effects of additional Yoga intervention in Children and Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomised Controlled Trial, funded by DST, GoI (ongoing)
- Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on cognitive functions, symptoms and functioning in Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Randomized Controlled Study, funded by DST, GoI (ongoing)
Thesis supervised for MD/ PhD
- as guide (number only): 1
-as co-guide (number only): 16
Presentations at international conferences (as presenting author)
- Patra BN, Sood M, Khandelwal SK. A case of pituitary macro-adenoma presenting with multiple psychiatric complications. Poster presentation at the World Psychiatric Association International Congress 2012, held at Prague, Czech Republic.
- Patra BN, Sharma A, Malhotra S. Parental Acceptance and Rejection in Children Attending a Tertiary Care Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic. Poster presented at 7thCongress of Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Allied Professions and 12thBiennial Conference of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2013, held at New Delhi, India.
- Patra BN, Sarkar S, Basu D, Mattoo SK. A study on the quality of life of subjects with opioid and alcohol dependence. Poster presentation at the 15thannual meeting of International Society of Addiction Medicine 2013, held at Kualalumpur, Malayasia.
- Patra BN, Sarkar S, Basu D. Perceived Parental Acceptance and Rejection in Subjects with Substance use disorder: A Study from India. Paper presentation at the 4th International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection 2013, held at Chandigarh, India.
- Patra BN, Rajkumar S, Bhargava R, Sagar R. Sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients attending child and adolescent psychiatry (CAP) clinic of a tertiary care centre. Poster presentation at the 22nd World congress of the World Association of Social Psychiatry 2016, held at New Delhi, India
- Patra BN, Sahu A, Bhargava R, Sagar R. Etiological perspective & co-morbidities with SLD. Poster presented at the 23rd world congress of International Association for child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions (IACAPAP) 2018 held at Prague, Czech Republic.
- Patra BN. Epidemiology of emotional and behavioural disorders in children and adolescents. Poster presented at the 23rd world congress of International Association for child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions (IACAPAP) 2018 held at Prague, Czech Republic.
- Patra BN, Rajhans P, Bhargava R, Sagar R. Physical co-morbidities and birth complications in children and adolescents with psychiatric disorder. Poster presented at the 23rd world congress of International Association for child and adolescent psychiatry and allied professions (IACAPAP) 2018 held at Prague, Czech Republic.
Presentations at national conferences (as presenting author)
- Sagar R, Patra BN, Gupta P, Kumar M. Study on Gap Analysis in Mental Health Care Services in Child Care Institutions (CCI) of Delhi State. Symposium presented at the Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS) held at Lucknow in 2019
- Sagar R, Patra BN, Nayar J, Ray B, Gupta R. Management of agitated patient. Workshop for postgraduates conducted at the CME on Consultation Liaison Psychiatry held at AIIMS, New Delhi in April 2018
- Sagar R, Bhargava R, Patra BN, Mahapatra A. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD): Current Status and Emerging Trends in India. Symposium presented at the Annual conference of the Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Allied professions 2017 held at Kolkata, India.
- Sood M, Bhargava R, Pattanayak R, Deb KS, Verma R, Patra B. Developing a model of preventive psychiatry for low resource settings. Workshop for postgraduates conducted at the National Symposium on Preventive Psychiatry held at AIIMS, New Delhi on 11th September 2016.
- Sagar R, Patra BN, Bhargava R, Gupta A. Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Indian Perspective. Symposium presented at the 68th ANCIPS held at Bhopal in January 2016.
- Chadda RK, Sood M, Bhargava R, Patra BN. Development of Preventive Psychiatry Module for General Hospital Psychiatry Units (GHPUs). Symposium presented at the 22nd Annual National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry held at Agra in November, 2015.
- Verma R, Deb KS, Patra BN, Agrawal A. The Broken Mind: Post Disaster Psychological Sequelae. Symposium presented at the 40th Annual conference of Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone held at Srinagar, India in October 2015.
- Patra BN, Sharma A, Mehra A, Singh SM. Self-mutilation as a presenting feature of complicated Alcohol withdrawal. Poster presented at the 66th ANCIPS held at Pune in January 2014.
- Patra BN, Kumar S, Uma Mahewari V, Singh SM. Acute coronary artery disease during opioid withdrawal. Poster presented at the 66 th ANCIPS held at Pune in January 2014.
- Patra BN, Sarkar S, Basu D, Mattoo SK. Initial treatment dropout in subjects with substance use disorder attending a tertiary care de-addiction center in North India. Paper presented at the 38th annual conference of Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone 2013, held at New Delhi.
- Patra BN, Grover S, Aggarwal M, Avasthi A, Chakrabarti S, Malhotra S. Explanatory models in patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Exploratory study. Poster presented at the 19th Annual National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry held at Chandigarh in November 2012 (Won Dr. BB Sethi Award for best poster presentation).
- Patra BN, Grover S, Aggarwal M, Avasthi A, Chakrabarti S, Malhotra S. Attitude towards Psychotropic Medications in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD). Paper presented at the 19th national conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry held at Chandigarh in November 2012.
- Patra BN, Khandelwal SK, Chadda RK, Lakshmy R. A controlled study of plasma omega 3 fatty acids in patients of depressive disorder. Paper presentation at the ANCIPS 2012 held at Kochi, Kerala.
- Patra BN, Khandelwal SK, Chadda RK, Lakshmy R. A controlled study of serum lipid profiles in patients with unipolar depression. Paper presented at 36th annual conference of Indian Psychiatric Society- North Zone 2011, held at Rohtak, Haryana.