Sr. No. | Title | Date of Publishing | Date of Closing | Download |
381 | Benchtop Refrigerated Micro Centrifuge | 21-08-2018 | 04-09-2018 |
(324.72 KB)
382 | SDS gel electrophoresis apparatus with western blot | 21-08-2018 | 04-09-2018 |
(312.62 KB)
383 | Rate enquiry for the supply of BP Instrument spare parts | 16-08-2018 | 11-09-2018 |
Rate enquiry BP.pdf
(462.18 KB)
384 | Purchase of Cassette tests (07/Lab items/NDDTC/18-19/ ST) | 16-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 |
Cassette tests.pdf
(493.82 KB)
385 | Purchase of Urine cassette tests (07/Lab items/NDDTC/18-19/ ST) | 16-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 |
Urine cassette tests.pdf
(493.82 KB)
386 | Purchase of Urine cassette test (07/Lab items/NDDTC/18-19/ ST) | 16-08-2018 | 30-08-2018 |
Urine cassette test.pdf
(493.82 KB)
387 | Purchase of Peristaltic Pump – 1 no. for the Dept of Reproductive Biology, AIIMS, New Delhi | 14-08-2018 | 07-09-2018 |
(172.44 KB)
388 | Purchase of Weighing Balance – 1 no. for the Dept of Reproductive Biology, AIIMS, New Delhi | 14-08-2018 | 07-09-2018 |
(149.66 KB)
389 | Purchase of Stereo Microscope – 1 no. for the Dept of Reproductive Biology, AIIMS, New Delhi | 14-08-2018 | 07-09-2018 |
(148.74 KB)
390 | Purchase of Heating Circulatory Water Bath – 2 nos. for the Dept of Reproductive Biology, AIIMS, New Delhi | 14-08-2018 | 07-09-2018 |