Sr. No. | Category | Title | Date of Uploading | Date of Closing | Document |
111 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Research Officer in the Department of Gastroenterology, AIIMS | |||
112 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Research Officer in the Department of Urology, AIIMS |
(82.24 KB)
113 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow under Research project entitled “Novel sample processing for the simple and rapid diagnosis of TB, MDR-TB and XDR-TB” |
advertisement of SRF_17_4_15.pdf
(22.6 KB)
114 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Corrigendum-Advertisement for the post of Senior Research Fellow (Medical) and Technician in a DBT funded research Project |
CORRIGENDUM corrected.pdf
(86.54 KB)
115 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Senior research Fellow and Field Assistant under WHO-funded community-based project entitled"Oral Health Survey of Ballabgarh Block, Faridabad District, Haryana" |
(428.97 KB)
116 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Research Officer (RO) and Psychologist in research project titled "Study on Gaps Analysis in Mental Health Care Services in Child Care Institutions (CCIs)" in the department of Psychiatry |
(1.54 MB)
117 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the variuos posts at Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS |
advertisement for posts_CCM_22_4_15.pdf
(944.38 KB)
118 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Laboratory Technician and Laboratory Attendant in the department of Microbiology, AIIMS |
(21.72 KB)
119 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Dietician, Lab Technician & Driver, Clinical Epidemilogy Unit, AIIMS |
(320.23 KB)
120 | Advertisement for Recruitment | Advertisement for the post of Data Entry Operator on ad-hoc basis for a period 6 months department of Centre for Community Medicine, AIIMS, New Delhi. |
(39.21 KB)